El Sobrante, CA 94803

"Private property and freedom are inseparable" - George Washington

"The fool hath said in his heart there is no God" - Psalms 14:1 - HINT: Yes the US is collapsing but there is hope in Jesus Christ!! May you seek Him now...

"For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: " - Job 19:25

Why Save El Sobrante??? From annexation by Richmond, rezoning, Infrastructure Financing Districts (IFD's), eminent domain, and Phony "Green" Policies Pushed by Our Current Dist. 1 Supervisor John Gioia Designed to Eliminate Private Property under the Guise of "Climate Change" and "Sustainability"


"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law" - Galatians 4:4





"For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: " - Job 19:25


   SITE UPDATED 10/21/24  


Want freedom? Dump Your Smart Phones AKA Government Surveillance Devices!!!








  God's Plan for Salvation

California's Water Supplies are Dangerously Mismanaged - Did you Know that 50% our Water is Allowed to Drain into the Ocean? Help this New Initiative Get on the Ballot -

Sign up to Help - see More Water Now for Information


"The Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis, or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government...and I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable in which the principles of that religion have not a controlling influence.” - Noah Webster



Here's Buffy with her newborn baby on the Assembly Floor in Sept. 2020 Voting for "Housing" Bill - But Hey! it's OK to Kill Babies like This in CA if she has her way>>>>  

Demonic "Buffy" Wicks,Oakland Assembly Woman with the Girl-Next-Door Name Sponsors AB2223 Legalized Infanticide Bill for California - NOTE: If this bill passes it would be legal for her to kill her own baby - at least her kid is past the killing stage at this point....


California now has Constitutionally empowered INFANTICIde

 Infanticide Buffy: Now that She has Successfully Enshrined Constitutional Infanticide, Buffy Aims to Steal Central Valley Farmers' Water Rights - Way to go Buff!!


BEWARE: El Sobrante Green Party is Trying to Build a Park/CommunityCenter/Cafe on Dam Rd. - Stop This Crazy Project!! WHY? 1) Taxpayers will be forced to subsidize it 2) no parking 3) proposed fence with locked gate 4) person living there for "safety" free of charge 5) will give "public access" to San Pablo Creek and people living behind the proposed park will not be happy 6) a small group of people will control the "park" 7) will take private property off the tax roles 8) location on a major public road used by working folks for commutes - HEARING Jan. 17 at, 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - This small group of people are requesting a bond measure to increase local property taxes and are also requesting County Tax $$ to purchase the land....it is not clear who the actual owners will be but you can bet they won't have to pay property taxes while El Sobrante property owners will have to pay off potential bond measure costs in their property taxes Photo of Dam Rd. Site for Proposed "Park"







  Live - Ongoing SkyFox Cam from Hayward to Golden Gate Bridge - See How the Bay Area looks Right Now


  God's Nonnegotiable Gospel - Pt.1


"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel...for IT is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth" - Mark 16:15, Romans 1:16


 Contra Costa County Has Put out a Survey to see How you feel About putting a Huge new Bond Measure (TAX!) on the Ballot to Raise your Taxes to Fund "Community Colleges" - Please Take This Survey and let Them Know you Won't Support Higher Taxes fot

"Community Colleges"


8/24/24 Here We Go Again>>>>>>




Polish Politician Dominik Tarczynski Takes No Prisoners! Calls Out EU Leftists on Illegal Immigration


  New Poll Reveals 56% of California Residents Considering Move Out of California


New Poll Shows 56% of Californians Are Considering Leaving the State - Just Shows the Globalist's Plan for California is Working!!




 Dominion Voting Machines Reportedly Flipping Votes in Georgia



 Thinning the Herd - Now that MSM is Finally Exposing the Harms Caused by the "Jab" Will New Injectables be Pushed by Our Global Leaders??


 WSPA Responds to Newsom's Political Theater Which Will Have Dangerous Effects on the Western States' Energy Supply

Newsom’s ABX2-1 Will Artificially Create a Fuel Shortage Crisis by Limiting Distribution of Fuel     Chevron executive warns of exit from California as lawmakers vote on oil supply proposal


  The Deep South Illegal Immigrant Invasion Begins - Could Get Nasty! Likely the Feds Will Step in if Any Citizens Use Their Constitutional Rights


  Mask Mandates Return to SF Bay Area Just in Time for the Election!



  Weather Wars – FEMA - and Equitable Mass Murder



 They Are Lying to You About Hurricane Helene!!


  Murder Always Happens for A Reason....


 Iran Fires 400+ Missiles & Rockets, Unleashing 'Hellfire' on Israel as Iron Dome Struggles



 "Modern Economy Rests On Single Road" In North Carolina Where Hurricane Collapsed Bridges - Weather Mod Strikes Again!!


 Hurricane Helene and Frequency Transmissions - Dane Wiggington Reports - "....climate intervention is the crown jewel of the military-industrial complex - with climate intervention, they can blame it on "nature" -DW

 Lying CA Gov. Newsom and CA AG Bonta Suing Major Oil Companies for Not Stopping Climate Change - NOTE "Climate change" is a False Meme Created to Advance the Globalist Agenda - the Real Problem Here is the Fact that Major Oil Companies are Actually Voicing Concerns That "Climate Change is Real - Going Along to Get Along??



 Springfield, Canton, OH - Don't Believe MSM - Residents ARE Witnessing Cats Being Eaten, Abducted and Disapearing!! Story 1 Story 2


  Summit of the Future - Our "Common Agenda"


  California is About to Dump 114 BILLION Gallons of Water into the Ocean


 House Republicans Finally Wake Up and Expose UN/WHO Agenda to Take Over US Government and Establish World GOVERNANCE!! Note Kamala is ALL IN on this Goal and Will Cede our Decision Making Ability to China and Other Anti-US World Governments - US Citizens Need to WAKE UP and Inform Themselves on the UN Summit of the Future  



  If YourChurch Teaches This, Leave Immediately!!


 Western Governors Oppose Nutjob CA Governor Gavin Newsom’s Gas Bill Pushing Venezuela-like Price and Inventory Controls on Oil Refineries

"As 88 percent of Nevada’s fuels are delivered via pipeline and truck from refineries in California, the governors’ warn of the “grave impacts” on fuel prices and inventory if refineries are forced to comply with Venezula-like mandates:"




  Mayor of Citrus Heights Quits, Moves Family to Kentucky - Says CA Legislature is EVIL!! Note: Thanks for telling the truth Mayor - Citrus Heights is a large bedroom community East of Sacramento popular with Bay Area residents who couldn't afford a Single Family House in the Immediate Bay Area - now it, too has become unaffordable!!

Outlaw and Defund Atmospheric Manipulation e.g. Atmospheric Spraying AKA Chemtrails, Solar Resource Management, Redirection of Weather Front, Manipulation of Hurricanes, Typhoons, etc etc ad nauseum


Mike Adams on Dangerous Criminals Flooding into the US to Implement the Replacement Agenda and the Upcoming Activation Day


 Residents of Small Town Springfield, Ohio Being Taken Over by Haitian Refugees Who are Openly Killing Pets and Wildlife and Squatting on Frontyards - as with Oakland Sideshows, Aurora, CO Venezulean Gang Takeover, and Other Towns Across the US, Public Officials DO NOTHING - This Resettlement of "Migrants" AKA Illegals is Being Done on Purpose by Our Lawless US Government in Open Violation of the Constitution and Federal and Local Laws


  Oakland Liquor Store Employee Attacked by Mob of Mostly Black Young Men Wielding Knives and at Least One Firearm - Oakland PD Tells Crime Victims: Don't Defend Yourself - Be a Good Witness!? NOTE: When Store Employee Pulled A Gun the Crowd Quickly Dispersed Possibly Saving Lives and Property


<<<Here is Oakland's REAL Enemy - Won't Prosecute Criminals - Thinks Blacks are Victims and Whites are Oppressors - Her Views are Courtesy Soros, et al

 Public School Taxpayer Ripoff: California Spent $4 Billion (that's BILLION WITH A "B") on ‘ghost’ Students No Longer Attending School in Their Districts - West Contra Costa Unified School District received nearly $40 million in attendance-based state funding for more than 3,700 students who weren’t actually in the district’s schools for the 2022-23 school year.


  Oakland Neighborhood Declares War on Sideshows


  Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry Signs Executive Order Preventing Illegals from Voting


 Hitler Phones Kamala Harris


Body of (alleged) Trump Shooter Reportedly Cremated, Gone...Nothing to See Here -LITERALLY....Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) Tried to Inspect It as Part of Congressional Investigation into Shooting


 While elections keep the population distracted, America is being bought by oligarchs

  The Kamala Harris plan to "fix" the economy will instead crash the economy


 Is Home Ownership the American Dream or an Opportunity for Government Control?



  A Russian's Take on the Confusing Incursion by Ukrainian (and others??) Troops Into Russian Territory



 What Is AI Really? Digital Illusions, False Promises And Mass Reeducation



 Tyranny in the UK Reaches Unbelievable Levels



 Trump or Harris - US Enabled Chaos in the Mideast Will Continue




Tim Walz for Veep? Are they Serious? The Freaks Want to Bring Down the US



 Kyle Rittenhouse Will NOT be Voting for Trump for President 2024 - Trump's 2nd Amendment Record is Dismal



  England is Burning! "Enough is enough"!!!!!! Are we next with random illegal immigrant killings????


  Kevin Kiley Delivers Devastating Critique of the State of California, San Francisco Under Democratic Leadership in Particular Under Kamala Harris


 UK in Total Meltdown - Roving Bands of Machete and Knife Wielding Migrants Randomly Attacking English Citizens


 Three (one more died) children Killed, Seven Injured (that we know about) at Southport England Summer Children's Event by Rwandan 17 year Old Immigrant with Knife....Mayer Tousi Reports - Tommy Robinson Reacts


Tommy Robinson Arrested in London After Showing His Film "Silenced" Revealing Islamist Control in England


  Larry Fink's Plan to Tokenize the Entire World - the Way you Will Own Nothing and Be Happy??


 A Russian Perspective: Trump's New "Peace Plan" Is Tougher on Moscow Than Biden's Sanctions Ever Were


 Congressman Burgess Owens (R-UT) Answers MSM Outrage at Trump Calling Kamala "dumb" (she is) and Other Stuff "...?if she were a white person she wouldn't be sitting where she is now" - "


  British Patriots Rise Up, Demonstrate Today to Defend the Kingdom


 House Speaker Johnson Speaks at the San Diego Border and Lambasts "Border Czar" Harris



 A "Smart" City is a City Plagued by High Taxes and Central Planning [to say nothing of unbearably high density housing]



  Kamala, Heir to the Neoliberal Throne, Promotes Depopulation for Climate Change


 If You Thought Biden Was Bad....RFK Jr. on Kamala's Record


  Marjorie Taylor Greene Grills Biden DEI Appointee Secret Service Director Cheatle on Trump Assassination Attempt


 JD Vance's Connection to Peter Thiel and Government Surveillance Entities (Note: Thiel is a gay billionaire and also claims to be a Christian!?)


  Overview of the Types of US Psyops and the Players


 Videos of Multiple Shooters at Tump Assasination - the Clip of Joy Reid's concerns is Important - Save El Sobrante totally agrees with Reid's assessment - too many questions remain of this event - cui bono?


 The Powers of Darkness are Powerful Especially around Donald Trump - Pastor Calls on Trump to Publicly Acknowledge Jesus as his Lord and Saviour


  GOP Surrenders to Some of the Greatest Evils Known to Man at It's Convention NOTE: It's looking more and more like Trump is a Trojan Hose Candidate


 Home Invasions Plummet after Florida Sheriff Says Shoot Home Invaders to Save Tax Payers $$


  Florida Sheriff Issues Stark Warning to Squatters in His State


 Failed Trump Assassination Attempt - Ridiculous Headlines, Security Ignored Rally Attendees' Warning


 Geoengineering Has the Potential to Cause Unprecedented Ecological Disaster


 Why Are All the World's "Dictators" - Trump, Orban and Putin - the Only World Leaders Calling for Peace??



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Countil Regular Monthly Meeting Wednesday, July 10, 7PM, meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

 This is How Dems Will "Win" Presidential Election - Illegals Getting SSNs Within Four Months of Crossing Border

Marjorie Taylor Green Once Again Proves to be the Only Sane Person in Congress - Telecast as NATO is Meeting in Congress to Get More US Taxpayer $$ to Continue to Kill More Civilizns in Ukraine


 Shame on Trump! He Disavows Well Thought Out Heritage Foundation Project 2025 Plan to Restore Constitutional Government in the US and the Rule of Law



Who "They" Are


 The Oakland Duong Family Dynasty: How a Recycling Empire Funded Top Democrats -Joe, Kamala, & Gavin - with Dirty Money <<<Biden Holding Hands with Andy Duong



  Recent Key Decisions of the Supreme Court (evidently God is giving the US a little more time)


  The "Affordable Housing" Scam Strikes Again! Alphabet agency, unelected bureaucrats BAHFA Votes to Place $20BILLION Bond on November Ballot - Business and Homeowners Will Pay Bigtime When This Passes (and it WILL pass, new voting rules ensure this)!


  Our Identity as Homo Sapiens Threatened by Synthetic Biology


 Oakland FBI Raids Linked to Human Trafficking, Drugs - Time to Go Sheng Thao!!

 Joe Biden's Handlers Knew He Couldn't Stand Up to a Debate with President Trump - It's Obvious They Wanted Him to Look Bad So They Could Replace Him - NYT Editorial (Partially Uploaded BEFORE the Debate) Supports This Potision


  House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) Holds Press Conference Following Presidential Debates


Why are the Globalists Importing so Many Illegals Into the US? It's More Than Creating a Bigger Demonrat Voting Base.....Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities - One Day They Will Be Americans' Woke Overlords!


 Richmond City Council Votes to Put Buck a Barrel Tax on November Ballot - if Passed Would Significantly Raise Gas and Jet Fuel Prices in California - One Woke City Can Harm us All!!


Phenominally Incompetent>>> San Francisco Worst Run City in US Study Finds


 Alex Jones Interview Turcker Carlson as the US Govt. is in the Process of Taking Infowars off the Air....


 We Might Get The Truth Out Of Hunter Biden Yet


  Dr. Francis Boyle: Covid injections meet the criteria for biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction



 Chinese Building Is Globalists’ Dystopian Dream for Us All


 What Happened to the Strongest Military in the World???????? NOTE: The history of modern day Israel's formation is true, the theology presented at the end of this video is not Biblical


  Unbelievable, But True!! US Government Allows Massive Saudi Hay Farm in the Middle of Droughtstricken Arizona Desert


Sun Block Clouds 6/2/24 SF Bay Area>>>Geoengineering Still Going on Bigtime in SF Bay Area...BUT...Alameda City Council Pases Resolution to Stop "Small Scale Geoengineering" Project Currently Underway on Deck of WW2 Aifcraft Carrier Stationed in Alameda Harbor


  The World Loves Donald Trump!!


June 4, 1944 - 80 Years Ago Today Thousands of Brave US Soldiers Stormed the Beaches of Normandy to Free Europe from the Dark Forces of Globalism, the Same Forces Threatening the US Today>>



 MTG Warns of Upcoming Pre-Election Destabilization Tactics by the Evil People Controlling Our Government


 Tucker Carlson Interviews Erik Prince: The Secret Life of Cell Phones - ANOTHER REASON TO DUMP YOUR CELL PHONE NOW!!


 CalTrans Launches Road Tax Pilot Program

 The effects of mRNA Injections Editing Our Genes Could be Devastating to Our Humanity


 Brave 14YO Girl Confronts Woke School Board with Constitution and Refuses to be Shut Down Regardiing Sexually Explicit Books in Public Schools


Powerful Forces Want to Limit Our Mobility - Another Outrageous Move by These Technocrats - Pinole Bans New Gas Stations and Starts Bay Area Gas Station Bans


 Democrat Feds Sue State of Arizona to Allow Illegals to Vote in Swing State Arizona!!


  Oppose the WHO "Pandemic Treaty" and Get Shot!! Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico Shot Multiple Times on Street of Hanlova


 UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees


  CHP Used to Disperse UCLA pro-Palestinian Encampment - Why Aren't BLM Protests Reacted to in the Same Way?? HINT: Zionism in Action



  Red Alert! WHO "Pandemic Treaty" is Now an "Agreement" - US Will Cede Authority to a Global Entity - World Government Sneaks in Via a "Health Agreement"

Proposal for a World Health Agreement

Globalists Plot Worldwide Depopulation via WHO Pandemic Treaty


  Limited Hangout: A Sprinkle of Truth



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council 5/8/24 Agenda Packet - NOTE: Prior meeting minutes and agenda start at pg. 90


 House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) Received over 1/2M$ in Contributions from AIPAC




<<<Unless it's an anti-Trump or BLM protest - Zionism in action


 Dem's Push New "Anti-Semitism" Bill - Matt Gaetz calls it "ridiculous hate speech bill" - Points Out Some Excerpts of the Bible Would Be Deemed "hate speech"


>>>Make Ukraine Great Again>>>>>  Marjorie Taylor Green Continues Her Fight Against the Uniparty - Calls Out Her Fellow Republicans Who are Actually Democrats


 J6 Detainee Jake Lang Beat Up, Isolated - Held Illegally for 3 Years Without Charge, Bail


 Gavin Newsom's Abortion Tourism


Long Term Weather Forecasts Wet Rain Storm in Early May - KCBS Predicts Rain on Saturday 5/4/24



  Gov. Newsom’s and AG Bonta’s Affordable Housing Shakedown Scheme - The state is breaking cities over these policies


 A Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed | Explained in Under 2 Minutes


  Happy Earth Day! The ‘Climate Crisis’ Is a Globalist Hoax


Biden Admin-commissioned report Concludes Pfizer & Moderna mRNA Shots Cause Myocarditis

 Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) Warns Fellow Senators Not to Ignore Impeachment Proceedings Against Cuban Born Alejandro Mayorkas - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Follows Up


Climate Modification in Bay Area is Definitely Going on - Should Be a Sunny Day, started out that way, But Now there is a Grey Pall Over the Entire Sky - Photos Here


California Sets New Rule for Chevron, Gas Price Is Expected to Rise - Ronald Stein


  Get Ready Bay Area - Secretive Experiment To Shoot Aerosols Into The Sky Over San Francisco To Increase Cloud Cover to Prevent "Global Warming" - Similar Experiment in Sweden Backed by Bill Gates Cancelled Due to Public Outcry


 Happy Birthday NATO


  House Speaker Johnson has Changed Himself from a Christian Conservative to a Woke Liberal - MTG Asks if He is being Blackmailed

Full Interview Here


  Youtuber "Joe & Nic's Road Trip" Just Visited Oakland and Found "DYSTOPIAN Oakland: The Worst Run City In The USA? See For Yourself"


 Feds Plan to Kill Half a Million West Coast Owls - are these nighttime creatures interfering with your rural spy activities??


  Californians Pay High Gas and Highway Taxes and Still Drive on Bad Highways!


  California is preparing to defend itself — and the nation — against Trump 2.0   - Readying an Army of Bureaucrats!!


  Gov. Gavin Newsom: How to Destroy California in Less Than 10 Years


 Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs Into Law Bill Protecting Property Owners from Squatters


  Moscow Concert Hall Attack May Have Been Staged Event!?

 Russian Reporter Shows Strange Video Footage from Moscow Event...Q: how many people were actually killed? why were people walking around aimlessly while shots were being fired?


  Terrorist Attack on Russia Has USA Fingerprints All Over It - UH see Update Above


  Unconstitutional Eavesdropping Operation Against Americans to Limit Gun Ownership Announced by DOJ



 The Meatgrinder Begins! Pepe Escobar Reports

 The Latest LAFCO March 13, 2024 Agenda Item #5 to Consider Dissolution of Community Service Area (CSA) R-9 in the nincorporated El Sobrante Area - Report on Dissolution- Note Dist. 1 John Gioia is Asking LAFCO for Time to Assess if a Property Tax to Fund CSA R9 is feasible - Watch out El Sobrante property owners, Gioia flying under the radar with this one and would love to get yet another property tax on the ballot to fund this useless CSA NOTE: the parks in this area are totally underused


 TESLA? Space X Has received $4.9Billion in government (taxpayer) support - meanwhile dangerous Tesla EV's are fueling fires all over the world


  In El Paso - Large Mob of Illegals Rip Down Border Fence, Attack Guards and Force Their Way into the US



"If you see an empty house in American you can squat in it" - Illegal Alien TikToker Advises Illegal Aliens How to Take Over Empty American Houses


 Private Property: No Longer a Right in the New "Woke" USA - Homeowner Taken Away in Handcuffs for Changing the Lock on Her Own Home - Squatters Rights Supercede Homeowners' Rights in New York

The Way It Was: "Private Property and Freedom Are Inseparable" - George Washington (the 1st President of our Country for you Public School grads)

The Way It Is Now: "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy" - Herr Klaus Schwab - globalist leader and major scumbag


 Doc Rich Reports: Is This Why they're So Afraid??



 Local Dist. 1 Supervisor Socialist/Woke John Gioia Celebrates after Shaking Down Contra Costa's Largest Employer/N. CA's largest Energy Producer Chevron Refnery to the Tune of $40Million!!


 California is Being Destroyed By Design! Riverside Sheriff Calls Out the Corrupt Supermajority That Has Been Running California Government for Decadese


  EXIT the WHO



Chevron Could Potentially Close the Richmond Refinery Due to Ridiculous Air Quality Edicts - The Results for California Would Be Disastrous


  California's Shocking New Income Redistribution Plan


 Nuland Accidentally Reveals the True Aim of the West in Ukraine


 El Salvador President Nayib Bukele Speaks Out Against Globalism at CPAC


 Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed


 Serbian Leader Vucic- yeah, that Serbia that Clinton tried to destroy - Warns World Leaders at the Munich Security Conference are "no longer" Working for Peace - World Leaders Acted More Like 'football fans'

Related: Yahoo front page 2/20/24>>>


 San Fran AKA "Poop Town USA" Appoints Illegal Immigrant to Elections Board NOTE: But hey! She's an "immigrant rights community advocate" from China


 Neuroweapons and the Worldwide "Battle" to Control Human Brains


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council (ESMAC) Regular Monthly Meeting, Wednesday Feb. 14, 2024, Meeting Room Behind the ES Public Library - AGENDA


 The Move to Electrify Everything Again Shot Down by the 9th Circuit - Court's latest ruling has national implications and affirms that bans on direct use of natural gas violate federal law.



 Tucker Carlson Reflects on His Interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin



 The 7th Annual Fake News Awards


 As Privileged US Black Globalist Puppets Call for Reparations for the US Slave Trade which Occured Over 150 Years' Ago Candace Owens Gives Some Hard Facts About Today's Ongoing Slave Trade


 The Elephant in the Room


 Texas Border Dispute Shows Entire Constitutional System Collapsing in Multiple Ways


 Genetic Scientists are Creating Health Doomsday for Humanity


 Unveiling the Unthinkable: Florida Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo Warns of Foreign DNA Impact Thru mRNA Vaccines Bottom Line: Foreign DNA Contaminants in COVID vaxes Can Travel into Your Cells Via Lipid Nanoparticles in the Vaccine and Even Possibly be Incorporated into Your DNA


  Society 5.0: Hell on Earth - Nanotrechnology will Drive the Digital Transformation



     Uncelebrate MLK Day - Alan Stang on MLK


Nick Johnson Visits the Texas Border and Finds Chaos 


The Deadly Rise of Scientism: We All Suffer Once You Can No Longer Debate "The Science" 


 American Independent Journalist Gonzalo Lira Has Died in Ukrainian Prison - His Father's Recent Interview with Tucker Carlson


 Russian Whistleblower:  Putin Quietly Confirms that Moscow Never Wanted Donbass!!


<<<<<<<<<<<<The Uniparty


 Early Voting is Destroying Our Nation


 The Republic of South Africa Files Criminal Charges with the ICC Against Israel for Genocide in Gaza


  My Father Is an Imam in Gaza. Hamas Kidnapped Him for Refusing to Be Their Puppet....Which Begs the Question: Who is HAMAS, Really??


  The Black Activist Trying to Save Oakland from Phony Woke Progressives


These New Laws Take Effect in CA in 2024 - More Limits on Rancher, Farmer Rights to Water, Limitation on Landlord Security Deposits (to "ease housing" availability) and many other laws to limit California Citizen's freedoms - California continues the downward slide into oblivion


 Dr. Peter McCullough: "Negligent Homicide..."


Military Situation in Ukraine 12/17/23 - Enlarged Map

Military Situation in Palestine 12/17/23 - Enlarged Map



Label on every gas pump in California>>>>>> California Gas Tax Revenue Will Drop by $6 Billion

   Most (not every) Restaurant in San Fran is Closed NOTE: Street realigning to Include "bike lanes" has eliminated parking


 Taxpayers are Subsidizing Rich EV Owners — to the Tune of Billions



 Fake or Real?? The 1969 US Moon Landing - AI Says Fake



Israel-Palestine war: How Israel uses AI genocide programme to obliterate Gaza


 12/7/23 - Pearl Harbor, 82 years' ago today - Pearl Harbor, the Mother of All Conspiracies  - Pearl Harbor Redux - Pearl Harbor Was Not a Surprise Attack - Pt. 1 of 8

 Tucker Interviews Michael Shellenberger on the Climate Activists' Elitist Death Cult




 Mounting Mischief from Electric Vehicles


 Downtown Sacramento Completely Shut Down Hint: Sacramento is the capitol of California


 One Russian's View of the Coming "Peace" Negotiations with Ukraine


  Thanksgiving Proclamations


  JFK Assasination Anniversary: From Mongoose to Gladio

 Stephen Gardner's Interview with Vince Ellison Exposing the Vast Network of Evil That is Today's Democratic Party

  Climate Justice, Nonsense on Steroids


 California is Governed by Worthless Human Garbage: 30 Mins. of Rock Solid Evidence   

 Update: LA's I-10 Closed in BOTH directions INDEFINITELY! Massive structural damage


  The Globalist Vision: “15 Minute” Prison Cities And The End Of Private Property


  Vivek Ramaswamy DESTROYS Entire Republican Debate Panel in 5 Minutes!


What Do Russian Patriots Think About the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict? "First, let me just point out that Hamas is a totally Mossad-run organization that was fostered specifically to destroy the PLO and other secular nationalist resistance organizations."



  Latest and Greatest with Stephen Gardner


 Meet the Russians w/ James Corbett



 $oros-backed George Gascon - Corruption by Any Other Name


<<<$4000 per combo - The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children


  Doug LaMalfa(R-CA) Exposes the Baseless EV Agenda Pushed by Biden's Sodomite Transportation Secretary


 Every State Should Do This.....Arkansas Passes Law to Prohibit Chinese and Other Powers Hostile to the US from Owning Land

Chinese Land Ownership in the US


  Israeli War - Selected Articles - VIDEO of Israeli Response - Horrific Attacks on Israeli Citizens and Visitors - Who is HAMAS? - SF Competing Demonstrations


 Jason Whitlock Interviews American Hero Matt Gaetz

 Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: “Before” and “After” America’s Destructive Wars The CIA Sponsored Islamic Insurgency (1979- )




 Israeli False Flag?



 Jan. 6 Video Contradicts Capitol Police Hero Harry Dunn’s Charges of Racist Trump Voters



 White House, President Biden KNEW COVID Vaccines Were Killing People Over 2 Years' Ago!


 Pastor John McArthur Calls Out Gavin Newsom for US Billboards Advertising CA Abortions Including Biblical Quotation


 Dr. David Smith Exposes the Criminal Cartel Known as the WHO


 Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) Delivers Epic Rant Against Nutjob Gavin Newsom

 California Democrats Declare War on Proposition 13 - and All Private Property - and All Taxpayers


 Never Forget Building 7


 9/11 Analysis: From Reagan’s Al Qaeda Sponsored War on Afghanistan to George W. Bush’s 9/11


  Alex Jones Interview by Zionist Russian "Patriot/Right Winger" in Which Nothing But Lies are Propogated - Don't Be Foolted!!


 Will We See an Assasination Attempt Against Trump Before November 2024??


 Half of Vaccinated People May Never Stop Producing Spike Protein


Short Video from 9 years' Ago on Weather Manipulation


 Vivek Ramaswamy Is Not Eligible to Become President of the United States!


 Depopulation, Climate Change, and Weather Weapons


  The Mona Lisa of Mugshots


 Keep Your Kids Away from Disney!!


  The Black Conservative Movement is Growing!!



>>>> 1Pacificredwood is back: Video showing how weather manipulation destroyed Hurricane Fernanda, the precursor to Hillary-Will Hillary be used to destroy property in SOCAL?? MSM is certainly touting that possibility...


 What's Going on in Syria? More US Interference for sure....


  Maui Wildfires and the Theft of Sacred Land




  Doctors CAN Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting - Wednesday Aug. 9 - 7PM in El Sobrante Library Meeting Room - AGENDA


  Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed


  MSM Is Pushing the UFO Agenda - Could Globalists Fake an Alien Invasion? - (they could with Star Wars technology - saveelsobrante)


 Another (Fatal?) Attack on our Food Supply - think CRISPR Technology


  Something Big is Brewing in a Louisiana Courtroom - Jon Rappaport Reports


 Agent Zelensky


 Control of Food Steps Into High Gear


  Transgender Empire


  Child Slavery and Movie "The Sound of Freedom"


Rolo Slavsky Reports: Kissinger sez' "(Ukraine/Russia) negotations by end of year" and Probable End of Putin [that's when enough white people will be liquidated - saveelsobrante]


  Corruption Converges: Pope Francis Holds Secret Meeting with Bill Clinton, Alex Soros


 President Trump's 4th of July Speech


  Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch, the US House of Representatives Introduces Bill to Defund WHO


  By 2030 you will not eat meat and you will be allowed only three items of new clothing a year, report says


"I Don't Think We'll Ever Get to the 2024 Election" - Col. Douglas McGregor


 Mike Adams' Take on Recent Events in Russia HINT: Don't believe the Western MSM lies



Trouble in Russia: Russia Braces for Extreme Weirdness as FSB-Prizoghin Deathmatch Begins - Unidentified Military Forces Enter Rostov

  Sea Birds' Last Refuge: 4G and 5G Radiation Sickness from the Cell Towers - NOTE: are you noticing that the number of birds and insects has dropped precipitously here in El Sobrante? - honeybees are almost non-existent....


Tucker Carlson Twitter Feed - Ep. 3 on Political Agenda Against Trump

"Nobody with Trump's views is allowed to have power in this country..." - Tucker Carlson


This is How "They" - County Planners and the County Board of Supervisors - Want El Sobrante to Look in the Future - HIGH DENSITY!!


  Newsom's "28th Amendment" on Guns is An Anti-Constitutional Power Play - He's Running the California Mafia Now and This is Just the Start to Ban Guns in the US

“Do you know why there’s a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one.” —Rush Limbaugh



  Massive Canadian Fires Being Driven by Climate Emergency Activist Arsonists


Col. Macgregor & Dr. Ravassi Discuss the Current Globalist/NATO Provocations Against Serbia and the Ongoing Ukraine War


 George Soros and the New York City Subway Tragedy - Criminals are being set free, while heroes are arrested for Murder!


 US Climate Czar, John Kerry, Announces War-Like Effort to Shut Down America's Food Supply



 NATO Stirring the Pot Again....Major Escalation in Violence in Central Europe - May 30 Update, Violence Spiralling Out of Control


 BART Ridership Way Down - Yet Officials Refuse to Make Cuts, Accelerates Toward ‘fiscal cliff’


 mRNA Vaxes are Actually Nanoscale Machines - Programmed and Injected (so that's what the graphene is for...)


 Jewish Pro-Russian Zelensky Before Being Co-Opted


  Illegal on Streets of El Paso Has Message for US Citizens


 Richard Medhurst Reports on World Events: Ukraine Invades Russia? Belgorod, Bakhmut, Ukraine vs Lula and Much More


 After 224 Days of Fighting, Russian Private Military Group Wagner, Takes Bakhmut - Remaining Ukrainian Soldiers Flee



 How John Durham Documented the Biggest Illegal Dirty Trick in U.S. History & Why No One Will Be Held Responsible


 Zelensky Surprise Visit at Arab League, Assad Speech, Ukraine F-16, Imran Khan & More! - 3 Hrs. long but covers lots of important ongoing international news - NOTE: Richard uses profanity when excited and takes the Lord's name in vain


  Why CA Farmers are on the brink of bankruptcy, despite epic rainfall | James Gallagher



 Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Articles of Impeachments Against Corrupt Democrat Politicians - Congress: Do your job and pass these articles!! Today, apparently, it takes a woman to do a man's job!


 Downtown SF to Become Ghost Town (No Go Zone)


 What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?


Who Stole the 2020 Election??


 The NYT Smear Campaign Against Tucker Carlson


The Global Pandemic Treaty - a Blueprint for World Tyranny Under the Guise of "Health"


  John Gioia Dist. 1 Supervisor Woke/Socialist/Career Politician's New Plan to Set Up New State Bureaucracy to Combat Homlesness -

NOTE:  the similarity to the WHO Treaty used here on a local/State level to set up a new bureaucracy to combat a problem that was caused by the Socialist/woke agenda - that's how Socialistm works, cause a problem then provide a solution that takes away your liberty


 Military Invasion? 100s of Young Chinese Men Entering US Open Border




 How Long Have You Been Eatiing Gene Therapied Pork?


 Tucker Carlson Interviews Technocrat Fraudster Elon Musk


Democracy vs Constitutional Republic


Elon Musk's Horrible Math - Tesla's "Master Plan" for Weather-Dependent Renewables Will require 960 years of Gigafactory Battery Output - only the elite will have as much power as we routinely enjoy today


 Footage Shows UN Sponsored Mass Migration Camp in Panama Funneling People from All over the World into the US


 Scott Ritter and Judge Napolitano Discuss the Current State of the Ukraine War and Recent Document Leaks


 Food Destruction Agenda Continues: Unknown Number of People Injured, 18+ Thousand Cows Killed in Dairy Explosion - (they love to kill babies AND animals)


 On April 9, 2023, Christians worldwide will Celebrate The Resurrection of Christ, the most important event in world history!


 Anarchy USA w/ Intro by Chad jackson


 Green King Charles Gives Go Ahead to Creating New Species of Plants and Animals



 Russia Set to Roll Out Digital Ruble


 Russian Rolo Slavasky Chronicles the Ongoing Slavic War So Far...


 James Corbett Outlines the Horrific Impact of the Upcoming CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) to Croatian Andrija Klaric

Arresting Putin??? Or Arresting All Out Western Revolt!!!!!


Russian Rolo Slavasky: Recent Arrest Warrants Against Putin and Trump Ought to Be A Wake Up Call



$40 BILLION for BLM and Associated Causes



 Sen. John Kennedy (R-La) Calls out President Biden for Bailing Out Silicone (sic) Valley Bank; Reveals Why Investors Pulled Out....


The House of Cards is Now Falling as Fed Raises Interest Rates


  The Murky Past of CDC Boss Redfield, & Anthony Fauci's Acquiescence In It


MTG Proposes a "national Divorce"



 San Berdo Mountain Residents Refused Back onto Mountain with Needed Supplies - no Reason Given - the Great Reset in Action, Folks - Recall during Hurricane Katrina Citizens were not Allowed to Offer help to Stranded Victims?


Our Food Supply is Being Attacked: weather control, GM foods, attacks on food processing plants, deliberate supply chain interruptions, spraying bacteria on crop fields, etc. - listen to the Attack on Food Symposium HERE


 California Fleein'



 The Jan. 6 "Insurrection" Narrative is Now Starting to Dissolve


High School Student Arrested for Saying There's only two genders


 Investigative Reporter Digs Up New Facts in 2 pt. podcast:: The Ohio Train Disaster pt1 pt.2



 Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca Says Western Powers Used HAARP Weaponry as Payback to Turkey for Refusing to Bow to NATO's Agenda


 Mexican Drug cartels taking over Montana

  How Foreign Drug Operations Are Taking Over California’s Desert Towns - Northern California Takeover - these criminal cartels use human trafficking for labor and steal masive amounts of water to grow marijuana - your elected politicians are scared of them and local law enforcement can do nothing to stop them....


 Turkey-Syria earthquake: an act of terror?? No evidence so far...


 Ballot Measure Would Require Voters NOT Politicians to Levy New Taxes

 Continuing the Great Reset Agenda of eliminating food production worldwide, now we have a huge egg factory fire in New Zealand and it's not just food production that's prompting the destruction of eggs....


 Mirror Mirrow on the Wall, Who’s at Fault for California’s High Energy Costs?



 Central Valley Farmer Explains Why the Guvmint Flushes 98% of our Rainwater to the Ocean NOTE: This is another way the Great Reset is being implemented- kill food production




 Biden Said Food Shortages Would Be Increased, Now Food Plants Burn and Livestock Die En Masse - Food Processing Plant Destruction a Global Phenomanon - NOTE the Eco terrorists used to "spike" trees in NorCal in order to harm the lumber industry...now they're destroying the world's food supply on a massive scale for their "Great Reset" Masters


 The 2023 World Economic Forum: How They Plan to Run Your Life


World Leaders Agree to Cattle Tag the Planet - Russian Edward Slavsquat reports.. - for Updates on the Russian Biometric System, et al



 Bomb Cyclones and Atmospheric Rivers: Is Someone Messing with the Weather? Answer: Of course they are...when the Satanists running our world possess that kind of power, don't you think they'll use it and call it "climate change"?

 Owning the Weather  Remember this????Then Secretary of Defense Cohen pointed out we have complete control over the earth's weather....


  Scotland’s Plan to Implement 20-Minute Neighborhoods AKA Climate Lockdowns Nationwide NOTE: Many US Cities Have Proposals for 20 min. neighborhoods e.g.Portland, OR, Detroit, MI, et al

 "Climate Lockdown" Test Case in Oxford, England: Under the guise of "controlling traffic," officials are attempting to control the lives of the people in Oxford, England. This must NOT be allowed to set a precedent.


     California's Agricultural Future is in Jeopardy

One Year Ago California Almond Growers Talk About Political Suicide for the Central Valley - 75% of the Water is Dumped into the Ocean - How the Satanists Running the State are Deliberately Cutting Food Production in the Central Valley.


 Massive amounts of rain flowing into the delta....instead of pumping it into reservoirs for people and farm production, it's being dumped into the ocean!! former central valley farmer REPORTS


 Pregame Prayer a Sign NFL Less Hostile to God??


More Diabolical Injury Planned for Honeybees - USDA Approves Vaccines for Honeybes


Secret Negotiations Aim to Turn Global Governance over to the World Health Organization

Taking advantage of what used to be normal winter storms: Biden cowtows to CA mafia and declares CA state of emergency opening the way for FEMA interference and more wasted federal tax $ The abnormally high winds hint at weather modification....measured rainfall in El Sobrante only indicates what used to be a good rainfall year


 Here's how AWFUL Oakland, California is Today. Is it Unfixable?

"If you want to drain the swamp you can't put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise - we can't allow the uniparty to continue to run this town!"


 Fearless with Jason Whitlock - Real talk on the Damar Hamlin tragedy



Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest and will not recover

‘Vehicle Kill Switches’ Now Mandated In New Cars By 2026 - mandated by Biden's Infrastructure Bill just signed into Law


 Garland Nixon Opines on New Years' Day 2023 on the Failed US Empire



 Santa Putin - Note: Russia has Outlawed LGBQT+ Propaganda


 Startup Company Says It’s Begun Releasing Particles into the Atmosphere, in an Effort to Tweak the Climate    Make Sunsets 


 Geoengineering/Weather Control used to cause blizzards in early 1900's - white death - PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY/CLIMATE CHANGE - NOTE: with current technology the California drought could be over almost overnight

The Blizzard of 1949


 How Extreme Has the Dumbing Down of America Become?? - Read Charlotte Iserbyt's Book Here


The Duran with Galand Nixon Discuss Putin's Speech and Zelensky's US Visit


 Here's Why Zelensky Really Came to America This Week




  Biden Sinks to New Low - Invites Drag Queen Marti G. Cummings to Signing of Unconstitutional "Respect" for Marriage Act


 As the corrupt Jan. 6 Investigation Committee Attempts to Jail Trump to Halt His Presidential Bid, the Same Scenario Unfolds in Turkey where Globalist Tyrant Erdogan Jails His Main Opponent in the Upcoming Presidential Election


 Gov. Ron DeSantis Holds mRNA Vax Accountabaility Roundtable Dec 13, 2022 w/World Renowned Scientists and Vax Injured People


  Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Roundtable Discussion on COVID-19 Vaccines


  Four US Navy Sailors End Their Lives At Same VA Facility Within A Few Weeks


  More than 70 water agencies in California could face water shortages in the coming months


 Canadian Dan Dix Exposes Balenciaga Ads Promoting Pedophilia


 Canadian Clothing Manufacturer Runs Ad Promoting Assisted Suicide


 Did You Know?? China Has Police Stations in more than 20 Countries to Go after Dissidents


 "Trusting the Plan" in the Russian World is Life Threatening - Russians Left Behind in Kherson face Torture and Death

NOTE: Save El Sobrante favored the Russians early in the Ukrainian conflict, but now believes recent events may show Russian complicity with NATO aims and goals


Kherson-Forever with Russia>>> Kherson withdrawal: Views from Russian Media - Yes, Russia is Complicit in the Great Reset - Scott Ritter's View on the Russian Kherson Withdrawal




 US Continues to Destroy Yet Another Country- This Time It's Haiti



 The Hell that is China's "Zero COVID" policy


 Scott Ritter & Garland Nixon Talk "Dirty Bomb" . 101st Airborne, etc


 California Covers Up Public School Students' Test Scores just in Time for Tony Thurmond's Re-election Bid


US-NATO vs. Russia: The Weaponization of Western “Freedom and Democracy”


 Globalists are Going After Our Food Supply


Cattleman are Being Told to Shut Up - No Free Speech Here, Either


 Jan. 6 "insurrection" was staged - Pelosi Set up Camera Crew Prior to Events


 US Set to Invade Yet Another Country - Haiti in US' Crosshairs - Haitians Fed Up with US Puppet Running Country


  Online Petition Needs Signatures to Ban Bright Blinding Headlights on US Roads


  Russia Responds to Western Sponsored Terrorism in a BIG WAY - Hits Military Targets, Not Civilians Like Ukraime/NATO -


  Western Sponsored Terrorism Rules the Day in Crimea - Patrick Lancaster Interviews Crimean Citizens on the Terrorist Attack on the Beautiful Bridge Linking Crimea with Ukraine


 The Duran w/Jackson Hinkle on the Nordstream Gas Line Explosions


 How the US Government Helped Build the Soviet Union's Industrial Development  Pt. 1  Pt 2   Read Book Online Antony Sutton Interview



  Global Elite Gather in NYC to Plan the Next Big Power Grab Undr the Guise of Climate Change


 Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: All You Need to Know - Globalists Open Another Proxy War on the Russian Border


Predicted Rain "Event" AKA "Storm" Fizzles Out over the SF Bay Area - Massive Weather Modification in Play....<<<<Less than 1/4 Inch rain in SF Bay Area~!!



 Weather Modification Going on Bigtime in SOCAL - 1Pacificredwood reports on nefarious use of WSR88D Microwave Transmitters to Destroy Tropical Moisture - 9/8/22 - 9/11/22 - 9/11/22 Pt. 2


Biden's Latest Speech Background Designed to Thrill?>> Creepy Joe Biden's New Executive Order States Genes (our genetic makeup) Must be Programmed Like 'Software'


   Alexander Mercouris, Brian Berletec, et al Report on Ukraine, World Events


  The Human, Environmental Costs of EV's (and cell phones and all kinds of electronics)


 King Charles III, the Author of the Great Reset is Now in Power - Warning: Tyranny will be Stepped up Bigtime!!

Yeah Right>>>>>.<<<<Yahoo! Front Page One Day After the Queen's Death

Russian Communism in Recent Decades - Christian Gomez examines the role of Russia’s Communist Party and how Russian President Vladimir Putin is following their playbook with regard to Ukraine in order to rebuild the Soviet Union, via a new “Eurasian Economic Union.”


 As the Biden Administration Continues to send Billions of US Taxpayer $$$ Overseas to Kill Innocent People Thousands of Miles Away, This is the Scene in Jackson, Mississippi


 UPS Driver Collapses at Front Door from Extreme Heat - Sending Drivers Out to Die NBC News Report


 US Railroad Workers Set to Go on Strike


 2019 RAND Paper Warned US of Failure During Ukraine Conflict - RAND Paper


 US Invades Syria (again), Kills People, Claims Self-Defense


 Silent Protests Against China's "Zero COVID" Policy



 The Truth About Ivermectin



Floods, floods, floods around the world  Mississippi's Largest City Faces Water Crisis  Flooding Causes Widespread Devastation in Pakistan


 Tensions Rise in the Balkans - Serbia and the US/NATO created Region of Kosovo Go at It Again - NOTE: Hundustan Times is quasi-pro-NATO


 Apocalyptic Weather Update: 8/21/22: Extreme Flooding in Moab, UT - Baseball Size Hailstorm Hits DesMoines - China Issues Drought Alert


Gravitas Plua Special Report: Cold War 2.0 - Who Will Shape the New World Order?


 Scott Ritter and Diane Sare (running against Chuck Schumer for US Senate) discuss Being Blacklisted by Ukraine and NATO use of US Taxpayer $$ to Limit American's Rights to Free Speech


 Weather Manipulation Around the World Wreaks Havoc, Advances the Great Reset/Climate Change Agenda: Apocalyptic Storms Sweep Europe - Las Vegas Flooding - Flooding in New Zealand - China's Drought and Power Crunch - Now the same people who control our weather are predicting a "megaflood" in drought stricken California


 FBI Raid on Mar A Lago Unconstitutional - America Today Resembles Feudal Europe

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams 1798


 Distressing Dependence on the Covid Face Mask: A Tool of Social Confinement. Dr. Nicole Delépine


 Important New Ukraine Update: Brian Berletic Interviews Mark Sleboda, American Who Immigrated to Russia


  Love Him or Hate Him - We Need Alex Jones


 New High Density Housing Coming to the Pinole Lucky Shopping Center on Fitzgerald Dr. at Site of Closed KMart - Tomorrow's Ghetto - up to 1000 new residents - what can possibly go wrong??



 NATO-Created Country of Kosovo vs. Serbia - Tensions Rise Between the Two - the Next Confrontation Between NATO and Russia??


 The Untold Truth about Humanitarian Aid


 Zelensky, Wife Make Fools of Themselves in Vogue Layout


 Northern California Woman Arrested in Connection with Gruesome Murder of El Sobrante man "Rick" at 478 Appian Way in April of this Year


  Davos Elite Plan to "Fundamentally Change the Way Food Is Produced and Consumed"


  Putin and China just did the unthinkable and the West is in big trouble | Redacted w Clayton Morris - SaveElSobrante does NOT support Clayton's stock tip


  Geopolitics of the EU Energy Crisis - Explanation with Diagrams - Amit Sengupta


 Brian and Angelo Go over Current World Events - Sri Lanka uprising funded by US NGO (go figure)


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Zoom Meeting - July 13, 2022 - AGENDA - This is single family home on Appian Way Whose Owner Requests Approval for a "Downtown El Sobrante Planned Unit Development" - 8 multi family units - Iten DI.3 = This is the danger of changing the "General Plan" - it allows high density housing along Appian Way and Dam Rd. - NOTE: More properties along Appian Way in the upgraded "General Plan" are slated for vacancy - Mike's Appliance and the car repair next to El Sobrante Feed Store - the little brick house next to the Pho restaurant is for sale - when these vacate, the new owners will likely build high density housing in these locations


Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid The PCR "Covid-19 Confirmed Cases" are Meaningless. The Multibillion Dollar Antigen and Home Test Project is Fake


 Georgia Guidestones Blown Up after Partial Demolition from Unknown Source - CERN Turned On to Accomplish Unknown Nefarious Agenda


 Patrick Lancaster Reports on Horrific Ukrainian War Crimes


 NATO Puts 300,00 Troops on High Alert - Steps up War Against Russia and Declares China an "Emerging Threat"

 Baby Killers Come out of the Closet and Worship Satan in Public!! - It's Not about "Choice", It's About EVIL!! - NOTE: Westen is a Catholic, a member of a Cult Masquerading as Christianity but His Fight Against Abortion is Needed


 Patrick Lancaster Reports on Kharkiv Region -NOTE: what a beautiful country Ukraine is in the Springtime


This is why America is a Dying Empire - Pedophiles Come Out of the Closet - Perform explicit Sex Acts in Front of Children in Seattle, LA, et al


 Pro-Baby Killers Block LA Freeway in State Where Abortion is Legal and the State Will Use Taxpayer $$ to Fly in Women for Free Abortions - NOTE: Where did these idiots get the green flares?? NOTE: Piles of Bricks in Mysteriously Appear Near US House of Reps Office Buildings - Maxine Waters Calling for Violence - "to hell with the Supreme Court"


Related: <<<<Hey, if the PTB Can't Kill them via Infanticide, School Killings, Use the "Jab"...."urgency for Parents", yeah right..


Diversity is our Strength....


  Scott Ritter/Ray McGovern War/Economy Update via Regis Tremblay - Narrative Crumbling - End Game in Ukraine - It's The Economy, Stupid

Update on Another NATO-Russia War Front: Turkish-Kurdish Tensions in Syria Expose NATO Dysfunction - "the US uses the Kurds to host their illegal occupation of Syria" in territory where food is grown and where oil is found -


  The Bigtime Vax Scam: Antibodies


  Justin Bieber Releases Shell-Shocked Video Telling Fans He Canceled Tour Because Half His Face Is Paralyzed

 Ukrainian Floating Mines, not Russian Blockade Keeping Huge Wheat Shipment in Odessa Port - Ukrainians Continue Shelling Downtown Area of Donetsk, a War Crime Ignored by Western MSM


 Ukrainian Commander Defects to Russia


 Credit Unions and Banking Groups Warn of “Devastating Consequences” of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency   - See Comrade Omarova's Cornell Paper on Fed Control of Your Money

NOTE: Comrade Omarova, another wacko Biden nominee, was rejected by the US Senate for Top Banking Regulator Job...looks like her ideas may come about anywho...see LA Senator Kennedy Grilling her during her hearing


 Important new Video by Brian Berletec - Oslo Freedom Forum: US Proxies Train and Plan for the Next "Ukraine" - "...to topple a government for good, you have to be organized"


 Pope Blesses Dead Cardinal Who Hired Gay Hookers While Dismissing Sexual Abuse


 Nuland-Pyatt Ukraine Regime Change Video Restored to Youtube


 US Transportation Secretary Buttigieg's New Scheme to Shut Down Your Family Car  National Roadway Strategy Safety Report 1/22


 The Upcoming Monkeypox Plandemic


 Brian Berletec's New Atlas Ukraine Update 5/28/22



  Soros' Shill, Contra Costa DA Diana Becton's Husband Named In Underage Sex Lawsuit


 People Protest Rising Food Prices Across the Globe


 Brian Berletec Outlines the Ways in which the US & Allies Plan to Control the Entire World Through Proxy Wars, Propaganda, Foreign Aid, Assassinations, Color Revolutions, NGO Interference, Bioweapons, Food Production, et al (he doesn't mention weather control)


  STOP the Denial - Ukraine is a Proxy War that will Lead to a Wider War

 Here We Go Again....Monkey Pox Cases - As This New Disease Rises, a New Big Phama Vaccine Just Happens to Be Available (Go Figure...)


  Panic in Sri Lanka - Coming Soon to the US?? this is the result of the US' Satanic Sanctions Policies on Russia - Which Countries Could Go the Sri Lanka Way??


 PLANNED FAMINE: US Government Has Been Paying Farmers to Destroy Crops and Livestock for YEARS



  Who Will Own Everything, Including You?? Dr. Joseph Mercola opines....

 While we're occupied with the War in Ukraine....the World Health Organization is Prepared to Take Over US Sovereignity - Michelle Bachmann Warns us....


  Mariupal Citizens Celebrate Russian Victory over Ukrainian Neo-Nazis - NOTE: You won't see smiling faces like this in globalist occupies countries like the US, France Great Britain, Germany, et al


 Is China Preparing for War with Taiwan??


  Brian Berletec's Latest Analysis:  Russia Making Slow Steady Progress


  Ukraine Coverup Getting Worse


Shocking Old Zelensky Videos That Illustrate How He is Compromised and Is Now a NATO Puppet

  Regis Tremblay's Interview with the Inimitable Dean Henderson:  War For Our Humanity - Putin & The Great Reset - Who's Behind It All



 As "President" Biden Seeks Billions in your Tax $$$ to Help the US Fight Russia to the Last Ukrainian, the Truth of what is Really Happening in Ukraine is Starting to Come out......


  Patrick Lancaster Reports from Mariupal Where Russian Soldiers are Giving Food, Medicine and Aid to Civiliians who Couldn't Leave During the Fighting


  Turkey is invading the Kurdistan region of Iraq – and the world has hardly blinked


  Erdogan’s Dervish: Turkey Pivots Again, Ready to Face-off With Russia in Syria


 Mask Zealots are Sadistic People


 Food Processing Plants Being Burned down All Across the US!


  Patrick Lancaster Films Active Street Battle in Mariupal 4/20/22


 COVID Litter is Polluting the Environment and Killing Wildlife, Reports Say


 Latest and Greatest from an American Hero: Scott Ritter Debunks the Latest Ration of Lies from Globalist MSM


   Patrick Lancaster Tours Devastated Once Beautiful City of Mariupal with Survivor - Note many stray dogs whose families were likely killed...very sad


 American Diplomacy Hits a New Low - US' Blinken Tries to Threaten India's Cooperation with Russia


Shanghai Lockdown Victims Scream from Their Balconies


 Children in the Congo are dying in Chinese Cobalt Mines - cobalt needed to power EV's which will be mandated soon in California


  Nano Particles Increasingly Found in Food

Brian Berletec Debunks the Latest Western MSM False Flag in Ukraine


 Ukrainian Refugee Camp Forming in Tiajuana


  Poll: Being Vaxxed And Boosted Associated With Wanting to Risk WW3 Over Ukraine


 Brian Berletec Throws Light on Recent Western MSM Claims of Russian "War Crimes"  


Life in Eastern Ukraine Before the Russian Intervention - Two Excellent Videos: Independent French Journalist Anne Laure Bonnel "Donbass 8 yrs. of War" & RT Film "The Grey Zone"


  Get COVID Tested, Give China Your DNA



    Did You Know? the Pinole City Council has Secret Plans to Convert the old Kmart site on Fitzgerald Dr. to a High Rise Affordable Housing Complex? Former Pinole City Councilwoman Debbie Long Tells us in the Pinole City Council Minutes


Western MSM Affirms: Ukrainian Forces are Guilty of War Crimes



 Pentagon-Ukraine Bio Labs: the Hunter Biden Connection


  Patrick Lancaster - Mariupal War Crimes - Ukrainian Forces Continue to Terrorize, Kill and Displace Innocent Civilians


 Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs to Stave Off War with Russia


Russia Uses Kinzhal Hypersonic Missiles in Ukraine....


  Russian Operations in Ukraine: Week 4



 Brian Berletec Warns that the US/NATO Are Preparing to Pull a Ukraine-type Intervention in China via Taiwan


  Patrick Lancaster Reports from Mariupal - only American there....


 EBMUD Reservoir Water Supply Report 3/17/22


  Anti-Russia? Try This on For Size...

Related: Antony Sutton: Persecuted But never Prosecuted - Best Enemies Money Can Buy pdf


 Regis Tremblay Interviews former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter on the West's Propaganda War on Russia and Putin in Particular....."The notion of Russia as an adversary of the US is an absurdity, an invention of the media and some extreme elements of the government..."


 NATO Arming and Training Nazis in Ukraine, as US Floods Russia’s Neighbor with Weapons - ?the enemy of my enemy is my friend (even if it's a Nazi??)


 Patrick Lancaster Reports from Donetsk - Senseless Ukrainian Cluster Bomb Attack in Center of Donetsk Kills Civilians - Ukrainians Bomb Civilian Home in Donetsk for the 2nd Time Since 2014


3/14/22 - Another rain-bearing front off Coast....will the Weather Controllers Allow it to come onshore??


  Iran Missiles Strike (secret) US Facilities in Erbil, Iraq - NOTE: nothing on MSM from the usual suspects, Lindsay Graham, Cruz, et al + Israel


  As Ukraine War Fills the Airwaves, the US backed Yemen War Rages on...MSM backpages it..another US intervention halfway around the world killing thousands = New World Next Week Reports


  Russian Embassy Claims US Filled Ukraine With Biolabs To Genetically Target Russians


  Update from Donbass Front - Regis Tremblay Interviews Tex Bentley - 3/11/22

 Brian Berletec & Angelo Giuliano Latest and Greatest on Ukraine War and It's Impact on the World....NATO Trained Nazi Brigades, Forgotten History and more....



Ukrainian Crisis Actors Just Can't Keep Still - VIDEO




  Russia-Ukraine war: A different invasion, the West's same 'madman' script


 Pepe Escobar: How Russia Will Counterpunch the EU/US Declaration of War


Putin Address on Military Situation in Ukraine - 3/6/22

 Important New Interview with Dr. Zelenko - Manipulating the Human Genome with CRISPR Technology - Taking God out of the Picture...


  Brian Bertelec & Alex from Reporterfy Important Interview


Ukraine Shrinks Again...



 Regis Tremblay from Crimea Interviews "Tex" Bentley in Donetsk - 3/2/22 Update on Troop Movements


NATO Destroys Countries - Brian Bertelec & Angelo Giuliano Interview



3/2/22 - Massive Weather Front Approaching California - Will the Weather Controllers Allow it to Come Onshore? Weather Forecast sez' rain "showers" Thursday, Friday & Saturday

NO, this front was NOT allowed to come onshore...on Thursday very light sprinkles and little else....

Owning the Weather - Report to USAF in 1996 - A Recommended National Report for Weather Modification


4th Generation Ukrainian Tells the TRUTH About Ukraine - Applauds Putin Coming In to Clean Up the Mess...



  Russell Bentley - Live From Donetsk The War Intensifies - Listen HERE - listen to Russell's Youtube channel for daily updates - also Regis Tremblay's Youtube Updates from Crimea


The US is the Major Instigator in Ukraine   Map of Russia

 What's Happening in Ukraine?....A Massive Power Grab to Take Ukraine Away from It's Citizens Courtesy of the Great Reset...


 El Sobrante: Why is it cold and windy today? Because a massive rain bearing cold front from Alaska is being held just offshore by our not too friendly weather controllers


  You've Got covAIDS! - #NewWorldNextWeek



Youtube meteorologist 1Pacificredwood breaks down massive weather control to keep rain bearing fronts out of California


 Officer Tatum Breaks Down Disgusting Racist Showtime production called "Everythings Gonna Be All White"


 Weather Control/Geoengineering is the Greatest Threat to Mankind - Dane Wiggington of Geoengineering Watch Latest Interview with (Annoying) Alex Jones - Feb. 2, 2022 Satellite View of Intentionally created Drought in California



   Dr. Tenpenny & Clay Clark – The Vaccination Agenda Is Darker Than Anyone Could Imagine


Phony "green" recycle business out of Richmond Continues to Trash El Sobrante


  Massive Canadian Truck Convoy Protesting Loss of Freedoms in Canada Attracts Huge Crowds of Supporters Along the Way, Has made $5M in Go Fund Me Support


  Sen. Ron Johnson's (R-WI) Holds Public Hearing on the Pandemic Response - MSM Totally Ignores It - Sen. Johnson is an American Hero for Assembling this Group of Medical Dignitaries to tell the TRUTH!!


 Aaron Rogers may have lost to the 49ers tonight, but he is a hero and winner in what is really important - TRUTH!!


 Dr. Peter McCullough Latest Interview with Canadian Physician - Describes How He Lost His Professorship at Texas A&M, and other Medical Laureates for telling the TRUTH!!


  Russia vs Ukraine - another viewpoint....Express UK


Contra Costa Board of Supervisors Vote to Ban Natural Gas in Any New County Construction - 1st County in California to Institute this Insanity.....when Gas Powered Autos are banned, the strain on the grid will result in lack of electricity for home heating, et al


 SCOTUS' Decision Aligns with Great Reset/COVID Agenda NOTE: Trump Supports SCOTUS' Decision


    US Continues Meddling in Eurasia: Chaos in Kazakhstan - Russia Repels US Interventionists - More Info - Kazakhstan Chaos, In Depth Analysis



  South African Dr. Chetty - Short and Sweet....




  The Jan. 6 (2021) Insurrection Hoax


  Critical Thinking is Dangerous!!

Christmas and Christ...Christmas as generally celebrated today is one of many carry-overs from Roman Catholicism that survived the Reformation.



The area of Richmond and Vallejo will be a new seat in the region, the likely landing place for Democratic Rep. John Garamendi, whose current Walnut Grove north state district has been largely broken up among neighboring districts. Garamendi announced his candidacy in the district shortly after the commission approved the maps. - Who is John Garamendi? He's land wealthy, but has debt - He believes it's your patriotic duty to get vaxxed!!


  Biden’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Faces Showdown at Supreme Court


  Russia Reveals Where WW3 Has Already Begun - in Cyberspace!!


Pfizer Innoculations for COVID-19: More Harm then Good - REAL Report put out by REAL Doctors using REAL science


  Biden's Bounty on your Life: Hospital's Incentive Payments for COVID-19 - Over 50? Better Stay out of the Hospital!


Eurasian Consolidation Ends the US Unipolar Moment


 Former Richmond Police Chief Magnus Whose Chief Claim to Fame is that He is an Openly Homosexual Male AKA "Change Agent" Named Top Border Cop - Border Patrol Agents Crushed...


Why did Gov. Newsom Take His Family to Cabo Luxury Resort AKA Russian Dachau Costing $23K+/Night?? Steve Kirsch Thinks It Might Be for Stem Cell Treatments for His Presumed Vax Injury


 Mike Adams Interviews Vaccine Analyst Steve Kirsch


Get the Shot or Get Shot - Vaccine Pushers Step up the Pressure on Those Who Refuse the COVID Vaccine


  Polio - Another Man Made Disease - the History of Polio and Vaccines - Post WW2 Kids Get Hammered


Stepping Up the Tyranny: Fake News Headlines on Yahoo Front Pge 11/26/21:  #1

#2 OMICRON?? Listen to David Icke and Alex Jones Discuss World Tyranny a Few Days' Ago - NOTE: Disregard Jones' big Mouth...lots of truth here


  For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV


  Australian Horror Story: People Being Forcibly Moved to "Quarrantine Camps"

Disturbing Stories Emerging from Australian "Quarrantine Camps"


 Forced 5G Rollout for All Cell Phones Will Likely Interfere with Aviation Devices


The Meta(verse) Reality is Here! (Facebook Rebranding as "Meta") Beware Sheeple!!



  Former Santa Clara Univ.(a Jesuit institution) Professor Maynard Charged with Setting California Fires NOTE: saveelsobrante has held the position that most of these fires were intentionally set to accomplish part of the"Great Reset" Agenda


 Dangerous, Disgusting, Inevitable? Biden Nominee for Office of the Comptroller of the Curreny, Communist Saule Omarova Questioned by Sen. Toomey for Advocating Fed Takeover of All Bank Accounts and worse.... NOTE: Who should be accused of Russian collusion now??


 Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October



  "Net Zero" = neofeudal - New World Next Week Breaks Down the COP 26 Agenda and Other Important Stories


  Heroic Senator Rand Paul Calls Out Fauci AKA Dr. Death for Lying About Gain of Function Research (using CRISPR technology widely used in Bay Area companies, especially the East Bay)




  Louisiana Senator John Kennedy is a gangsta'!


  Thousands Rally in Los Angeles Against Mandatory Vaccines


  Aaron Rogers, NFL Championship QB Excoriated by MSM for Daring to Go Against the Company Line


 James Corbett and Whitney Webb Discuss How the West Institaged the Rise of China - AUDIO - VIDEO


  Plans of a Technocratic Elite



  Vladamir Putin Warns: Political 'wokeness' is Destroying America



 Satanic "TWIX" Candy Ad aims at promoting child witchcraft, male crossdressing (just in time for Halloween!)


  COVID Vax Creatures: Live, Self-Aware Critters Found Under Microscope


  California Continues to Destroy Businesses - Contra Costa In -N-Out Burger Locations Forced to Shut Down for Not Enforcing Vax Mandates for Indoor Dining - Customers Demonstrate


  Keep your kids out of dangerous public screwels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0be6OHQWgEc - https://www.newsmax.com/us/mainstream-media-school-board-rape-transgender/2021/10/13/id/1040308/


  Global Blueprint Exposed: The Takeover of All Genetic Material on Earth


  Fauci Lied, People Died - NIH Admits Funding Gain of Function Experiments


  CDC, State Health Departments' Study Destroy Vaccine Mandates


 US/China using weather Control to Breakup many rain bearing fronts formed in October 2021 from dropping rain in California - creating Fake Weather AKA "Bombogenensis" AKA "Bomb Cyclone" AKA "Atmospheric River" to Deluge California over Burn Areas - just business as urual for the "Great Reset" crowd


Laugh du Jour - What's Really Going on with SW Airlines?!


 Biden's Hell cont'd.- Drug Cartels Fire Shots Across US' Southern Border

  Mexico Rejects New Variety of GM Corn - Bayer Will Sue - NOTE: Globalist shills say Mexico can't reject GM Corn under the USMCA Treaty


 A Sinister Agenda Behind the California Water Crisis? Looming Food Supply Crisis


  Impact of COVID-19 Vaccinations on Mortality Worldwide


 Biden's Hell - Drugged up Kids Being Trafficked on US' Southern Border


  21Wire Important Dialog - Piers Morgan and Basil Valentine - How COVID is Being Used to Propagandize and Brainwash the Public, the Need for an Independent University to Promote Free Thinking, etc




Thierry Meyssan Proven Correct: 911 Initiated an Evolution of the US

 Dr. McCullough Speaks Out: Pt. 1 - Successful COVID Treatment in Home, PCR Test Fraud - Pt. 2 - Dangers of Injections - Banned from Youtube


  Larry Elder Egged by (Paid?) White Woman in Gorilla Mask, Endorsed by Former Head of California Democratic Party - LA Police Chief asks: Why is this not a hate crime??


  How the Pandemic Illusion is Built, Step by Step


Privileged Punk - All in the (Extended) Family - the Gov. Newsom Story


This is How the Great Reset Will Continue to Control the Population and Further Demoralize Yet another Generation of our Children....Using Admittedly False "COVID" Tests


21Wire Episode Episode #386 - Australia Lost: Massive demonstrations push back police, Andrew Bogut whistle blower; Interview with Ian Davis - DOWNLOAD His Book PseudoPandemic, a Compendium of COVID Events Preparing us for....?


  Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta



Tyranny Comes to America - CDC Proposed Concentration Camps as COVID Measure


  Progressives Have Ruined California


 LA Times, the Voice of SOCAL MSM Calls Larry Elder the "Black Face of White Supremacy"


 Analysis: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan back with a bang

The US 'loss' of Afghanistan is a repositioning and the new mission is not a 'war on terror,' but Russia and China

  Understanding Modern Empire: Military Force vs. Admin Force - Ravage & Rule


Self-amplifying mRNA Produces Spike Protein Indefinitely - Dr. Fleming's Website


  An Early Warning Cartoon from the 1930's


All Christian Kids (and in fact all kids) Should watch This video before Going Off to College this Year


 Sick White House Video Featuring Creepy "Gen Z" Person Named Kooper Urging Jabs in the Arms of All Americans


China Rescinds One Child Policy Because of Huge Population Loss


Obvious Weather Manipulation Occuring in Western Europe, Russia - Massive Flooding in June - Unprecedented Heat Wave - Fire in Athens


Creepy New Children's Book Brainwashes our Kids Into Thinking Fauci is a Hero>>>


21Wire Covers Massive anti-COVID Protests in France (while US Sheeple Don't Realize the Loss of Freedom When it Hits them in the face...)

<<<Macron deliberately stirring the pot and ignoring the fact that both the vaccinated AND unvaccinated are protesting in France in the MILLIONS to Protest the Loss of Freedoms


Mandatory COVID Vaccines - What Can Be Done


 The Threat to US' Food Production - Latest Articles: Factory Farms - China Buying up US Farmland - California to Shut off Water to Central Valley Farmers (Guess who'll buy the land now?)


 Health Canada Announces: Face Masks Contain Nano Graphene Oxide Particles



  Tyranny Starts at Home - County/Dist. 1 Supervisor Gioia Call on All Businesses to Make COVID Vaccines MANDATORY!! NOTE: One of the claims is that unvaccinated persons post a financial risk to companies!!


  Mandatory Vaccines Coming Soon? Alex Newman Reports....


<<<<<Yahoo! Front Page 7/20/21


  Tucker Gives Dumb-as-a-rock Swalwell his due....


  Report: China Sells Minorities Into ‘Forced Labor’ to Benefit Apple, Foxconn, Others



 When the Biden Administration Knocks on Your Door....


Analysis of Pfizer Vaccine by Spanish Researches Show It is 99+% Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles - a Toxic Industrial Chemical


  Governor Gruesome Moves to Change the Rules for Election Recalls in the Middle of His Own Recall!



 Richmond Progressive Alliance AKA Commies Control the Richmond City Council: Now they have Voted to Defund the Richmond Police Department



Dr. Peter McCullough, MD Risks All to Expose the Incredible Danger to Humanity from the Current "COVID vaccines"




  Governor Newsom Announces New Electronic Vaccine Verification Cards

  "She Actually Laughed": GOP Senator Joins In Backlash Against Kamala Harris' Border Remarks


  Teacher Calls 6th Grader A “D**k” For Asking Why Straight Kids Don’t Get Unicorn Cupcakes


 Black Florida Mom Blasts "Critical Race Theory" in front of School Board


Important message from the Recall Gov. Newsom Campaign - please note long list of things Newsom has done to intentionally destroy this once beautiful State!


 Why is Fauci Apparently Being Hung Out to Dry? - well, yes, he should be, but something is fishy here...


 HR5 "Equality Act" Passes House - Will Criminalize Christianity-US Embassy to Vatican Flies "Pride" Flag (Why does the US have an embassy to the Vatican??)

HINT: All roads lead to the Vatican


 Fauci Skewered by Tucker


  “We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action


  Sunday Sermon - an Urgent Call to a Serious Faith in Jesus Christ


 Hey Dummy! You've Been Chipped...Vaccine Magnet Medley


  Science Journals Support Claim that Pfizer COVID Vaccine May Cause Deadly Neurodegenerative Disease




  Blank Inserts Found inside J & J Vaccine Boxes!


 GM Vaccines and GM Crops - Lessons Not Learned


  San Francisco - Designed Chaos NOTE: if their lips are moving, they're lying


Systemic Racism?? Statistics Don't Lie....https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/


   The COVIDIAN Cult Pt. 1 - Pt 2


  Farmers Warn That A Megadrought In The Western U.S. Threatens To Cause Devastating Crop Failures In 2021


  When Will the FBI Arrest LeBron James for Threatening the Life of a White Police Officer??


  Climate Depot's Marc Morano on Biden’s "climate summit": ‘China could not be happier’ - "..."President" Biden's progressive climate plan will only lead to more reliance on Chinese energy"

  Hilltop Mall Has New Owner - Plans Released ("Mixed Use" again)


 Contra Costa DA Soros-backed Diana Becton Charges CA Officer from 2018 Case after Chauvin Verdict


  Fauci, Pope Francis - Birds of a Jesuit Feather


 Masks for Children, Muzzles for COVID-19 News


Critical Race Theory - what is it and how to fight it


Governors Take Stand Against Biden's "30 x 30" Massive Land Grab - Letter to "President" Biden


  Stanford study quietly published at NIH.gov proves face masks are absolutely worthless against Covid


  Biden's Electric cars need chinese batteries!!


 Sunday Wire Ep. 368. 'Smiling Assassins' - US Soldiers Rejecting COVID Vax, Protests Reignite in Minn. and Portland, Important Interview with Brian Bertelec on Conditions in Myanmar


  Arab Spring Redux?? NGO's, the Frontline Instigators for the Globalist PTB's Move Into Myanmar FKA Burma


 OUTRAGEOUS! Foster Kids Kicked Out of Their Home to Make Way for "Migrant Children"



 UK Physician/Writer/Novelist Vernon Coleman - His Latest Video in Which He Decries the Worldwide Tyranny Imposed by a Fake Pandemic and the Fearful Consequences for Mankind


   What do Franklin Graham, Pope Francis and Al Mohler Have in Common?


   The Great Reset is Here: Follow the Money



 China Calling for Civilizational War Against America and the West - Tucker Carlson Show 3/19/21 What do the Chinese Think of Us??



  Kamala Harris - Traitor


 Was "St." Patrick a Christian or a Catholic? - former Catholic Priest Richard Bennett Gives an Historic View of the Evangelization of Ireland Centuries ago by Biblical Christian Patrick and the Horrific Catholic Inquisition that Followed at the Behest of the only English Pope

 Gen C: A Generation Conditioned to Give Up their Freedom


  Important Dustin Nemos update - COVID "experts" - cultural Marxism takeover - "critical race theory" mandated teaching


  It's Here! First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination — Attorney Interview


A Short Proof on Virus Isolation Proving that SARS-COV2 Doesn't Exist - SARS-CoV2 has not been proven to exist: the shocking research of Christine Massey



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Wed. March 9, 7PM via Zoom - AGENDA

NOTE: The failed El Sobrante Downtown-Appian Way Redevelopment Plan was dropped 20 years' ago due to massive public outcry at the huge population and density increase it called for which would have totally changed the semi-rural nature of El Sobrante - now it's back in another form...see details in the ESMAC agenda...it's now called "Envision Contra Costa 2040 general Plan Update for El Sobrante" - once again it calls for massive upzoning and denisity increase in even more areas...the updated zoning maps are included in the Agenda...call in and give your opinion on this incredibly important plan "they" - AKA the County Planner in collusion with International plans for the US - have for us..some County bureaucrat/planner will be giving a presentation on this plan...BEWARE: whenever you hear the words "vision", "visioning," "mixed use", "vibrant", etc you are being set up for a bait and switch operation...




  Weather Modification in Operation over California today, 3/5/21 - can the 55 gal/day water limit be frar off??


US Sen. Kennedy Blasts Biden's "COVID Relief" Bill


  Dustin Nemos - the latest and greatest news - FBI Director Wray Lies Bigtime, etc

 Sunday Wire Program #364- Brian Berletic on the New Space Race - the "cis-Lunar" economy


Why is Big Tech Censoring Important COVID News and Commentary?


  Fading US/Globalist NGO-backed Thai Mobs: Nosey Foreigners, Empty Streets - Thai people wise up to US backed globalist NGO destabilization tactics


  Texas Freeze Raises Electricity to $900 to Charge a Tesla NOTE: Teslas are definitely not built using Tesla technology



 Southern CA weather modification watcher "1pacificredwood" bemoans Biden crime syndicate, lack of rain due to geoengineering in SOCAL

  Watch: Marc Morano on Tucker Carlson on Fox News talking Texas’ frozen wind power folly & Fraud of Green New Deal


  YAFTV: Latest on Texas Energy Crisis & phony "rolling blackouts", Cuomo Killing Fields, upcoming COVID passes

 NOTE: This geoengineered "Polar Vortex" weather pattern was designed to target the Southern Red States and cause untold misery to those who would dare to question the fraudulent Biden/Harris election results...this is the future of the US....not enough energy, people dying needlessly from cold and heat and all in the name of phoney "sustainable energy"....BTW, the ultimate ORGANIC sustainable energy comes from petroleum....old oil fields replenish themselves with time, "sustainable" energy needs unsustainable rare earth metals in the manufacture of solar and wind equipment, metals which create mountains of toxic waste....rare earth metals are 90% controlled by our new controller Communist China....I'm sure they love seeing the US being taken down from within....SAVEELSOBRANTE




 Sunday Wire Screening: "Behind the Fear" - exposing the AIDS scam


Will California’s Governor Gavin Newsom Face a Recall? | Anne Dunsmore


  As the Impeachment 2.0 Kabuki Theater Takes Over the News, US Backed Color Revolution Mobs are Destabilizing SE Asian Countries



  ACHTUNG Baby! Germany's Green Revolution Rescued by Coal and Gas


  Mike Lindell Shows Absolute Proof That the 2020 Presidential Election Was Stolen - Unfortunately No Judge Will Hear the Evidence - This video unfortunately shows there's no reason to vote as the winner is predetermined


<<<Another cold rain bearing front kept offshore, split apart by Satanic weather control Feb 4, 2021


  Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-Cov-2 - If There's No Virus, What are the Medical Charlatans Testing For???


  Dan Dix of Press for Truth Reveals "medical" Renditions Happening Now in Canada Courtesy of the Trudeau Govt./CCP!!!


 What's Going on in Myanmar FKA Burma? Toward an arc of instability in SE Asia?  HINT: This woman is supported by BILLIONS of NGO $$$$


 Moderna Admits: mRNA Jabs Are an ‘Operating System’ Designed to Program Humans


 California is Soaking Wet, But Drought Looms if We Don't Get More Rain - LOTS MORE!!


  New "Strain" of "COVID" or Giant Con??


  Immigration and China’s Threat to Our Sovereignty – Part One: Betrayal of the Golden Venture


 Biden's Goal of [RE]Joining the Paris Climate Accord is to Cripple US' Energy


 In the 'Let's reverse everything positive that President Trump did" category, Biden considers appointing leftist pro-Iran, anti-Israel Robert Malley as "special envoy to Iran" - released Iranian hostages think it's a bad idea




Riots in Portland AGAIN Last Night....Suddenly Police Take Action - Gov. Brown Activates Natl. Guard - How interesting....


 New World Next Week - Bill Gates Now Biggest Owner of US Farmland-Biden Nominates "Mr. Monsanto" Tom Vilsack Sec. of Agriculture-Geoengineering Program to Dim the Sun with "Non Toxic" Chemicals Planned, and more.....


<<< Trio of Globalist Goons Yuck it Up at Biden's "Inauguration", Celebrate the Rigged Election and Take Down of the People's President, Donald J. Trump

  Inauguration Day 2021 – A Dark Cloud Rolls Out Across America

“We’re about to go into a dark winter. A dark winter...” - Joe Biden

Globalism will be implemented by almost imperceptible increments

>Eliminate national sovereignty and independence
>Destroy and replace the free enterprise economic system
>Eliminate private property
>Own nothing and be happy
>Abolishing Christianity
>A cashless society
>A universal income


  A SHOT in the Dark - Vaccine Horror Stories


 Fake Refugees Pour Into Guatemala By The Thousands, Destination US


 Bombshell: Trump Declassifies All FBI Documents in Russia Probe - Chinese-Controlled MSM Totally Ignores!!


 The Power of Nightmares, Chapter 1 - 2004 BBC Documentary on the Use of Fear in Politics - Some Brainwashing, Some Facts, Lots of Excellent Footage of Mid to Late 20th Century




  Dr. Russell Blaylock Breaks Down the Extreme Health Hazards from Wearing Face Masks


 YAFTV (upside down video?) Runs Down the Latest and Greatest: Pelosi MIA, Arrests, Strange Disappearances, Strange Deaths, and Hard to Know What is Happening....1/12/21....1/31/21


  Pelosi Names Dumb-As-A-Rock-Totally-Compromised Eric Swalwell as "House Impeachment Manager" (?)


Viking guy and Pelosi's Son in Law>>>>>>  Independent Leftie Patrick Hemmingsen's Sunday Wire Episode #357 Breaks Down the Hypocrisy and Criminality of the Democrat/Republican Parties in Charge


  Congresswoman Lauren Boebert -- I WILL Carry in DC!!


Praise the Lord for Wind and Rain!! - Jan. 4, 2021 NOAA Image>>>>


"As President, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege". — President Donald J. Trump, December 2, 2020.


 YAFTV Runs Down the Latest and Greatest   <<<Actual Yahoo! Headline 12/30/20!! "officials" and "experts" control the narrative


The Plot to Steal America

Here's Another Way the Chinese Communists are Destroying Privately Owned Rental Property - NOTE: When these landowners are forced to sell, the government will step in and confiscate it....


 Vote Rigging - All Roads Lead to London & Lord Malloch Brown


  COVID-1984 and the Agendas to Come - Spiro Skouras' Interview with James Perloff




The Stimulus Bill is Garbage - Trump Wants to Get Rid of Millions to Foreignors and almost Nothing to US Citizens


Attorney Lin Wood: "the Chinese Communist Party has taken over this country..." - Before Chinese censorship; This is the Real China...coming soon to a town near you????  Children, too!!

Questioning the Party Line Can Be Dangerous to your Career: Contra Costa Co. Doctor Says He Was Reassigned After Questioning COVID-19 Restrictions



Mask Use on Gitmo Detainees and the Inquisition - Used to Humiliate, Control, and Dehumanize Captives  

James Corbett and James Evan Pilato Break Down the Biggest Stories of 2020 including the Masquerade on New World Next Year

  OOPS! Maybe I Shouldn't Have Done That...


  X22 Report Interview with Dr Shiva - "The election process is not one vote one person, its an algorithm created to control the election process."


 Election Stolen using “Automated Test Decks” of pre-filled Biden Ballot Stacks Fed into Dominion Machines Multiple Times after Election Day


  Director of National Intelligence calls China “National Security Threat No. 1”    Chinese Military Bases in the Caribbean Trudeau Offers Canada for Chinese Winter Training

<<<<<<Remember Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941 - Massive false flag event designed to pull the US into WW2


 Newsom's Latest Scam:  ICU ‘trigger’ for lockdowns is below average December ICU numbers



THINK GLOBALISM!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>     Why are thousands of Indian farmers protesting?  Video in India  Bay Area, US Protests 



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council ZOOM Meetiing, Wednesday Dec. 9, 2020, 7PM - AGENDA and Instructions for logging in



  Lin Wood: "The Day of Reckoning is Coming in GA. The Evidence I Have is Stunning!"


  Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Deep State is Working With “Deep Church” to Transform Catholic Church into Spiritual Arm of New World Order - Guess the Holy Bible was right??


 Election Fraud Updates - 12/2/ 20 Situation Update - X22 Report 12/2/20


 California Mafia (coming soon to the US Government courtesy of Joe Biden)

   SF Mayor London Breed (where did this woman come from?) Had Her Own French Laundry Party the Night After Gruesoms'


  Johns Hopkins Study Debunks Death Hoax - Relabeling on a Grand Scale


 Gen. Michael Flynn's First Interview Since Pardon by President Trump

 Recall Governor Gruesome Given 120 More Days to Collect Signatures! - DOWNLOAD SIGNATURE FORM HERE AND SEND IN!!


Situation Update – Nov. 27th – DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe

Ukrainian official press conference drops Bombshell on Biden Crime Family Corruption Stealing Billions from the Ukrainian Treasury - Will MSM report, NO WAY!!


Dr. Andrew Kaufmann Exposes the Pandemic Fraud in Presentation Given at Red Pill Expo 10/20


  David Icke Interviewed in London 11/16/20 Reason for Lockdown


  Thousands March at Stop the Steal Pro-Trump Rally in DC and elsewhere....


YAFTV: Election fraud Investigations in Multiple States, Whistleblowers, Biden Violating Logan Act, et al

StoptheSteal.us - join the Trump Caravan to Sacramento Saturday Nov. 14 - meet at Noon at the State Capitol and show your Support for President Trump and help him stop the Satanic takeover of our Government while there's still time!!


  Klaus Schwab, UberTechnocrat Proclaims "Great Reset" Technocratic Rule


  California and Its Contradictions Rumblings of realignment beneath a solid-blue surface


<<<<<<Weird Yahoo! Front Page Headline Story 11/7/20


  Phony Biden Acceptance Speech, Different Podiums, Empty Cars, Deceptive Video, Virtual Reality.....


 Corruption Reigns on the National Level, but California Scored Some Significant Victories This Election - HJTA Election Recap


 The Definitive Breakdown of the Biden Crime Family


 YAFTV Connects More (Gruesome) Dots


American Militarism Marches On......No MSM Coverage....Scamdemic Provides Cover


X22Report - Latest Trumptruth, lead up to the election


  Biden'sTired Old Infrastructure Plan  Mass transit, eliminate the private automobile, union jobs, etc etc ad nauseum

  Twitter, Biden and the New York Post – Social Media Censorship Kicks up a Gear- Major internet companies now claim the power to block any media they want on a totally ad hoc basis




 Movie Night - "Positively False" - note similarities between "AIDS" and "COVID-19"



 [Pope] Francis the Fox Pushes the Great Reset with Rome's Climate Agenda


 Pastor John MacArthur - What It's Like in California Now...."we don't want to kill people, we want to prevent them from dying and going to Hell..."

 Is the COVID Crisis A Test Run to Institute Micromanagement of Every Aspect of Your Life, "Save" the World, etc etc yada yada yada.....


  Trump is in Danger: Phony Tests, Experimental Drugs (if stories are true...)

 Global Food Shortage Becoming Very Real - Food Shortages Reported All Over the World


 'Cash-For-Ballots' Fraud Uncovered In Ilhan Omar's Minnesota District: Veritas


 Huge Anti-Lockdown Demonstration in Trafalgar Square, London, 9/26/20 - Interview with Dr.Heiko Schöning and His Subsequent Arrest for Speaking the Truth


  Dr. Andrew Kaufmann and David Icke Discuss the Phony Covid Testing with a layman's primer on PCR + the psychological effects of social distancing and the wearing of a face mask


It's Been Shown that so-called "COVID-19" Testing Tests for Your Own Genetic Material - But, Guess What? Our Own Dist. 1 Supervisor/Social Justice Warrior is Now Demandiing All Healthcare Providers EXPAND Their COVID Testing? Why? Do you know any sick people??


 World Health Documentation Shows COVID Tests Test for Human Genetic Material - Can you say FALSE POSITIVE??????


 DEW Weaponry & West Coast Fires - See Dutchsinse channel for ongoing updates- weapons of future now being officially deployed!!


  Trump and Nobel Prize: Make Deals Not War


  Covid update: The grand Ohio legal case for our time, against kings on their thrones


  Vancouver Citizens Anti-Lockdown Rally




 MSM Clamps Down on West Coast Arson Stories - Pushes "Climate Change" Narrative


 " Mother nature is angry...."

  32-Year Veteran's Eyewitness Testimony: 9-11 Was False Flag Operation


  Updates on 911 Truth

  Israeli ER Director: "Coronavirus Does Not Pose A threat to Society...a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test does not necessarily mean the virus is present, infectious, or viable, and the PCR test does not detect the whole virus."


  John MacArthur & Jenna Ellis Interview on Fox News - "We WILL hold church" - showdown comin' up, for sure....evil California may try to shut down a church service next Sunday




 Memo to Dr. Scott Atlas


 2020 Election Chaos Being Used to Bring About Final Technocratic Push AKA Artificial Intelligence  The "Transition Integrity Project" (TIP) Report


  "Cleo" Brings Message of Hope to El Sobrante


  Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement


 President Trump Calls Pastor MacArthur and Thanks Him for Taking a Stand.....Pastor MacArthur's Declaration to the CA Supreme Court


  What is the World Health Organization? Where Does It Get It's Power? HINT: Governments Give It To Them....


  This is What's Going to Happen....


Spiro: Millie Weaver Documents Her Own Arrest

  Millie Weaver's Film 'Shadowgate'


 Plandemic 2.0: The Indoctrination




 The Good News is: "You're here, you're not social distancing, and you're not wearing masks"

 Statement from LA's Grace Community Church - Retains Legal Counsel for the Right to Stay Open in Spite of Newsom and Garcetti's Order

Stand with Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church - Christ, not Caesar is Head of the Church

 Pastor MacArthur's Compelling Interview with Eric Metaxas


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting 8/12/20, 7PM Remote Meeting, Zoom Call in #888-278-0254, Conference code:259959, Meeting ID: 934 3503 5560 - AGENDA - NOTE: Social justice warrior/Dist. 1 Supervisor John Gioia will give COVID update

  IMF BRIBING Countries to Impose Extreme Lockdowns


FLAWS IN THE CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC THEORY - Author David Crowe was stricken by a fast moving cancer after starting this book and died suddenly July 12, 2020


                  A young Kamala with married man and powerful politician Willie Brown - bad taste is timeless!


-  "Nasty" Kamala Harris: Unfit for Public Service - Father Admits She Lies

 "Commie" Harris - The Anti-American, Anti-Christian Choice  NOTE: If link doesn't work, try opening in a new page


 "Progressives" Discuss Kamala Harris - They Don't Trust Her. think She's Really pro-Incarceration - also Show why "Progressive Leadership" is a Contradiction in Terms



  Google Whistleblower (NOTE: this guy might be a limited hangout) Reveals Dangerous Agenda - DOJ Has His Info...


 Recent Massive Explosions in the Middle East, et al - are Tactical Mini Nukes Being Rolled Out on the Sly??

  Richie from Boston, Dr. Andrew Kaufmann, Dawn Lester and David Parker Discuss the Plandemic, the Germ Theory and Other Environmental Factors in Human, Animal and Plant Disease


 Curse Him, then Copy Him....


  Mark of the Beast Debuts in West Africa and other Satanic Happenings



  Is the California Dream Finished??




  FDA Now Says 14 Hand Sanitizers Are Toxic and Potentially Deadly




No One Has Died from the Corona Virus!!

 Face Shields are More Effective at Preventing Viral Transmission than Face Masks - Journal of American Medical Assn.  They don't irritate your face, don't create toxic waste and provide more coverage against droplet transmission (of course we don't really need face covering, but if you wanna' shop, you have no choice...at least you can see the face of the person you're talking to....but, hey...the PTB want us to be anonymous like Muslim woman)


Wearing a Face Mask is Not Needed!!  Face Masks Are Dangerous to Your health



  Read The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 and see how the same things are happening today




 An Asian Techie States: Exposing #BlackLivesMatter: it's just reverse-racism.



Bodily Autonomy in the Corona World Order, "Good"/"Bad" Protests, and more.....

<<<"Good" PC Bodily Autonomy Protest   <<<"Bad" PC Bodily Autonomy Protest



  Tired of "Social Distancing" ?- You May be Classified as a Psychopath




  Right on Schedule! Lockdown 2.0 Begins!


<<<Important New James Corbett Documentary on Bill Gates




  Why is Gavin Newsom Requiring CA Residents to Wear Masks HINT: $1BILLION Mask Deal with China!!


  Lockdown & Release, Lockdown & Release....This is the Plan Until We Kick All Resistance to the Curb - New World Next Week



Dist. 1 Supervisor/Social Justice Warrior John Gioia Pushing Another County Wide 1/2 Cent Sales Tax on all Taxable Goods - Board of Supervisor 6/16/20 Agenda Item #D.13 - Tax Polling Info - "Needs Assement" AKA Justification for a New Sales Tax





                      <<<Encore weekend - Listen Free Now 6/13 - Monday 6/15@10AM


Why are Mass Civil Protests MORE IMPORTANT now Than the COVID-19 Social Restrictions???? Oakland's Bix Weir Asks the Question - NOTE:  Dist. 1 Supervisor/Social Justice Warrior John Gioia is urging his constituents to protest!!  


  Huge Loads of Bricks Shipped In for "Peaceful Protests"


  Contra Costa County Hiring "Contact Tracers" NOW

Beware the "Contact Tracers" - Coming soon to your house whether you like it or not....


 Alex Jones Has a Message to President Trump - Save El Sobrante concurs



  David Icke Talks to Jeff Rense About the Mass Programming Effects of "COVID-19" Rules


  Elon Musk - Bigtime Psychopath (and President Trump's buddy?)

 Flaws in the Corona Virus Pandemic Theory


 "Dark Winter" meme, Bright news filler, et al


 Andrew Kaufmann, MD Details How the so-called COVID-19 Vaccine will Alter Human DNA


  Next Up: Forced Vaccinations, Digital Certificates


  Project Veritas' Expose on NYC Funeral Homes Death Certificates


 NYC Hospitals Killing People with Ventilators, Faulty Medical Protocols


  CDC's Numbers 100% Destroyed by Street Dude With a Piece of Cardboard AKA Johns Hopkins' Fear Porn #'s


  NYC ER Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell Seeing Symptoms He's Never Seen Before in Patients Labelled as Suffering from "COVID-19"


  Nationwide Protests Against Unconstitutional Lockdowns Scheduled for May 1 - openthestates - americanrevolution2


 Southern California ER Doctor Press Conference on the Realities of "COVID-19" - NOTE: This video removed on Youtube and Vimeo but now on saveelsobrante

Here's why Youtube and Vimeo removed the above video: 1)the doctors pointed out statistics show this is a normal flu season 2)there is no public health rationale to quarrantine people that are not sick 3) locking people down is actually causing harm to millions of people leading to drug and alcohol abuse, spousal and child abuse, lessened immunity due to lack of exposure to normal bacteria and viruses in environment which results in 'herd immunity', lack of Vitamin D and staying indoors, loss of employement and money support, loss of Constitutional rights 4)Fauci & Co. are not on the ground to see what is really happening in hospitals around the US 5) in CA many healthcare workers are being furloughed as there are no patients in the hospitals 6) devastating impact on the US economy and the list goes on and on and on.... e.g. this video doesn't spout the guvmint line NOTE: These doctors are being PC but Fauci & Co. KNOW what is happening and realize their phoney public health protocols will enhance a secondary infection later this year just like they are "predicting"



  Lockdown Lawmakers Want to Stamp Out Dissent


  Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr Fauci Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The WHO


Melinda Gates Openly States 1) p(l)andemic will "permantly change the human psyche" 2) we might get back to normal when a vaccine is available


 CBS Reporter Exposes Fake 2009 P(l)andemic


This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years


One of the Many Infallible Proofs of the Resurrection


  Time for the pro-China Head of the World Health Organization to Resign


 Crashing the Economy by Design


 5G High Frequency Wavelengths Damage the Human Body Giving Rise to Flu Symptoms


 The Creation of a False Pandemic


 Contra Costa Congressman Mark DeSaulnier in Critical Condition in Unknown Hospital


  China Using Plandemic to Spread It's Influence -The West Needs to Wake Up to China's Duplicity


  China Buying Up South Pacific Islands - the same Islands Americans died For in WW2



  Is the US under Martial Law?

  President Trump Invokes New Emergency Powers Calling Himself a "Wartime President"


  D. I. - "COVID-19" Truths


  Virus Plandemic and Climate Change Relationship


"Shelter in Place" Order from Contra Costa County Health Dept.


  Corona Virus Scare: Follow the Money


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council March 11, 2020 Meeting, 7PM, El Sobrante Library Meeting Room, 4191 Appian Way, El Sobrante - AGENDA


>>>>>>   The Corona Virus Scare: What to Believe??


   5G and the China Epidemic


 President Trump Talks About Water Accessibility in California


  Coronavirus Hype Straight Out of the CDC Playbook



<<<Bernie Sanders in Sandinista Land - he liked Trump back in the day!! Notice, he's packing heat!!

Why Bernie Sander's Communist Background Matters  



 Insane Governor Gavin Newsom: "healthcare and housing can no longer be divorced....doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing"


Vote NO on PHONEY Contra Costa Transportation Authority Measure J - it will add 1/2 cent to every $ you purchase here in Contra Costa County for the next 35 years!! For what???? Look at the massive layout in the voter guide touting Measure J - paid for at taxpayer expense - also the text of Measure J is missing from your voter guide....where will this money go??? Mostly to administrative costs, then to mass transit, bike trails and other "improvements" the taxpaying citizens don't want or need....people are deserting mass transit in droves due to the dangers involved from the crazy ridership, daily attacks occur on innocent riders, lack of policing, filthy cars, high ticket prices...people want the comfort and convenience of their own private automobile but the unelected bureaucrats on these regional government agencies don't care what the citizens want...they want to tell us how to live, where to live and how to get around....and it's getting worse....see more info HERE

LA Transit Ridership is Plummeting    Bay Area Transit Ridership Tumbling   Transit Ridership On the Decline Across the US


Vote "NO" on Measure R - West Contra Costa County Unified School District - Ballot Argument Against - Rebuttal to Argument For - East Bay Times' Editorial Urges a "NO" Vote on Measure R

  California Drought Continues - Huge Rain Bearing Fronts Dissipated by Satanic Weather Manipulation


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, Feb. 12, 7PM at the El Sobrante Library meeting room, 4191 Appian Way - AGENDA



Little Mike Bloomberg - Unfit for Public Service - Praises Chinese Communism - - Supports Govt. Funding for Transgender Surgery - Bloomberg’s 'Stop and Frisk' Past Comes Back to Haunt Him



  Inside LA's Homeless Crisis Intentionally Made Worse by California Democrats - (Amazing that Adam Schiff, LA Congressman, and CA Senator Pelosi can fault Trump for anything!!) NOTE: It's a drug problem, not a lack of housing

  Typhus Epidemic Worsens, Veteran LA County Official Contracts Typhus, Afraid to Go to Work


  California Drought Continues - Huge Fronts Dissipated by Satanic Weather Manipulation


  Tommy Robinson Speaks to Members of Danish Parliament About the Islamization of Great Britain and Europe and Loss of Free Speech


  Your Smart Vehicle is Recording Your Every Move


  Trump Unveils His "Deal of the Century" for Israel & Palestine

Related: The "Palestinian" Creation

  More Globally Explosive Events Taking Place Under Cover of "Impeachment" Trial: Trump's Deal of the Century for Israel, Palestinians


Global Bigwigs Trial Run for Global Coronavirus Pandemic


  Man who pushed SARS dud now pushing new Chinese virus


Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation Run 3 Months Ago Predicts 65 Million People Could Die  Corona Virus Patent


  The 3rd Annual Real Fake News Awards  


 Right on Cue - Senate passes USMCA trade deal amid impeachment proceedings - if President Trump Signs This "trade deal" It Will be a Major Blow to US Sovereignity and a Betrayal to the People Who Support Him!!!!!!

 A Narco-Nation of Potheads, Courtesy of George Soros

  While Trump & Pelosi Spar on "Impeachment", are They Really Working Behind the Scenes to Pass the USMCA??


 United Nations Looking for "Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officers

  YAFTV Runs Down Trump's Removal of Mideast Globalist Military Henchman Soleimani, Australian Arson Fires, and Behind all this a Vote on USMCA AKA NAFTA on Steroids


  Iranian/American Woman Tells America that Iranians are Happy Soleimani is Gone

 Citizens Across the Middle East Celebrate Death of Soleimani


El Sobrante MAC Regular Meeting, Jan. 8, 2020, 7PM, Meeting Room El Sobrante Library - AGENDA    Note: Another marijuana retail outfit wants to open a "cannabis boutique and art space" at 4100 San Pablo Dam Rd. - a VERY BAD IDEA!!


  Jerry Day of EMFHelpCenter - 5G Update


  Syrian President Assad States Epstein, et al Were Killed for Knowing Too Much....DUH!!


  African Nation of Ugana Bans Any Public Mention of Christian Faith Because It Offends Muslims


  Trump Praises 'Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ' in Annual Lighting of the White House Christmas Tree


 Why Some Chrisitans Don't Celebrate Christmas


Who is this guy named Tom Steyer??


  Trump Impeachment Destroyed in One Video


  The USMCA - What They Are Not Telling You - The Economic Integration of North America AKA Loss of US Sovereignity


  Follow the $$$$$ - the Powerful International Finance Organizations Behind the Climate Change Scam


 ClimateGate Rebunked - Marc Morano Interviewed on Corbett Report


Vote NO on more WCCUSD Bonds! Two current Bonds, Measures D & E won't be paid off until 2060!!


  "5G" is being pushed bigtime now....it's definitely not safe - Scientific American Warns: 5G Is Unsafe


Geoengineering at it's finest: "Bombogenesis", a made up term to explain massive weather manipulation


  NBC Bay Area's Special on the Dangers of BART Ridership - HINT: Most of your transportation $$$ are going to Mass Transit!!

  The Impeachment Kabuki Theater is Covering up Some Real Awful Stuff - Why did the Democrats Just Reauthorize the Patriot Act? (AOC went along with it, too!)


 This is Why The Impeachment Charade Goes On and On.....



West Contra Costa Unified School District Votes to Float Massive $575 Million School Construction Bond on the March 2020 Ballot


  Pastor John McArthur Rebukes Women Preachers - Decries "culture" interpreting the Bible

West County Unified School District Looking to Float Another Parcel Tax or School Bond - Update from Nov. 6 WCCUSD Board Meeting from Taxpayer Organization


  President Trump Adds Cult Prosperity/False Gospel Leader Paula White to his Advisory Team - SHAME ON HIM!!  

"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." - 1Timothy 2:12

"Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets practice divination for money. Yet they lean upon the LORD, saying, "Is not the LORD among us? - Micah 3:11

"I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied." - Jeremiah 23:21

 Syrian President Assad: Trump "is the best American President"


  Russia Says US Stealing $30M/month of Syrian Crude from Occupied Territories


 The death, resurrection, death, resurrection, etc of al-Bag Daddy and other tall tales brought to you by the PTB


  YAFTV Runs Down the Latest & Greatest News - #GETTYFIRE: Trump’s DOJ SURGE, WINNING the Coup #FutureProvesPast


 As Congress Wastes your Time in Phoney Secret Impeachment Hearings, Trump Is Ending the War on American Energy and Delivering a New Era of Energy Dominance!!


Richmond, CA Proposed Ordinance: Massive Power Grab from Property Owners/Renters


  Syrian Girl: "the media is lying to you"...."Syrians oppose both the US and Turkish illegal occupation of our country"


 MSM LIES!! Here is what is actually happening in Syria and why Trump is doing the right thing... HINT: Syria regains it's territory illegally seized by US proxies


 The CIA vs Trump


 Trump Alone Against All



Extinction Rebellion Madness



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Monthly Meeting Oct. 9, 7PM, Elks Lodge, 3931 San Pablo Dam Rd. - AGENDA


YAFTV Runs Down the Latest News including the Phoney Impeachment Push, the President's Important Speech to the UN, et al


PG&E may shut off power as early as Monday in Sierra foothills due to fire risk


 911 Comission Coverup



  Pakistani Christian Man Tortured to Death in Police Custody


 Mind Blowing Epstein Facts You Haven't Heard (and Connections to the Bay Area)


El Sobrante MAC Meeting Sept. 11, 2019 - 7PM ELKS Lodge, 3931 Dam Rd. - AGENDA


 Phoney "Green" Recycling Company out of Richmond Trashes El Sobrante - 9/7/19 Update


 Evicted for "Carbon Credits" - Phoney "Green" Scandinavian Company Grabs Ugandan Farmers' Land


  Dangerous UN Sustainability Conference to be Held in Salt Lake City Aug. 26 - 28


  New Smart Meter Data Compilation Shows Dangers, Flaws



Despite Promises, Trump has Built No New Border Fence in 30 Months!


  Governor Newsom Champions Measures That Would Take Us Back To Medieval Times


  USMCA and the Quest for a North American Union

 Thierry Meyssan's New Book Fake Wars & Big Lies - serialized at voltairenet.org - Pt. 4 of 25 - Muslim Brotherhood as Auxiliary of the Pentagon

  Technocracy News & Trends - 7/12/19 Podcast - Today's podcast Highlight: Global Warming NOT Caused by Man - Listen to Patrick Woods' Daily Podcast Mon. - Fri. detailing the latest news on the Technocrats' control threats


 Amazing Polly Breaks Down the Background of Jeffrey Epstein


Hong Kong Protestors Sing "Hallelujah to the Lord", Tidy up Street in Protest of Extradition to Communist China- NOTE: CATHOLIC Mayor Issued this Edict!


 U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin Officially Introduce Directed Energy Weapons Into Warfare



 South Dakota Re-establishes our 2nd Amendment Rights - Constitutional Carry Signed into Law

  Genocide of African Christians (Black Lives Matter in Africa, too!!)


 The Truth about "Smart Cities" (coming soon to an area near you??)  this woman has a lot of good points....

NOTE: Contra Costa County, the El Sobrante Chamber of Commerce in collusion with the ESMAC tried to push a smaller version of a "smart city" onto El Sobrante around 2001 with the so-called Appian Way-Downtown El Sobrante Redevelopment Plan which was roundly rejected by saavy El Sobrante citizens...now Supervisor Gioia and his cohorts on the ESMAC are making an end run around the Redevelopment Plan by making "smart growth" AKA "mixed use" high density building the option for property owners within the same area which has been rezoned under the "General Plan" update...

 Sustainable Development is a CON Job




 Trump's New Threat to Deport Millions of Illegal Aliens Likely a Lie....


  Female psychopaths at Bohemian Grove?


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Monthly Meeting - Wednesday 6/11/19 at 7PM at the Elks Lodge, 3931 Dam Rd. - AGENDA


  President Trump Honors D-Day Heroes in Normandy, France


 County continues to meedle with and "plan" the lives of El Sobrante citizens thru the "visioning process"


VIDEO from 5/30/19 Envision 2040 Workshop in El Sobrante at the Elk's Lodge on Dam Rd.


 Win for the Unborn...DEMOCRAT Governor of Louisiana Signs Near total Ban on Abortion


  The Deep State's Psyop to Win the 2020 Election

  5G Surveillance Grid


  Alabama’s Near-Total Abortion Ban Signed into Law


  Little Known Clinton Scandal - HORRIFIC!!


 USS McHenry Naval Vessel Quarrantined for Mumps Outbreak Despite 100% Vaccination Rate


 Trump Adopts Kushner Democrat-friendly Immigration Plan


 Why Trump Has Leverage with China




 Do People Actually Go to Hell??



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting May 8, 2019, 7PM, Elks Lodge, 3931 San Pablo Dam Rd. - AGENDA link

  President's son-in-law Supports (controls?) Cory Booker - Dems in Control of the WH


  President Trump Betraying His Base - More Illegals than Ever Flooding Across our Southern Border - campaigns like a populist, governs like a globalist

 GM Babies are Big Business!!


  California's Impending Grid Problem (Thanks to EV's and the "Green Agenda")


  The Resurrection of Christ - the Best-Proved Fact in History

  California's Impending Grid Problem - Rush to "Go Green" Threatens Power Grid - EV's devour huge amount of energy


  Seattle is Dying....It has a Drug Problem, Not a Housing Problem...same thing in Jokeland and SanFranfreako

<<<People Like This Are Destroying America, particularly American men


 The Dark History of the Move to Raise the Minimum Wage


  The Globalization of California


 Forget "Creepy" - Biden Has a Major Ukraine Problem


Midwest Apocalypse: Satellite Data Show "At Least 1 Million Acres Of US Farmland" Devastated By Floods




 Russiagate - a short satire

 Kellyanne Conway Nails It!!


 Local Crime Doesn't fit the National Narrative



 Transits Declining in Importance

  The Growing Epidemic of Cops Killing Family Dogs - The Department of Justice estimates that at least 25 dogs are killed by police every day


  Venezuela Blackout Follows Regime Change Blueprint


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, Wednesday March 13, 7PM, Richmond Elk's Lodge, 3931 Dam Rd., ES - AGENDA

 You Are Free TV Runs Down the Latest - Denver Airport Murals, Montauk Project, et al


 Quantum Computing Explained in 10 Mins.

 Where did AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, et al come from?? Quite literally, from a casting call by a group called Justice Democrats




 The Dark Side of Green Energy


 Barbara Pendergrass, longtime Chairman of the El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council has Passed Away - Info on Services

    Conspiracy to Take Down a Patriot - You Are Free TV Reposts Tommy Robinson interview and new Video


  The Militarization of Xi Jinping's China - "Recovering" Areas They Never Have Ruled


  Has the NWO (Bush faction) Transitioned to the Trump (Zionist) Administration?


 Kamala Harris: Unfit for Public Service - Father Admits She Lies


 DHS Releasing Illegals at San Diego Catholic Church 2/16/19


 El Chapo Reportedly Names Corrupt US Politicians, CA Mafia, Clinton Foundation That He Gave $$ To....(NO wonder the Dems, et al want border open)


  Little Adam Shitt (sic) Chosen Russophobe to Lead HOUSE Investigation of Trump Russian Connection (wasting Millions in taxpayer $$)


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting - February 13, 2019, 7 PM 3931 Dam Rd. Elk's Lodge - AGENDA


President Trump's SOTU>>>>


 Countdown to Super Bowl LIII - Sports Stadiums get Billions in Taxpayer $$$


The Contra Costa Board of Supervisors annual report on budget and key issues for 2019/2020 on the agenda this Monday 1/29 9 A.M.at special location PINOLE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - AGENDA   County Update, Budget and Key Issues pdf file


Local County Boards have Openings - Application Info


  Babies Born Alive After Abortion Can be Left to Die Under New York Law Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth


  Oprah's Dangerous New Age Beliefs Masquerading as "Christianity"

 Pelosi Coup Attempt??

   Kamala "Commie" Harris Shows Why She is UNFIT FOR PUBLIC SERVICE - Video 1 - Video 2

Michael Cohen with Broken Arm, black eye>>>  Adam Schiff and Michael Cohen Dance Around the Felix Sater Question


 A Voice of Sanity for Richmond CA - Congratulations to Nat Bates on His Election to the Richmond City Council!!


Michael Cohen with Broken Arm, black eye>>>  Adam Schiff and Michael Cohen Dance Around the Felix Sater Question

  The "Green New Deal" - A Danger to All Americans - Wealth Redistribution, Tax on Living, Communism at It's Core....


  Sen. Kamala "Commie" Harris Proposes Federal Rent Subsidies


 20,000 Satellites for 5G to Be Launched sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, Wed. Jan. 9, 7PM, Richmond Elks Lodge, 3931 Dam Rd. - AGENDA


   Where is the Missing 20 Trillion Dollars??


 Russia Tests Deadly Avangard Missile System

  Why is the US Suddenly Withdrawing from Syria?


  Far Left Opinion on Syria Troop Withdrawal - Turkey benefits


  Unholy Alliance: Facebook & The Tavistock Institute


  Silicon Valley Working Homeless RV Protest


   Europeans FKA "Eurotrash" wake up, demonstrate against globalist policies in France, Belgium et al


EU Army??? French Riot Control Vehicles Bearing EU Flag Spark Fear, Confusion


 Dec. 7, 1941 - Hawaii was Surprised - FDR Wasn't...


 Is Mexican President Head of Sinaloa Cartel????


  Firestorm Survivor Tells His Story



  Open Letter to President Trump Regarding California Fires


   Operation Torch California+ FF Shootings = Coverup of Massive Vote Fraud in Midterm Elections


    Digital Tyranny is HERE! Now in China and Great Britain and coming soon to the US....Total Digital Control via 5G


  Honduran Migrants Getting Money to Invade US

  How MS13 Gang Held an Entire Central Valley City Hostage


Don't Buy it! Just another NGO Private Property Land Grab~!~! (and a "gateway project" to continue the "revitalization" AKA land grab of Downtown El Sobrante)




 The Death of the Middle Class in California with UltraRich Lording it over the Middle Class

  Rape of Libya Continues...


 Rand Paul's Wife Appeals to Cory Booker, et al to Stop Promoting Violence Against Innocent People



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Wednesday Oct. 10 at 7PM Richmond Elks Lodge, 3931 San Pablo Dam Rd.


  Post Kavanaugh Confirmation - Truth Starting to Come Out - Explosive Devin Nunes Interview with Maria Bartiromo, et al


  Two Hispanic/Filipino? Females Passing Counterfeit $100 Bills in area - Post from 10/8/18 El Sobrante NextDoor List




  Ten Reasons why "Net Neutrality" is Terrible for the Internet


  We Are Free TV Exposes Brett Kavanaugh and Blasey-Ford as Controlled Entities with (possibly) Feinstein as the Controller   Pt. 2


 Declas Coming - Feinstein Bullies Fellow Senator Lisa Murkowski - Lindsay Graham Flips Sides, Q Drops, et al


  President Trump Gives Major Speech at the United Nations - Rejects Globalism and Global Governance


 Jerry vs. Gerry - Nothing Reveals the Contrast Between the Haves and the Have Nots Like a Climate Conference - the View from a Homeless Camp in Oakland


 El Sobrante Library Update Sept. 12, 2018


  911 Trillions: Follow the Money


  Jerry Brown's Destructive Global Climate Action Summit Agenda


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting 9/12/18 @7PM at the Elks Lodge 3931 Dam Rd. - AGENDA


  Taking Back our Country - Protective Measures in Place


Dick Morris Report: Trump Pulls the Rug out from Under the Palestinian "Refugees" - Related: A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


 How Cars and Buildings Are Torched with Lasers from the Sky


 Renewable Fuels Mandate Costing Americans BILLIONS! (and it's killing people and animals, too!)


Pray for the President dear Christians!




  Clinton Foundation Rip-off of Haiti


 "Girl From The Bronx" Ocasio-Cortez Called Out In Fact Check; Actually Grew Up In Wealthy Enclave


  Debunking a Century of War Lies


 Tommy Robinson Released from Jail - Interview with Tucker Carlson


CALIFORNIA FIRESTORMS: Who's geoengineering the statewide conflagration and why?


Sealed Indictments 10/31/17 to 7/31/18


  Watch Q Drops Here  

  Trump vs Political Establishment


Something Big Just Happened and it's Poised to Change Everything!

  Trump Poised to Take Control of the Fed??



   Trump Elected by Russia??



  We Are Free TV Highlights Recent Trump Successes, Q Drops, Elites Attempts to Foment Civil War in US, etc




  Next Gen Vaccines to Alter Genetics



  The Insanity of the Anti-Trump Pro-war Left



   White House Press Briefing With DHS Secretary Nielsen, June 18, 2018

"DHS is enforcing the law as it exists on the book" - DHS Secretary Nielsen


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Wed. June 13, 7PM at the Elks Lodge 3931 San Pablo Dam Rd. - AGENDA


Stop Forced Organ Harvesting - Israeli Suspected of Running Ukraine Organ Trafficking Ring - The Horror of Forced Organ Harvesting



  Free Speech Dead in Great Britain: British Journalist Tommy Robinson Arrested for Covering Islamic Pedophilia/Sex Trafficking Ring Trial


Did Fracking Venture Cause Hawaiian Volcanic Eruptions?

   Vote NO on Regional Measure 3 - Push Back Against Regionalism - Regionalism: A Blueprint for Your Serfdom


 President Trump Makes History - meets Released N. Korean Prisoners with Secy. of State Pompeo last Night


 Trump Continues to Drain the Swamp...Swamp Creatures Flying All over the Place in Violation of the Logan Act

 Facebook et al - a "social validation feedback loop"


 War on Men Continues...The Feminization of the Boy Scouts

 We are Free TV breaks down the Obama/Clinton 'Sum of All Fears' Scenario Set up in Iran by the Clowns



  Trump Continues to Arrest Pedophiles, Kanye West Update - "Kanye West gets it" - President Trump at Press Conference with Nigerian President 4/30/18


 Facebook Photos Used for Facial Recognition Database



  Deep State on the Run


Trump Card Being Played 


 Pentagon Arms Chief Eyes Space-based Directed Energy Weapons



 US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman Claims Russia warned about US Missile Strikes in Syria- is this another Trump plan within a plan?


 El Sobrante Library Update


  US Strikes in Syria Could Pit Two Sophisticated Weapons Systems

 The Strike Group Is The Show, Trust The Plan, A Plan Within A Plan


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, Wednesday April 7, 7PM at the Elks Lodge, 3931 Dam Rd. - AGENDA


  The Trump-Tesla Connection


 Remembering an Atrocity - The Illegal NATO/Clinton Regime War on Yugoslavia - an RT Retrospective



 Alexander DeTocqueville Travels thru America in the early 18th Century and Finds a Christian Country Destined to Fall to a Despotic Government


 California and the Definition of Insanity


    BAY AREA EXODUS: U-Haul running out of trucks as Bay Area residents relocate outside the area

 All Exits Closed


  Water Fluoridation Update


 The Harm Caused by Smart Growth, Density, Light Rail and Urban Growth - Randall O'Toole


  Bernie Suarez Breaks Down the "Q-Anon" Phenomenon



  Pentagon Covering for US Military Activities in Africa   AFRICOM's Secret Empire


 Haul Hitlery Before Congress


  Violence and Crime Across the Border States


 Trump Visits Caliphoneya


Vegas and Parkland False Flags Forced Out into the Open


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting 3/14/18 - AGENDA

  Israel:  Worldwide Agent Provaceteur courtesy of US tax $$


El Sobrante Valley Alliance Town Hall Meeting 3/7/18 - VIDEO  NOTE: Video plays best in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome


"Facebook exploits human vulnerability" - Fmr. Facebook President Sean Parker 11/11/17

"We're all kind of labrats in the big Facebook experiment" - Unknown CNN Interviewee


  The Weaponization of Social Media



 Entire CRISIS INDUSTRY Arose After Legalization of Psych-Ops in 2012 NDAA


 2017 Dog Bite Fatality Statistics


 The Truth About Football and Sports (and soaps for the women...) AKA The Culture Industry


  Billy Graham Exposed


  Patrick Henningsen - Sunday Wire - The Golden Age of Stupid - Florida Shooting, Russiagate ad nauseum, etc


 Big Pharma Controls Main Stream Media!


  Don't Eat Farmed Fish!! HINT: Monsanto, again, go figure


 Philadelphia Eagles Coach Don Pederson Gives Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ after Winning Super Bowl!


 Very Revealing - Dick Morris on Release of 4 pg. Memo and Background Info


 Fire Jeff Sessions - Appoint Trey Goudy as US Attorney General - Sign Petition at Dick Morris' website


In case you haven't seen the FISA memo, here is link  



CROOKS>>> "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Set To Rock DC, "End Mueller Investigation"


 President Trump Addresses the 45th March for Life at the White House



  UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Twitter Engineers To “Ban a Way of Talking” Through “Shadow Banning,” Algorithms to Censor Opposing Political Opinions



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Wednesday 1/10/17 at 7PM at  Meeting Room Behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


 Why Did God Become a Man?


  Geoengineering Watch 12/30/17 Update - NOTE: Dane Wiggington is NOT a Christian - SaveElSobrante doesn't subscribe to his views that there is no future for humanity!


  The Coming Orwellian State - AI, transhumanism, "smart" networks, robots everywhere, you name it, it ain't good!




 Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Worse, It Does!


  Californians Finally Speak Out!!   Standing up to Tax by Mile!!


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting 12/13/17 at 7PM in Meeting Room Behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


  Torched and Lasered Southern California


 Pearl Harbor - Roosevelt's 911


 How the Deep State Turned Social Media into Spyware


 Liberal Media is Crumbling!!


5G Technology is Electronic Warfare


  Torch, Flee, Scrape; The Santa Rosa Fire Chronicles




 Connect the Dots: Weather Events, Depopulation, Employment Opportunities, Megaregions, & the Hyperloop


Stop the Proposed Methadone Clinic for El Sobrante - Attend the ESMAC meeting (see below) and voice your concerns


  Trey Gowdy Grills Facebook Official


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, Wed. Nov. 8, 7PM - AGENDA PACKET


  Agenda 21/Plan Bay Area Moved into Santa Rosa after Firestorm


Military DEW Laser Companies Surround NorCal Firestorm Area !!! Mireaculously they survived undamaged...go figure!!




 Drone Footage Over Fire Bombed Building in Santa Rosa


 Santa Rosa Resident Details First Hand Strange Firestorm Events, Wind Out of Nowhere - Video 1 - Video 2




  Massive Government Geoengineering Program Fueling Wildfires, Destroying the Biosphere




 Was Anyone Shot in Las Vegas? or was it a poorly staged event usiing "crisis actors"??



  The Truth About The Tennessee Church Shooting and Emanuel Kidega Samson

  Judge Roy Moore's Acceptance Speech - a small victory against the massive forces of evil now running our country

  Judge Roy Moore Packs Heat


 Pope Francis Accused of Spreading Heresy


  Rulers of Evil - Who is in charge??


  Geoengineering Watch Updates - 9/23/17 - 9/16/17 - Geoengineering Creating Freeze/Dry Extremes


 Russia, China vs Dollar Hegemony


  Massive Ecological Disaster in CA - the Unintended (?) Consequences of Growing Pot in the Forests of California



  Geoengineering/Weather Manipulation Update - Irma, Frying the West, et al


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Sept. 13, 2017, 7PM in Conference Room Behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


On the 16th Anniversary of 911, Where was Bin Laden on 9/11/01?


  Mysterious Breakfast Meeting the Morning of 911 on Capitol Hill



  Hurricane Irma Manipulation: Objectives and Agenda


  The Southern Poverty Law Center: Profitting from Hate, Suppressing Free Speech




  Anti-Trump Establishment's Next Move: Claim President Trump Has Alzheimer's!!




 Charlottesville Protests & the Obliteration of History


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Regular Meeting - Wed. Aug. 9, 7PM at the Elk's Lodge, 3931 San Pablo Dam Rd.- AGENDA



  Celebrities Know What's Best for US


  Run for President to Avoid Prosecution....


  Trump Ends Support for US-backed Terrorist Groups - Could This Be the End for Donald Trump??




 Trump Jr. Set Up by Deep State - Tempest in a Teapot!


  President Trump Calls Christian Pastors To Lay Hands On Him And Pray At The Oval Office



  Cynthia McKinney Interview Runs Down the Struggle Between the 2 "Deep State" Factions, Destruction of Africa, and Middle East, et al


   A Primer on False Flag Attacks by Ole Dammergard   



  Why Was Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise Shot Yesterday?- Scalise, AG Sessions and Trump Are Working Hard to Expose Elite Pedophiles



Leftist Bernie Sanders Activist Opens Fire on GOP Baseball Practice Showing True Color of Socialism


   Is "Deep State" Telegraphing What They Will Do Next?? Shakespeare in the (NY Central) Park Depicts Trump Assassination-CNN Muslim Host Calls it a "Masterpiece"



  ISIS: Dirty Little (Open) Secret - Made in the USA


  Burnt Ramen - In the Wake of the Ghost Ship Fire....the "Safety Cult' Strikes again...


Fraudster: Al Gore said God Told Him to Fight Global Warming


There will NOT be an El Sobrante MAC meeting this coming 2ND Wednesday. This month’s El Sobrante MAC meeting will be on the 3rd Wednesday, 21 June 2017. AGENDA will be posted next week




  This Creepy Patent Proves Your Nervous System Can Be Remotely Hijacked



Support Our President: “It is time to exit the Paris accord and time to pursue a new deal that protects the environment, our companies, our citizens and our country … It is time to put Youngstown, Ohio, Detroit, Michigan, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, along with many, many other locations within our great country, before Paris, France.” - President Donald Trump

President Trump's Full Remarks on Exiting the Globalist "Paris Accord"


 The Rise in Crypto-currencies, Grand Solar Minimum AKA mini-ice age, Major Food Shortages as the Economy Continues to Crash


  Manchester Bombing - another poorly scripted false flag, Seth Rich, JFK, Sandy Hook, Trump reality, et al


Plan Bay Area 2040 - Their Plan for Us....Hollowing Out the Middle Class...


 Trump's Plan to Bring System Down: Planned Chaos - Pt 1 - Pt. 2


 New Study Published in JAMA Shows FDA-approved Drugs Are Killers



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting May 10, 2017 at 7:00PM at Elks Lodge, 3931 San Pablo Dam Rd., El Sobrante - AGENDA


  Insanity Reigns in California Legislature: Sen. DeLeon's SB100 Climate Bill


  What's Going on at the Oroville Dam????


 Healthcare for All????? California's Road to Single Payer Ruin


 The Truth About Vaccines - Free to Watch on Replay Marathon 4/22 - 4/23


  White Trash??


Ed Snowden reveals MOAB Bomb Destroyed CIA Bunker in Afghanistan


  Sleazy Contra Costa Board of Supervisors is Going to Push Unincorporated Areas, et al into Accepting "Green" Energy Providers

 US Attacks Afghanistan - Drops MOAB Bomb "on ISIS tunnels and personnel in the Nangarhar province"


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meetiing - April 12, 2017


 Did Trump/Russia/Assad Pull a Fast One? Syrian journalist Thierry Meyssan reports....


                               <<<Tillerson Spreaheaded Openly Gay Scouts/Scoutleaders in Boy Scouts of America


  Dave of X22 Report Breaks Down Trump's Middle Eastern Actions


Dr. of Common Sense Shows the Real Assad and the Nonsense of Saying He Gassed His Own People????



  CNN Bimbo Shocked when US Congressman Questions Assad's Role in Syrian (Supposed) Gas Attack


  Trump Launches Tomahawk Strike Against Syria - Open Source Investigation


Netanyahu Proclaims "David's Sling" Advanced Weaponry System Poses "Existential Threat" to Our Enemies



  Why is Modern Wheat Causing So Many Health Problems??

   5G Technology - CA Bill AB57 will allow cell tower companies near carte blanche authority to construct cell towers and would limit local governments ability to have any say in the matter. Listen to the testimony now on official record in the State of California concerning the health effects of cell tower and wireless radiation. Please watch the next testimony after Paul's that continues with information on the biological effects on wireless VIDEO

Absolutely horrifying video of FCC Chair Tom Wheeler, former lobbyist CTIA Announcing the 5G Rollout on 6/20/16


  Sen. Rand Paul Drops Truth Bombs Regarding the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Trump Endless Wars and the Move to Admit the Little Nation of Montenegro into NATO


The "Left" Doesn't Want to Secede - Want Endless Civil Domestic Disturbances


   In Spite of the Globalist's Goal for Humanity - to Live in Tightly Packed Urban Cores to "Fight climate change/global warming" and be "Sustainable" - Statistics Show People are Fleeing Urban Cores in Record Numbers!


  El Sobrante Businessman, Bill Oliver, dies at 96



  Chongqing - China's Secret Metropolis (the size of Austria)


  China's Ghost Cities - Ordos: Genghis Khan Meets Alice in Wonderland


 "Safe Place" Indoctrination



RAW FOOTAGE - Pro Trump Rally in Berkeley - Police Told to Stand Down as Peaceful Trump Supporters are Viciously Attacked



  Progressive Icon, Black Muslim, Keith Ellison: The Ellison Deception


   The Clinton System to Discredit President Trump


March 4 Trump Saturday March 4 - Current Locations, Info Here



    Obama "Community Organizing" Organization - Organizing for Action - Offering "Scholarships" for Training Armies of "Progressives" to Stage Anti-Trump Demonstrations - Currently Asking for Volunteers to Go Early to Town Hall Meetings and Protest Trump's Policies and Election - Phoney Protestors Caught in Breaux Bridge, LA  Question: Isn't this sort of activity called "treason"?????

<<<<<Organizing for Action, Obama's New Site, Sells this in it's "Store"



   Genetic manipulation of humans: Jeff Rense and Jon Rappoport, discuss new vaccines that will permanently change human DNA



Replacing Obamacare and Insuring the Uninsured  





Trump Impeachment on City of Richmond's Council Agenda for Tuesday 2/21/17


CALEXIT:  California Secession Movement Funded by Russian


  Huge Movement of National Guard Troops: National Guard Re-Evacuation of Oroville Dam, General Denies but 8 Inches of Rain Falling



Trump/Flynn Caper Sets a Dangerous Precedent


Total Mismanagement of the Oroville Dam Emergency


Marysville, Yuba County evacuated as Oroville spillway collapse feared

Lake Oroville Dam Emergency Spillway Runoff   Another Video

Flying Over Oroville Dam 8/26/14 at Height of Drought


  Interview with Syrian President Assad by Yahoo! News - He Wants to Work with President Trump to Defeat Terrorism


   Oroville Dam, a Major Water Storage Source in California Suffering Severe Damage


  Chemtrails as Usual Post Trump


  UC Berkeley Riots Last Night: Just Another (Predictable) Globalist Band of Thugs AKA "Anarchists"


  Martial Law/Chicago Murder Problem - Two Views - Black Pastor/Trump Supporter View - Young Man from Chicago View


  President Trump Administration Raising Phoenix Program from the Ashes - a History of Regime Change in the Past (and the future?)



NOTES from Jan. 11, El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting - Homeowners Responsible for Homeless People Camping on their Property! No response from Sup. Gioia to applications for El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council, et al


   Fake Climate News Brings Costly, Uneeded Regulations

GOOD NEWS!! Trump Clamps Down on EPA!!


  Obama: A Legacy of Ashes





  Inauguration Day: Will Trump Make it To the White House???????  He made it through the inauguration - now Christians need to pray for God to protect our new Commander in Chief


  Uncelebrate MLK Day


    Last Minute Change in Security at Trump Inauguration



      John Whitehead Dissects Obama's Legacy



There is a Coup: Dept. of Homeland Security Takes over US Elections


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Jan. 11, 2017 - AGENDA


   Bad Moon Rising??? Trump's "Mad Dog" Military Policy


    The Case Against Kissinger



Freedom of Expression now Criminalized in Europe - Dutch Politician Found Guilty of "Crime" of "Hate Speech" - IRON CURTAIN DESCENDING ON EUROPE...


  Pearl Harbor - False Flag to Precipate WWII

Cuba - Just Another American Puppet



Nov. 9, 2016 El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting - AGENDA



John Pilger gives a Cogent Overview of the Coming Election and the Prospects for WWIII



 Charles R. Smith Runs Down Wikileaks Revelations That Should Put Hitlery in Jail if We had a Representative Government with the Rule of Law in Place - AUDIO


El Sobrante Municipal advisory Council Meeting Oct. 12, 2016, 7PM Meeting Room Behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

US Backed Syrian Rebels Behead 12YO Boy


 Assange/Snowden: Are They What They Seem?


Afghan students in 1970's before US imposition of Islamic dictatorships>>>>>>>  Why the Hell are We Still in Afghanistan?

FDA Finds Glyphosate (Roundup) in US Honey

  The REAL Costs of the "War on Terror"


  How Forced Densification AKA "Smart Growth", "Urban Limit Lines" Increase Housing Costs, Decrease Housing Availability


  Khizr Khan as Democratic Hit Man



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory council Meeting Sept. 14, 2016 @ 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - Agenda packet


  Hillary Faints during 911 Memorial in New York


 911Suspects    911 in 5 Minutes  911 What happened? See with your own eyes



 The Zika Media Hype Continues....

 Hillary Coughs on her Own #@%&



Texas prosecutor: Vaccines DO Cause Autism


  Massive Flooding, S. CA Wildfires, Ring of Fire Volcanic Activity Occurring While MSM Virtually Ignores It...


  Hillary Physically Unfit to be President


 Attorney Jonathon Emord Compares Hillary's and Trump's Economic Plans


X22 Report Interview with Jim Willie - US economy being kept up by "narco banks," proxy armies, end of US $ as we know it....


Notes from July 24, 2016 El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting - New brand of homeless, 10/1/16 cleanup day, et al


 After Accepting Millions in Donations from Supporters Bernie the Betrayer Exits DemoRat Party


    Hillary Clinton: A Threat to All Humanity...


 G. W Bush, Obama Theatrics at Memorial Service for Fallen Policemen


CIA's Pokemon 'GO App



  "Smart Highway" Road Congestion Management Program to Be Unveiled on I-80

  "Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord" - Psalm 33:12


  Brits Vote to Exit EU...What's Next on the Globalist Agenda??

 Meanwhile....US/NATO/Practically everyone else holds war "games" at Russia's doorstep - Michel Chussodovsky Update


  Science for Social & Political Control


Febreze - A Medley of Carcinogenic Chemicals (along with a nauseating smell) - AKA Public Laundromats are hazardous to your health!!



 Invisible Nanoparticles in Food, Drugs, (Basically in many products we use daily) Can Deliver Vaccines, Drugs to an Unknowing Public




  Bilderberg 2016 - Internet Expose Met with Defiance


 Behold a Pale Horse - audio book


Measure AA Wins...Get Ready for More Assaults on Private Property and the Rise of Regional Government!!


Nine County Coalition AGAINST Measure AA


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council meeting June 8, 2016 at 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

NOTE: pages 10 & 11 "Appian Way Complete Streets Plan"

Breitbart Calls Richmond a "Ghetto" - (Go figure...)   <<<Richmond street

Trump's Catch -22 Military Policy


 Measure AA - A Trojan Horse for Regional Non-elected Government


  On Memorial Day, Let us Not Forget Those Who were Murdered for Exposing the Truth


Facebook Funnies



 Our Dying Pacific Ocean - Millions of Red Crabs Wash Up on Newport Beach


 X22 Spotlight Interview with Bernie Suarez Explains Psyops, Managed News, Propaganda, the Magic Phrase "National Security"


 The Libertarian Challenge to Trump





El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Wednesday May 11, 2016 at 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


  Will Trump Defy the Jewish Lobby??


Trumps' Foreign Policy Speech 4/27/16 in Washington DC


Help Marin County Place Anti-Water Fluoridation Initiative on the Ballot!


   The US is Falling Apart at the Seams.....US Suicide Rate at All time High.......1/5 of US Families are Jobless!!


What if we held an election and nobody came???


Earth Day or Earth Worship???


    Zika Freaka: Who Believes this stuff?? Zika Con Artists Back at Work...



Bill Nye - phoney "science guy" - wants to jail climate change skeptics for 'affecting my quality of life'


The Case Against Glyphosate





  A Likely Clinton-Sanders Ticket??


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Monthly Meeting, Wednesday April 13, 2016 @7PM in Meeting Room Behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


 Richmond, City of "Pride and Purpose" Pays Criminals NOT to Commit Crimes


 VAXXED - Robert DeNiro Caves to Pressure and Refuses to Show This Movie at the Tribeca Film Festival which Exposes MMR Vaccine Link to Autism - VAXXED TRAILER

Jon Rappaport San Francisco freelance investigator to show VAXXED at the Angelika theater in New York today - all of his stories on VAXXED HERE





El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, March 9, 2016 at 7PM, meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

NOTE: pgs. 15 - 31: Proposed "mixed use" high density 16 unit development at site of Lifetime Dentistry on Appian Way (near Santa Rita Rd. intersection) Attend meeting to voice your opinion on this project!!


  Is Donald Trump for Real???


  Patrick Wood Interviews Carl Teichrib - Religion & Globalization

 El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Feb. 10, 2016 - Agenda - 7PM El Sobrante Library Meeting Room - Comments from Meeting


   Bernie Sanders Freemason, Commie...Loves His Trillion $ War Machine





 California of the Dark Ages


Another Phoney Tax Shakedown to "Save the Bay"


Mike AKA "Martin Luther" King Exposed in Interview made many years' ago!


DEAD HARVEST Video Shows How Federal Laws and Environmental Lawsuits Have Devastated California’s Central Valley, where 25% of America’s food is produced.



Methane Leak in Southern California a Suspicious Crisis


 Massive Tax Grab Coming at All Levels of Government


  Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism


  How Big Oil Conquered the World - The Story of a Snake Oil Vendor's Son


 New World Next Year...James Corbett and James Evan Pilato Examine the Trend of Ongoing US/NATO vs Russia/China Struggle


  The Pagan Roots of Christmas


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Countil Meeting, Dec. 9, 2015 - AGENDA Packet

Won't Anyone Think of the Polar Bears?????


Unimaginable Carnage from Fukushima Killing Pacific Ocean


 Paris Terror Attacks - Qui Bono???


  False Flags Don't Fly...

   The COP21 Climate Conference in Paris and how it plays into the technocrats’ plan to control the world’s resources and implement genocidal eugenics-based austerity - VIDEO


El Sobrante circa 1960


El Sobrante circa 1958 VIDEO


  Divide and Conquer: The Globalist Pathway to Tyranny


    Deadly UVA, UVB, UVC Measurements



      Social Justice in Amerika  


Idiotic Obama Supporters - Occupy Sacramento Doesn't Know why They're Protesting



The Scam Artists Behind Pope Francis' "Climate" and "Inequality" Encyclical


As Gov. Moonbeam steps up the fear rhetoric, it is a good time to review Michael Crichton's 2003 Presentation to the San Francisco Commonwealth Club


  911: Follow the Money


An Unconventional Shade of Gray - the Move to Make Geoengineering Legal on a Global Basis


  Architects & Engineers 911 Report 2015


 Does the West Contra Costa Healthcare District Have the Right to Sell Doctor's Medical Center to the City of San Pablo? - Citizen Letter to San Pablo City Council


Interview with Lisa, a homeless woman living on the streets of El Sobrante - VIDEO



Corporate Theft of Precious California Water


    Are Catholics Christian? AUDIO - TRANSCRIPT


 Sandy Hook Investigation - We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook


How the US Uses NGO's to Destabilize Countries and Set Up a Clandestine World Empire




Sign Referendum Against SB277 Forced Vaccinations


 West Contra Costa Healthcare District meeting, 7/29/15 - VIDEO- pt. 1, pt. 2


   Planned Parenthood - Baby Body Parts for Sale - no wonder the US is goin' down.....


  Vaccination = generation-to-generation genetic changes


  The Continuing Assault on Suburban Living by Big Government


  Geoengineering, Bioengineering - Sofia Smalstrom video presentation


  The Unfolding Greek Drama - a coverup for the China Meltdown?


Gay? Looking for a way out?   NOTE: Miriam Alexander, the 1st video, is very powerful

   Pentagon Releases 2015 National Military Strategy for Ruling the World


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, Wed. July 8, 2015 - 7:30PM (NOTE SPECIAL MEETING TIME) in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


   On 65th Anniversary of the Start of the Korean ("Forgotten") War, Historian James Perloff Runs down the Awful Truth Behind the 1st UN War


Corbett Report 6/24/15: ISIS - Pentagon's New Bogeyman


 Polio Vaccine: A Global Scourge Still Threatening Humanity


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council meeting, Wednesday June 10 at 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

Weather Modification Using Ocean going Ionospheric Heaters Explained + Killing Baja Hurricanes

NOTE: Each time these megawatt transmitters (Ionospheric Heaters) are used, they punch a hole in the protective Ozone Layer, allowing lethal amounts of Ultraviolet B, to reach the Earth's surface. This is the main reason the Pacific is dying (in addition to continuing Fukushima radiation)

Interested in keeping up with the West Contra Costa Unified School District? See WCCUSD Board Watch


 The Plan to Burn Up Northern California & more....



  California Drought Update 4/28/15 - Hawaii Low Destroyed


Jesuit Jer'>>>  Wave of Families Fleeing SB277 Mandated Vaccines in Californication??

  Laboratory Earth: Interview with Dane Wiggington on the Deliberate Destruction of Our Planet Using Silent Weapons


Refugee Resettlement Program


West Contra Costa Healthcare District meeting, Tuesday May 10, at 4:30 in San Pablo City Council chambers - AGENDA

Related: Tuesday Board Meeting to Discus Disposition of Assets


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council May 13, 2015 Meeting - 7PM meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


<<<<4/28/15 - Another day, more spray over El Sobrante


Economic collapse News: Will the US Use Out of Control Protests to Impose Martial Law????

James Corbett Reports: Bayer - A Harbinger of Death...


  Vaccines cause autism, confidential drug company memo says...


    Earth Day Agenda


  The Big Idea - California is So Over...


The OKC Bombing - A Conspiracy Theory


New York City Lights Ilustrate the Downfall of the United States - <<1956 <<2014


RFK, JR. on Vaccines - How Big Pharma Has Captured the Scientific, Regulatory, and Law-Making Processes - NO ON SB277!!!


  The Ancient Orgins of Easter

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, April 8, 2015 7PM meeting room behind ES Library - AGENDA

  Financial Hijinx Continue at West Contra Costa Healthcare District - OPEN Meeting Thursday 3/27 at 4:30PM - AGENDA - VIDEO of meeting

Tax Day Symposium, San Francisco "Housing for All" - the Supply, the Planning & the Realities - April 5, 2015 1:30 - 3:30PM - FLYER



  California Dreamin' - How the Dream Became a Nightmare...

   James Corbett & Luke Rudowski disuss the disasters being propagated in Ukraine by both Russia & NATO - Monsanto sets up shop - international banksters move in


Watch free Movie - "BOUGHT" - exposing ugly truth behind Vaccines, GM Foods & Big Pharma

  Financial Hijinx Continue at West Contra Costa Healthcare District - CLOSED Meeting 3/11/15 - VIDEO - Pt.1 - Pt. 2

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Monthly meeting Wednesday, 3/11/15 at 7PM in the meeting room behind the El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

Proposed "mixed use" development for vacant lot next to Pho Vietnamese restaurant on Appian Way & Rincon Rd. - MAP


    Financial Hijinks at the West Contra Costa Healthcare District - Board of Directors Special Closed Meeting 3/4/15 - pt. 1 - pt. 2

Board of Directors Special Closed Meeting 2/25/15 - Pt. 1 - Pt. 2  Board of Directors Special Closed Meeting 2/17/15 - VIDEO

Link to pdf file of West Contra Costa Healthcare District 2011 Certificates of Participation (2011 COPs) the root of the DMC's problems

The (Intentional) Scorching of California


GMO Fruits to Invade Grocery Stores


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting, Feb. 11, 2015 at 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


    Big Pharma's Vaccine Agenda


 The PTB Want you to Believe in UFO's, flying saucers, little green men from Mars, life on other planets and other such garbage...


 West Contra Costa Healthcare District CLOSED Meeting set for Tuesday Feb. 3 - AGENDA - NOTE: Director Zell will be calling in from Hawaii and Director Anderson from her home according to agenda - could be a Brown Act violation?? Negotiation for sale/leaseback of hospital property with potential buyers - Former DMC reporter for West County Times now works for John Gioia - both Zell and Gioia are on the San Pablo "Oversight Committee" which handles potential new hospital property - conflict of interest??

 West Contra Costa Healthcare District Governing Board Meeting, Feb. 3, 2015 - VIDEO

West Contra Costa Healthcare District Meeting Jan. 21, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting Video  -

Governing Board Meeting Video - NOTE: Neither of Robert Roger's Times articles even mentioned the massive opposition to Zell/Gioia's leadership of this District which you can see in the videos

The Corbett Report 300th Episode Report - outlines rise of world government & control

 West Contra Costa Healthcare District Director Zell strikes out trying to shakedown Hercules City Council at Jan. 13, 2015 meeting - VIDEO - click 'jump to' Agenda item #VII 2.



Stupid white kids and agents provacateurs during "Black Friday" San Francisco demonstrations - HINT: now it's the protestors who are the criminals

  Weather Control Continues - Normal Cold Wet Pacific Fronts Held to North of Bay Area...

Interview with "Mike" regarding current weather control

 Starting in March, Richmond Sanitary Service will be picking up all 3 cans, brown, green and blue weekly - no rate hike this year for El Sobrante residents according to Customer Service


 Use of Nuclear Weapons in Warfare Being Recast as "Peacemaking" weaponry


 Worldwide Financial Instability/Collapse Continues - Coming Soon to the US?? Watch/listen to X22 Report Daily to keep up with reality....Episode 560 - X22 heard daily at 4PM PST on Rense Radio online Network


     Jerry Brown's High Speed Rail - the Hidden Agenda

    Contra Costa Board of Supervisor's Appear to Cave to Union Demands Regarding 33% Pay Raise

Original Times' Story on 33% Raise in 10/14  - 10/28/14 Agenda Item D.10 to Authorize BOS Raise -  Video of BOS Hearing on Agenda Item D.10  - Move slider to 4:52:15 for video of hearing plus public comment and see watch Supervisor Candace Anderson be the only Stupe with any common sense plus Gioia grandstanding as usual.....


    Economist Ellen Brown Interview Regarding Recent G20 Meeting of Global Elites Including Possibility of Worldwide Bank "Bail-ins" - VIDEO

     Real Deal Show - Joshua Blakeney Interviews Jan Irvin on Govt. Drug Programs to Stupefy, Control the Masses and Other Types of Control Mechanisms - AUDIO


     Check out "Revcom" the Organization that pays for the signs held by Ferguson protestors



       As Obama "Normalizes" Relations with Cuba 3 pt. Interview with Former US Ambassador to Cuba Earl T. Smith reveals how the US Helped Bring Fidel Castro to Power - Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3



   Sign Petition Against Contra Costa Board of Supervisors Greedy 33% Raise!! - NOTE, Deadline to turn in petitions is 12/30/14


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting - 12/10/14 at 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA




  Weather Warfare Being Used to Break Up Rain Bearing Low Pressure Fronts and Prevent a Snowpack in the Sierras

Not surprisingly, Study Reveals CA Drought Worst in 1200 years


  West Contra Costa Healthcare District Board of Directors, Governing Board Meeting on 12/1/14 - Zell's Zany "5 X 8" Plan and Gioia's Manipulation of District ad valorem taxes - VIDEO - UNBELIEVABLE MONTHLY ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES OF DMC's EXEC PAID FOR BY DISTRICT PROPERTY OWNERS


   Pearl Harbor Redux - (Better Late Than Never...)   Inteview with Adm. Kimmel's Son, Thomas Kimmel


  The Fed and the US Treasury are the greatest threats to national security.....


   Government Weather Managers to Continue California Drought....



     The Pagan Roots of Christmas


Save El Sobrante Recommends "X22 Report" for geopolitical news daily....latest report on Youtube explains Obama's "immigration" plan


In the ''like we didn't know that already" category - Latest Wacky "Save DMC" Plan Appears Doomed...

Phoney Election Day Meeting of West Contra Costa Healthcare District complete with obviously doomed Zell "save DMC" plan - VIDEO

  As huge mass of frigid air poised to hit the Midwest, South, Government Weather Controllers Steal California & Oregon's Normal Rain Fronts




   Evidoers Continue Weather Control causing California drought - Polar Vortex "notch" - Pt. 1 - Pt 2




More Deliberate Destruction of Oregon/California Storm Fronts 10/20/14


Richmond Proposals to "Save" DMC - HINT: another parcel tax included courtesy of Gioia, Zell, McLaughlin, Butt, CNA, et al....


Ebo-lies - HINT: Don't take the vaccine...

POLICE STATE UPDATE: Police shoot 600 Bullets into Getaway Car Knowing it Contained a Hostage


Prop. 1 - Drowning in Pork - VOTE NO!!


Global Justice or World Domination?


      No Global Warming for 19 Years

Another Crazy Scheme by Richmond City Council to "Save Doctors Medical Center" AKA Buy a Little Bit of Time Once Again and Float Another Parcel Tax in 2015

Fake Cell Phone Towers Across US


 Richmond City Council - watch before you vote!

Overview of Richmond City Council Meeting 10/9/14 and Their Attempt to "Save" Doctor's Medical Center



As Contra Costa Times Blames You and Me for Drought, Geoengineering, NOT "Climate Change" Causing our Drought

In the Best Enemies $$ Can Buy Category: Khorasan...making stuff up??


The drought is now killing off century-old California farms


Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) Wants Your Input on Transportation: What do YOU want in Contra Costa? BART? Buses? Bikes? Roads? Ferries?




 911 Redux: Michael Chussodovsky Overview

911 After 13 Years


  Police State Update: Under Federal "Equitable Sharing Program" Police Can Seize Your Money Even Though You've Done Nothing....

In the "Best Enemies $$$ Can Buy Category...ISIS Creates Rationale for NATO Coalition


Anton Jungherr, former West Contra Costa Unified School District Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) member- ousted by Charles Ramsey - gives his presentation to the CBOC Audit Subcommittee regarding enlarging the scope of school district audits to illustrate and hopefully prevent misuse of District taxpayers' (AKA property owners) bond money - VIDEO


West Contra Costa Unified School District - Scope of Securities & Exchange Commission Investigation Widens


State Politician's Latest Financial Machinations to 'save Doctors Medical Center' - a boon for loan sharks


"War on Terror" a Fraud...Not Meant to Be Won...Meant to Be A Continuous War


Beheading Video Has Playacting Parts...


US' Biggest Allies Funding ISIS - (go figure...)




In the Future, We'll All Be Renters - Goal of the PTB and the Death of the Middle Class




   MH17 - Who Stands to Gain?


     Richmond City Council Special Meeting Held 7/22/14 to Hear Public Comment on Chevron Modernization EIR - VIDEO


City of Richmond Planning Commission Attempts to Shake Down Chevron USA to "Save DMC"


Malaysian Airline Goes Down in Ukraine


     Shades of Auschwitz?? - Violent Muslim anti-Jewish Protests Rock Paris


City of Richmond Planning Commission Special Meeting on Chevron Modernization Project EIR - VIDEO Pt. 1 - VIDEO Pt. 2 - of July 10 meeting held at JFK HS Auditorium in Richmond


What's Next for the Chevron Modernization Plan???


City of Richmond Planning Commission Special Meeting on Chevron Modernization Project EIR - VIDEO Pt. 1 - VIDEO Pt. 2 of July 9 meeting held at JFK HS auditorium in Richmond


CH. 2 Fox News Heather Holmes Story on July 9 Hearing




   Richmond Mayoral Race - Ramsey Drops Out to Run for City Councilman - "Non Profit Organizer" Uche Uwahemu Mayoral Statement


   Local Government Biggest Lobbying Spender in Sacramento



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council - 7PM, Wednesday, July 9, 2014 - Meeting Room Behind Library - AGENDA


   The Globalization of California - Conference Held May 3, 2014 on Treasure Island - View Talks


     How Global Policy Becomes Local

Hesham Tillawi on ISIS and Continuing Middle East Realignment


Barbara Pendergrass, longtime ESMAC Chairwoman, withdraws from County Planning Commission Appointment


   The Balkanization of Great Britain - "Scottish Referendum"


     After the Cambodian Killing Fields, International Globalists Like Walmart and Nike Take Over and Create Slave Labor Force - See What Happens When Slaves Rebel


     Police State Update: Police Look Like Military, Not Street Cops

   Contra Costa Board of Supes Rejects County Wide Sales Tax - For Now...    EMC Research Polling Report


Fukushima's Ongoing Fallout


Persecution of Christians Worldwide - Voice of the Martyrs



Contra Costa Board of Supervisors to Hear Agenda Item D.5 on June 17 to Transfer ad valorem Taxes of Residents Residing in WCCHCD area to Doctor's Medical Center


    How Government and the Media Equate Political Dissent with “Conspiracy Theories” and “Home Grown Terrorism”


Contra Costa Emergency Services Dept. to host "Stakeholder" Meeting on Impacts and Alternatives to DMC Closure, Monday June 9, 6PM, Maple Hall, 13831 San Pablo Ave. - INFO

VIDEO of EMS Meeting June 9 in San Pablo - NOTE: Parcel tax transfer will come from County general fund

West Contra Costa Healthcare District Financial Statement - Audit 12/31/10&11 - Audit 12/31/12


RECALL: Gioia, Zell, et al have stated DMC will close on July 25 - let's see if it happens....don't hold your breath

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory council Meeting Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - Agenda Packet


California Nurses' Assn. (CNA) Pleasant Hill Roadshow June 6, 2014 to "Save DMC" - VIDEO


Contra Costa Board of Supervisors and public discuss Agenda item to spend $45,000 for opinion poll for County wide SALES TAX, at June 3 regular BOS meeting - VIDEO


Powerful Nurses' Union Demanding that Doctor's Medical Center be Kept Open - Meeting Thursday May 29 in Hercules, 6:30PM, Hercules Sr. Center, 111 Civic Dr. Hercules - VIDEO

        CNA Letter to Board of Supervisors Regarding Closure of DMC

Vote No on E - Citizen Editorial


   Wall St. Hedge Funds Now Buying Up US Farmland - Higher Food Prices and Shortages in Our Future - Oakland Institute Report



      West County School Dist. Bond Campaign Draws Massive Spending by Contractors



   Dist. 1 Supervisor John Gioia to seek County-wide sales tax to fund Doctor's Medical Center and other healthcare items...




      Imperialism Update: US-NATO Destabilization of Libya Threatens N. African and Europe


      No on H - The committee fighting this unfair tax needs your tax-deductible donation!!


Parent Arrested at School Board Meeting for Violating the 2 min speaking rule and objecting to sexually explicit required reading for his daughter


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council May 14, 2014 at 7PM meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

West County Healthcare District Parcel Tax Rejected by Voters - 1 down, 2 to go!!




Ruby Molinari, former Chairwoman of the El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council - OBITUARY


NO, NO, NO on Measures E & H!!! Taxpayers are tapped out....

West County Times propaganda on Measure E

  James Fetzer Interview with Jennifer Lake on the History of the Government/Military/Medical Complex - Polio, radiation, JFK etc

Jennifer Lake's Blog

NO, NO, NO on Measure C Mail Ballot!! Don't believe the Hospital Administrations Lies!! Return Ballot with NO vote!!


(Confusing) Map of the West County Healthcare District - note how it extends out to Martinez!!


   Channel 7 News Story about Measure C Mail Ballot Parcel Tax


<<<Actually, it's a rather small club...


Rancher Cliven Bundy Describes Situation During Bundy Confrontation


Tax Fighter Citizens Hit the Streets of Richmond to Fight Unjust Tax Measures C, E, & H!!!!!!!!


Nevada Standoff at Bundy Ranch - Brave ARMED Citizens Show What Can Be Done By Standing Firm Against Governent Tyranny & Theft of Private Property


Nevada Stand Down - Background - Photos - REPORT - FEDS BACK DOWN, CATTLE RELEASED!!!



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council April 9, 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


Disgraced California Democrats Set Their Sights on EVEN Higher Taxes   - TAKE ACTION



  Berkeley whistleblower Leuren Moret Interview with theory of MH370 disappearance


Save El Sobrante Recommends>>>       Local Showings This week in Martinez, Concord, Emeryville, Vallejo & Richmond

Andy's Donut Shop in Richmond Protests Doctor's Medical Center Tax!!

WCCUSD Measure H Primary Argument In Favor - NOTE Signator "Daniel Tanita" - does he live in West County? Why is he getting Measure D bond money to run a dental clinic??

WCCUSD Primary Argument AGAINST Measure H

Latest Hype from Doctors Hospital to get you to pass this permanent parcel tax - DON'T BELIVE THE "WE'RE GONNA' CLOSE IF YOU DON'T PASS THIS TAX....IT'S A LIE!!

 The people who benefit from your tax $$ will hold a "Telephone Town Hall" on Wednesday March 26 from 6:30 - 7:30PM - HOW TO JOIN THIS PROPAGANDA TALK

Richmond City council deliberates clapping of audience after clearing the meeting chambers - NOTICE HOW "AUDIO DIFFICULTIES" occur as soon as Councilman Rogers starts to talk then ends as soon as Beckles starts to talk


Radio Free Richmond: Mayor Clears Council During Clapping Discussion


Another tax on the June 3 ballot - Contra Costa Community College District $450 million bond measure - INFO


Richmond Ghetto Residents Sound Off! (and illustrate why letting the government rule our lives leads to death and destruction...)



 Richmond city Council completely falls apart - Tom Butt gets into it with da' Mayor!!

     Globalization of California: Regaining Local Control - Seminar, May 3, 2014 on Treasure Island - FLYER



West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) $270M Bond Measure - Resolution - to be voted on June 3, 2014






































"The global war on terrorism is a fabrication...it is state terrorism using terrorists as foot soldiers to kill civilians" - Prof. Michel Chussodovsky


Large LED Billboards proposed for Hilltop Mall - Let the Richmond City council know you oppose this distracting eyesore...


WARNING! Enrolling in Obummercare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits....


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Wednesday March 12, 7PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

Dist. 1 Supervisor John Gioia Salary & Benefits

Ukraine - It's About the Control of Energy - LARGER MAP

     Energy Companies Running from California - "Despite all the hype about the ill-defined “green jobs” sector, the real growth engine

remains fossil fuels, which have added a half-million jobs in the past five years."

      John Kerry Puts His Foot in it...

   One Minute After You Die...


     What is the end game? The Breakup of Ukraine??

WATCH Russia TV for (a somewhat more) accurate reporting...



   San Fran Schools Give Crazies Charge of the Classroom


   US Backed Flash Mobs - Ukraine, now Venezuela


  Dalai Lama's CIA Connections

  Three New Parcel Tax Measures Eminent - West County Healthcare District $14/sq ft mail ballot - West County School District $270M Bond Measure for June 3, 2014 election - San Francisco Bay Restoration Parcel Tax

As Doctor's Hospital Claims they Need more taxpayer $$ to make a possible partnership with a larger healthcare management organization, see this story of longtime nurse at Watsonville community hospital who was fired for speaking out against the merger of Watsonville hospital with Community Healthcare Systems


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014 - AGENDA

Obamacare: Raiding the Assets of Low Income People


    Hercules-Pinole Patch Editorial Regarding Upcoming Doctor's Hospital Parcel Tax


Transparent California - website that shows salaries and pensions of all California public officials


Ken Hamm vs. Bill Nye - Biblical Creation/Belief in God vs. atheism DEBATE - "The battle is really about authority...who's the authority, man or God?" - Ken Hamm


West County Times Editorial - NO to another West Contra Costa Healthcare District parcel tax


Monsantos' Roundup: New Deadly Scam Revealed


Rosa Koire's Recent Presentation in Denmark on Agenda 21 - Plan Bay Area is the local Bay Area implementation of THEIR plan for YOU


      West Contra Costa Healthcare District Board of Directors Meeting - Jan. 29, 2014 - VIDEO - Mail Ballot Parcel Tax Approved - Times' Article

San Pablo Dam Rd. Walkability Project Presentation Jan. 23, 2014 - VIDEO - MAP of Project


   Global March Against Geoengineering and Chemtrails    San Francisco Rally, Sat. Jan. 25, 12NOON


Mike AKA "Martin Luther" King Exposed in Interview made many years' ago!




Board of Supervisors Meeting Tuesday Jan. 14 - Item SD.4 - Resolution to Use Eminent Domain on properties along the I-80/Dam Rd. Interchange Project.


County Letter sent to San Pablo Dam Rd. Property/Business owners regarding reconfiguration of San Pablo Dam Rd. AKA the "San Pablo Dam Rd. Walkability Project" - Note Community meeting Thursday 1/23/14 from 4 - 6PM in the meeting room behind the El Sobrante Library - NOTE: eminent domain could be used

County information on Dam Rd. Walkability Project


   Has Fukushima Radiation Already Reached San Francisco Area Shores??


  A Rationale for High Altitude Spraying AKA "Chemtrails"?



El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Agenda for Wednesday Jan. 8, 7PM, meeting room behind El Sobrante Library




     TThe Reality of the US Drone Program - Senseless Killing


     Steinberg's SB1 is Coming...It MUST BE STOPPED! It has the potential to have massive land use implications for all California suburban areas such as El Sobrante


US' Worldwide Spying Center



       Obama: The Incredible Shrinking Presidency


California Stop Smart Meters! Alert: CPUC & FCC Grinches Coming to Bay Area in January


The Man They Still Hate


  South African Genocide



   Our Weather is Now Completely Controlled...geoengineering rules the day...listen to recent interews - Dane Wiggington - George Martin

See also Dane's website geoengineeringwatch - get the new movie and app by George Martin at http://www.skyderalert.com/


   El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting Agenda - Wednesday Dec. 11, 2013 (note wrong date on agenda...)




Police State Update: Obama Administration Flooding US Streets with "Weapons of War" for Local Police

       Heartbreaking, Horrendous: The Real Cost of Genetically Modified Food - Deformities, Birth Defects, Death To Animals Fed GM Feed

      Fukushima Danger: Why TEPCO is Risking Catastrophic Worldwide Radiation by Removing Fuel Rods



JFK Assasination: The Big Coverup


ABC Ch. 7 News News Report on Fukushima Radiation Which Will Reach Bay Area Shores by March 2014




Mia Pope Recalls Barry Soetero from Summers in Hawaii


Doctor's Medical Center in San Pablo Declares Fiscal Emergency (NOTE your property tax bill: you are paying $99/yr right now for this abomination!!)


 Military Suicides Continue to Rise....


      Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare


In Honor of Veterans Day: Rethinking the Good War



Scientists Warn of Grave Risk to Humanity from Fukushima Fuel Pools


Dying Ocean Update: Massive Wasting Disease (Death) of Starfish


   Police State Update: Documentary on "Puppycide" the growing phenomenon of police killing of family pets

Every 98 minutes, a dog is shot by law enforcement. Help us tell their stories.


Referendum against AB1266 the "Transgender Bathroom Law" - our public school kids need privacy in the bathroom - this evil law needs to be overturned - dowload a petition here- deadline to send in petitions is Nov. 6!!   For more information go to Privacy for All Students


   Chevron Charges Opposing Attorney with Fraud in Landmark Lawsuit


Opinion: Why Eminent Domain Can't Save Broke Cities Like Richmond, CA


Toronto 9/11 Hearings: Uncovering 10 years of Deception


RummageSale/BBQ Tomorrow, Saturday 10/26 at the Animal Refugee Response facility, 2906 Dam Rd., near I-80 intersection - $5 entry donation


OBAMA THE WAR PRESIDENT: Empire Under Obama: America's "Secret Wars" in Over 100 Countries Around the World

       Who Will Protect You From Government Sanctioned Home Invasions?


The Ocean is Broken - Heartbreaking Tale of One Longtime Sailor


  NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Testifying Before EU Committee on Civil Liberties


  2500 Killed in Pakistan by US Drone Strikes - Names Now Available - US airspace will be opened to drones in 9/15!!



       Blog Entries Show American's Hatred for Obummercare


Obamacare: A Deception!!


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Monthly Meeting, Wednesday 10/09/13, 7PM, meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


       El Sobrante Animal Refugee Response - please help to keep it going!!


     Doomsday Rhetoric Being Used to Push "Government Shutdown" - Mirrors 2008 "Bailout" Rhetoric

         El Sobrante Foxes at Play - VIDEO

    "Lone" Shooters Not Just a Danger to the 2nd Amendment, They Pose a Danger to Your Mental Health (Evaluation by the Government)



Community Meeting on Creation of Mini Park around El Sobrante Library, Monday Sept. 30, 2013, 7 - 8:30PM at the El Sobrante Library


El Sobrante Cleanup Day this Saturday 9/28/13 - FLYER


        KTVU Ch. 2 News Story on Privately Owned Key Route System needlessly replaced by the BART government mass transit system


    While Richmond Mayor Goes on Expensive Political Junket to Ecuador, Richmond Streets Crack and Fall Apart, Endangering and Inconveniencing the Citzenry


      Police State Update: Police More Dangerous to the Public Than Criminals

                     <<<<<<<<<<Somethins' happening here, and it's exactly clear


   911 Remembered: Where's the plane? Flight 93  Pentagon Hit   CNN Unedited Footage   


Richmond Eminent Domain Presentation by Jeff Wright on Sept. 11 at Richmond Police Activities League (MRPChairman Gluckstern never showed up) - VIDEO



Syria: A Vote of No Confidence in the President


Richmond Eminent Domain Debate Sponsored by the Richmond Police Activities League, Monday Sept. 9, 6:30PM at the RPAL Auditorium, 2200 Macdonald Ave., Richmond - flyer

<<<Eminent Domain Debators for above function


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Monthly Meeting, Wednesday Sept. 11, 7PM, Meeting Room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA


Did Washington Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack??



     As Obama Slouches Toward More War Atrocities on Behalf of His Globalist Masters, A Look at the US' History of Germ Warfare


    SB-1 to be heard on Aug. 28 - 24 hours to call legislators to stop this incredible power grab - Sac. Bee Editorial on Steinberg's Power Grabs

   Why SB-1 Deserves to Be Defeated!!!


Followup to Hwy. 24 Shooting Incident - still lots of unanswered questions


    Governor Moonbeam, an Ordained Jesuit Priest, Signs Horrific "Transgender Protection" Bill Into Law



Police State Update: Cops Delay Medical Service to El Sobrante man in order to "secure the area"; man later dies - Motorcycle accident suspect shot on Hwy. 24 - no information given - SWAT team raids and Destroys Texas organic farm, terrifies occupants for??


   March Against Chemtrails/Geoengineering August 28, 2013


   Central Valley Farmer Russ Waymire Questions Feds' Decision to Dry Up the Food Bowl of the World


     The Obama Regime's Fabricated Terror Conspiracy to Justify the Emerging US Police State

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council SPECIAL MEETING before regular ESMAC meeting tomorrow night Wednesday night 8/14/13 @ 7PM


   2010 Census Shows Feds are Wrong in Population Predictions (used by the likes of ABAG & MTC to justify their "plans" for us...)


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Aug. 14 Meeting, 7PM meeting room behind El Sobrante Library- AGENDA

   Pacific Legal Foundation Files Lawsuit on behalf of Bay Area Citizens against ABAG and MTC over issues regarding Plan Bay Area



   Tom Butt, Jovanka Beckles on FOX News Story on Richmond City Council "Ban the Box" ordinance


  Eminent Domain Scheme by Richmond, El Monte Drains Money from Taxpayers

The Strange Saga of Gary Bell Ends Sadly - Memorial Service Held Aug. 7

     Congressman Mike Rogers' Opening Statement on Healthcare Reform in Washington DC

    Many View N. Korea as the trigger point of WWIII - see this important new talk on the history and the future of US domination of the Korean Peninsula


  POLICE STATE UPDATE: Excerpt from Rise of the Warrior Cop


    N. Californian Dane Wiggington Exposes Geoengineering Damage to the Environment

Christian Palestinianism - what is it?? - Where do you line up??


  DUH GIRL: UN Delegate from Cook Islands sez' "Global Warming is Happening right Now" because Winter has "been extended" - HUH??


"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." - 1Thessalonians 5:3

The Cult of Peace and Safety - Pt. 2 of a Lecture by Carl Teichrib of Forcing Change.org

Plan Bay Area Set for Approval July 18, 6:30PM, Oakland Marriott City Center, West Hall, 1001 Broadway, Oakland

Single Family Homes - Suburban Charm Trumps Urban Convenience AKA "sustainable communities"


New and More Dangerous Bill Threatens Millions of California Homeowners, will re-establish eminent domain - see rundown of Steinberg's SB1


Huge anti-Obama Protests in Egypt - pics you won't see in the MSM VIDEO

SYRIA: "...the ground war is over." - for this and other GRTV Stories


S. Africans Demonstrate Against the US & Obama


Irish MP Clare Daly calls Obama "war criminal"


SYRIA: "...the ground war is over."


How to ID a "Limited Hangout"


Edward Snowden - Whistleblower or "Limited Hangout"?



Fake WMD “Intelligence” and Orwellian Double-speak : Washington Is Insane

The Future of Amerika?? Detroit Today - a portent of things to come?



BARF ALERT! I Want, YOU Pay - video of "housing rights advocate" at 6/14/13 ABAG/MTC Meeting on Plan Bay Area


Plan Bay Area - Guest Commentary in Contra Costa Times June 16, 2013 - An Attack on Our Way of Life

ABAG/MTC Meeting Friday June 14 at 9:30AM to possibly revise Plan Bay Area based on public comments - INFO - Friday Forum - INFO

See email comments from the public on Plan Bay Area<<<HINT: Mostly NEGATIVE!!


Local School District, WCCUSD, ratings down to D- in spite of heavy spending property taxes, bonds....just goes to show that spending more on education is a waste of time...


Wealth Redistribution Update: Wages Down, Productivity up, Bank Profits Up - the Black Report


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Wednesday June 12 Meeting, 7PM, Meeting Room Behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA PACKET


County Information on "Revitalization" of Dam Rd. between Appian Way and El Portal Dr.

Has the Tipping Point on Monsanto GMO's Been Reached??

Full Length Professional Video of the Great Debate on Plan Bay Area Held May 30 in San Rafael

Presidential "Frontrunner" Hillary Clinton Admits "We Created Al-Qaeda"

JFK Assassination: Fifty Years Later No One Knows the Full Story





The People's Movement Against Monsanto


Military Suicide Rate Continues to Climb at an Alarming Rate!!



THE SOCIAL ENGINEERS: Plan Bay Area - Episode 1




PLAN BAY AREA PUSHBACK CONTINUES....Pleasant Hill Community Meeting on Plan Bay Area, Tuesday May 21, 7PM Pleasant Hill Community Meeting Room, 100 Gregory Lane, PH

THE GREAT DEBATE - Is Plan Bay Area Good for the SF Bay Area? - National planning expert Randall O'Toole and Tom Rubin, transportation expert square off against regional government reps Mark Luce of ABAG and Steve Kinsey of MTC, Thursday, May 30th, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Marin Civic Center Board of Supervisors Chamber - INFO


Hundreds of people showed up at the May 13 special meeting of the Orinda City council taking public comment on Plan Bay Area...only 3 people were for it!! AUDIO

NOTE: ORINDA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC COMMENT STARTS AT 42 min...need to restart sometimes as audio player crashes

Historic Lawsuit to Stop Bay Implementation of UN Agenda 21 Known as Plan Bay Area/One Bay Area


Bay Area Cities Schedule Meetings to Review Onerous Plan Bay Area/One Bay Area Plan


El Sobrante MAC May 8, 2013 Meeting - AGENDA PACKET - Note Item P.5 presentation by County Planner David Brockbank on P-1 District encompassing Dam Rd. & Appian Way

Results so far of Career Congressman George Miller's Immigration Survey - TAKE THE SURVEY


 Video from Plan Bay Area open house/public workshop/Kabuki theater in Walnut Creek 4/22/13

<<<<<Urban assault vehicle, OVERKILL


Report from last night's Plan Bay Area Walnut Creek Open House/Public Workshop - Planners Steamroll Local Communities


Manhattan Project Video

On this day in 1859, French Historian Alex de Tocqueville died - a brief synopsis of his life and travels in America



"Take Back Your Power" - New Movie Exposes the Worldwide Agenda Being Implemented with "smart meters"

Got property rights? NOT IN THE BAY AREA...Join Lawsuit to Stop MTC/ABAG "Plan Bay Area"




New Monsanto Attack - Total DNA Control - Jeffrey Smith - Pt. 1 - Pt. 2



Community Meeting on Sidewalk Improvement Program between Appian Way and El Portal Dr. RESCHEDULED to Thursday April 11, 2013 at 6:30 - 8:30PM at the Boys & Girls Club, 4660 Appian Way

Marin County Residents Protest at Town Hall Meeting on Affordable Housing Mandates - KTVU Ch2 News VIDEO


Danville Citizens Continue to Oppose General Plan Update and ABAG's High Density Housing Mandates VIDEO

Behind the Green Mask - exposing criminal land use policies around the US

A Message to Liberal Democrats from ROSA KOIRE


Campos' Bill Aims to Restore Redevelopment via "JID'S"


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council March 13, 2013 Meeting - AGENDA PACKET - NOTE PG. 7: Eleanor Loynd (finally) stepping down, death of Reva Clark

Another day....more spray


Orinda Fights Smart Growth - Town Hall Meeting March 13, 2013

Danville Continues to Fight Plan Bay Area and ABAG Membership


Senator Rand Paul Makes Historic Stance Against Drone Strikes

The Birth of the Hippie Generation (it's not what you think....)

Bay Area Citizens Protest ABAG/MTC's Plan to tell you how to live...PLAN BAY AREA


Phoney "war on terror" now being waged in Africa - the convoluted mess in Mali

World Affairs Brief - Feb. 8, 2013 SAMPLE COPY - to subscribe see info at www.worldaffairsbrief.com


ESMAC List of 2012 Accomplishments

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Wednesday Feb. 13 Meeting Agenda

Richmond Confidential's Slanted Article on Tuesday 2/5/13 Richmond City Council Meeting

Richmond City Councilman Nat Bates Responds to the RPA Fix/Debacle at the Monday 2/4/13 Special Meeting to Fill Gary Bell's Vacant Seat


Richmond City Council Candidate Statements as of 5PM Jan. 31

Hispanic Population to Outnumber Whites in 2014

As Obama Administration Ramps Up Domestic Drone Flights, a Review of Children Killed by US Mideast Drone Strikes May be in Order...




Richmond Mayor McLaughlin, RPA INSIST on special meeting tonight to discuss Gary Bell's Replacement - Nat Bates' Response

Jovanka Beckles Lashes out at Corky Booze

Take Some Time Today: Agenda 21 for Dummies


FBI Raids El Sobrante Realtor's Office


Mike AKA "Martin Luther" King Exposed in Interview made many years' ago!


More 911 Revelations


US Phoney "War on Terror" Spreads to Africa

BAPAC, others Call on Richmond City Council to Appoint Sullivan


Rift Emerges in Richmond City Council Due to Bell's Vacant Seat


Tom Butt's Most Recent Post on Gary Bell Vacancy


Climate Change or Mind Control?

The True Cost of Chevron



Gary Bell Saga cont'd - Will the RPA Use Bell's Inability to Serve as a Way to Appoint Martinez???


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council - Agenda Packet Jan. 9, 2013

The Continuing Saga of Gary Bell - UNABLE TO ASSUME OFFICE!

Fiscal Cliff "Crisis" - More Manufactured Scare Tactics

Economist Michael Hudson on the "Fical Cliff" MANUFACTURED CRISIS



More Evidence that Facebook is a Government Operation: Website Threatened for using PRO GUN Gahdhi quote


Mayan 2012 Prophecy: Made in America

Zuckerberg's FaceBook Threatens Users Who Post About Sandy Hook Massacre


A Massive Bioengineering Experiment - Purpose Unknown


El Sobrante MAC Dec. 12, 2012 Agenda Packet - note item DI.3 - shameless support of neighborhood opposition to 12 new single family homes....

Report from Danville 12/11/12 Planning Commission meeting - Citizens urge Danville to withdraw from regional government entity ABAG!!

Danville Residents Plan Large Demonstration at 12/11/12 Planning Commission meeting - Too Bad El Sobrante Didn't do the same....!!


General Mills' Facebook Page Morphs into Anti-GMO Campaign

And, if GM Foods weren't enough.....GMO Foods Now Laced with Nanoparticles


Danville Residents Challenge Housing Mandates from ABAG/MTC (courtesy of Darrel Steinberg)


Lafayette, Danville Residents Express Overwhelming Objection to General Plan Updates and High Density Housing Demanded by Regional Government

Meanwhile, El Sobrante Residents Fight Needed Single Family Housing as W. County Times helps them (but no objection to El Sobrante High Density Housing General Plan Update just a few blocks away!)


Boycott these "natural" food companies that spent millions to defeat Prop. 37!



Richmond City Councilman Tom Butt Sends Email Advising How to Remove Councilman Corky Booze

Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and China Now More Free Than America in Notable Ways


Anti-Israel Demonstration in San Francisco Nov. 16, 2012 - anti-semitism on the rise, lots of 'f bombs'


The US-Israeli Attack on Gaza

and...to add confusion this article from 2004: Hamas is a Creation of Mossad

The Strange Tale of Gary Bell

As the Communist Agenda Takes Over AMERIKA see this movie - GRINDING DOWN AMERIKA: VIDEO

California Democrats' Supermajority Threatens Home & Business Owners


Satanic Geoengineered Storm "Sandy" Leaves Devastation in It's wake as citizens attempt to cope on their own in Queens, Brooklyn and Rockaway neighborhoods of New York City


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council monthly meeting - Wednesday 11/14/12, 7PM, meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA PACKET

Obama unmasked

Romney Unmasked


Genetically Modified Organisms: EVIL GENIUSES AT YOUR DINNER TABLE



Obama: The War President


Proposition 31: The Devil is In the Details...


Calculate the parcel taxes you pay to West County Unified School District HERE


Save El Sobrante's Recommendations on State Propositions and Local Measures


Russia Bans Genetically Modified Corn...Another reason to vote YES on Prop. 37 (this makes more sense than taxing certain drinks fa' th' chillun)


Marilyn Langlois Responds to Mailer AKA Don't Trust Gary Bell....

POLICE STATE UPDATE: 'Another One Bites the Dust"


VOTE NO, NO, NO on California Measure 31 - it will eliminate Constitutional Government and set up Regional Government Run by UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS!! - The Revolution Will Not Be Publicized!!

Prop 31 Creates New Layers of Government!!!

Do NOT vote for Gary Bell, Marilyn Langlois, Eduardo Martinez, Jael Myrick

RPA Candidate for Richmond City Council Marilyn Langlois Paid no Federal Tax for 2 Years!!

Vote for Nat Bates for Richmond City Council

8 Reasons to Vote Yes on Proposition 37, Mandatory Labelling of GMO Containing Foods

Arab Winter - Anthony Wile Tells it Like it Is


VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 37!!! <<DOWNLOAD POSTER HERE(open link in new tab...)


California: Signs of a Collapsing Economy


911 Redux: Osamagate, Where's the Plane? Flt 93, Where's the Plane? Flt. 77

Voters Should be Prepared for a Lot of Taxing Measures this November

WCCUSD Measure E Bond Voter Information Pamphlet $360,000,000 in bonds or appr. $60 per $100,000 assessed value

WCCUSD Measure G Parcel Tax Information Pamphlet 7.2 cents/sq ft = $108/yr for a 1500 sq ft dwelling

NOTE: For a 1500sq ft home assessed at $350,000 your taxes will rise $318/yr if both measures pass!! VOTE NO, NO, NO on Measure E & Measure G!!!!!


Class Warfare in Southern Spain: Coming Soon to the US????


CA Legislature Passes Bills to Revive Redevelopment


Contra Costa Board of Supervisors Meeting Tuesday August 21 - Agenda Item C6 - San Pablo Dam Rd. Walkability Project - PDF FILE

Contra Costa Board of Supervisors Set to Rubber Stamp Rezoning of Dam Rd. & Appian Way to Establish 3 High Density/"Mixed Use" Planned Unit Development ("P-1") Zones likely on Tuesday Sept. 11, 9AM at the BOS Meeting - AGENDA (when available)


Obama, the war President & His Updated China Agenda


Police State Update: Saginaw, MI Police Goons Shoot Homeless Man 46 Times

REJECT CONTRA COSTA FIRE TAX !!!!!!!!! County Grand Jury Findings on Fire District



El Sobrante Community Meeting on Rezoning of Dam Rd. & Appian Way (Planned Unit or P-1 Restricted Development Areas) held Wednesday Aug. 8 at the Boys & Girls Club - VIDEO


Taxes, Taxes, Taxes on November Ballot - West County School District Bond - BALLOT TEXT - West County School District Parcel Tax - BALLOT TEXT - Contra Costa Fire Protection District Parcel Tax - BALLOT TEXT

Honeybees are dying in record numbers across the US threatening our food supply...take action...DOWNLOAD and mail letter to the EPA today during their comment period ending 9/30/12

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council (ESMAC) Special Community Meeting Wednesday, August 8, 7 - 9PM at the Boys & Girls club, Portable Bldg. - AGENDA

Welcome to Obamaland!!

"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important." ---Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen DoD News Briefing Monday, April 28, 1997

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages ,famine, and the like would fit the bill...All of these are caused by human intervention...The real enemy, then, is humanity itself..." - Aurelio Peccei - founder of elite think tank, Club of Rome

Electromagnetic Beam Weather Modification - VIDEO



Thierry Meyssan Speaks about the unfolding Battle of Damascus (click on CC for translation subtitles)



Climate Action Plan for El Sobrante and other unincorporated areas - VIDEO of Richmond Open House held July 12, 2012

Syrian Conflict Exposes REAL Axis of Evil

El Sobrante P-1 (Rezoning) Subcommittee Meeting June 27, 2012 VIDEO


Healthcare as Defined by Obamacare


More Citizen Protest at Noontime (!) Fairfield Plan Bay Area Meetings

MTC/ABAG Plan Bay Area (AKA THEIR PLAN FOR US) "Scoping Meeting" at the Oakland Metro Center, Wed. June 20, 2012 - VIDEO

Planned Development Areas (PDA's) MTC Info - PDA Map (Dam Rd. and part of Appian Way are possible PDA's on map)


Socialist 'A' vs. Socialist 'B' - No matter which one gets "elected" the outcome will be the same.....


Imperialism Update: US Globalists Now Aiming to Destabilize Africa

One Man's Outrageous Journey to Expose the Corruption (Murder, Rape, Torture) Perpetrated By the World's Most Revered Institution

Watch "UN Me" on XFINITY On Demand for $6.99!!

El Sobrante CleanUp Day, Saturday June 23, 8:30AM - 12Noon (or until dumpsters are full), El Sobrante Boys & Girls Club, 4660 Appian Way - FLYER

IMPERIALISM UPDATE - UN/US/NATO/GLOBALIST Disinformation - Death Squads Destabilize Syria

DemoRATS -Feminist stronghold - gives strong support to female infanticide




Joint MTC/ABAG Commission Plan Bay Area Debacle Meeting at Oakland Marriott May 17 - VIDEO


Demonstrators Protest NATO Imperialism in Chicago Summit

P-1 Rezoning is El Sobrante's local implementation of UN Agenda 21 - a short overview of the UN Agenda 21 program

MTC/ABAG's "PLAN BAY AREA" - Regional Implementation of Agenda 21

El Sobrante Rezoning Public Meeting Wednesday May 7 @7PM at the Boys & Girls Club - AGENDA - VIDEO

El Sobrante P-1 (Rezoning)District Planning Committee 4/25/12 meeting -VIDEO (doesn't work in Mozilla Firefox)




County links 'public health' and 'climate change' - VIDEO of May 24 "Public Health & Climate Change" workshop held in Richmond

A Good Reason to Save El Sobrante from Annexation by Richmond - outgoing Richmond City Councilman Ritterman urges wealth redistribution using faulty logic


Earth Day Pagan Agenda - DON'T BUY IT!!


Imperialism Updates

El Sobrante P-1 Rezoning (of Dam Rd. and Appian Way) Planning Meeting to be held Wed. April 25, 2012 from 4 - 5:30PM in meeting room behind El Sobrante Library - agenda to be out by 4/24

Battle for the California Desert - Antelope Valley Rural Residents Being Driven off their Property by Armed SWAT Teams

Citizens Speak Out Against Planned Development Areas (PDA's) at March 15 ABAG/MTC Plan Bay Area Meeting - NOTE: ABAG/MTC now has a new "place type" known as Rural PDA which will have the goal of limiting the number of car trips out of the rural area

"P-1" (Special Zoning District for Dam Rd. and Appian Way) Committee meeting March 28, 2012 at 4PM - INFO from Terrance Cheung, Sup. Gioia's Chief of Staff - NOTE: THESE PEOPLE WILL BE RECOMMENDING PROPERTY USES FOR THIS AREA!

Answers to Questions on P-1 Special District from County Planner David Brockbank who is running the P-1 Committee Meetings

"Beware Metro: an Historical book on regionalism, 'metro government' such as MTC/ABAG - these people exposed this government agenda in the 1970's!!

County documents on "P-1" Zoning District on Dam Rd. and Appian Way

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council March 14, 2012 Meeting Agenda

NOTE Agenda item 10.1.e in which longtime El Sobrante Valley P & Z Head Eleanor Loynd complains to County that she can't see what is going on behind fences on Appian Way!!

Residents speak out AGAINST Play Bay Area at 3/9/12 ABAG/MTC meeting

LA County Engaged in Torture of Raw Milk Advocate James Stewart


Does End of Redevelopment Signal Start of California Municipal Meltdown???


Don't Bet Against the Single Family Home!!


Support the California GMO Labelling Initiative





Vision Long Island - Plan Bay Area on Steroids!! It's got it all...'complete streets', 'visioning process', 'smart growth', obnoxious workshop moderator, and more....



Beyond Disgusting!! ABAG/MTC Asks for Secret Meeting with anti - Plan Bay Area "Leaders"

West County Unified School District - GUESS WHAT???? Another parcel tax comin' up!!




Another mail ballot parcel tax to arrive in W. County resident's mailboxes around Feb. 21 - Vote NO on "Clean Water" Tax- Be sure to mail your "NO" vote back immediately or by April 6, 2012 at 5PM


The Fraud Behind the "Pink Ribbon" and Susan G. "Conman" Foundation

Mammograms Actually Cause Breast Cancer!!




Citizens Speak out Against ICLEI at San Carlos City Council - Contra Costa County is a Member of ICLEI - WHAT IS ICLEI? Listen to Citizens at San Carlos City Council!

This is how the Board of Supes implemented Plan Bay Area in El Sobrante


Heather Gass Interview on Plan Bay Area & the loss of Private Property Rights


Berkeley Daily Planet Report on Plan Bay Area Meetings - Pt. 1 - Pt. 2

Plan Bay Area Contra Costa "workshop" held 1/23/12 at Richmond Auditorium - VIDEO


What is "Regionalism"? Plan Bay Area is an example - Michael Shaw explains...

PUSHBACK!! Plan Bay Area Protests Continue at Alameda County Meeting in Dublin

Pot Evaluation Office Now Open in El Sobrante - aren't you thrilled???????


Residents Protest "Plan Bay Area" Planned Development Meetings



Near Riot at Plan Bay Area Agenda 21 Meeting in Santa Rosa

Link to Planned Unit Development (P-1) rezoning of El Sobrante - next meeting Jan. 25 @4PM, El Sobrante Library meeting room


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council - Agenda Packet for Jan. 11, 2011 meeting

Plan Bay Area (Sustainable Development/local UN Agenda21) is BAAACK! Documentation from Previous dog and pony shows presented by our Regional Rovernment Socialist"Representatives"


California Supremes End Redevelopment Agencies - Watch for Bureaucrats to Find another Way to Seize Private Property....SB214??

Yet Another Parcel Tax in the Works for West County Residents!!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>P-1 Rezoning is AGENDA 21 COME TO TOWN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Listen to Interview with Santa Rosa resident Rosa Koire - she explains the implementation of "environmental" regs, the power of "bicycle coalitions", the "visioning" process, redevelopment scams, "complete streets", etc...basically the same thing that is going on in El Sobrante being implemented by unelected "officials' such as the ESMAC, the so-called "Planning & Zoning Committee", the ES Chamber of Commerce, etc - it's happening in Santa Rosa, also!! See her website the Post Sustainability Institute: www.postsustainabilityinstitute.org

The Golden State is Crumbling

Census shows 50% of Americans are Poor


Special ESMAC meeting to be held Wednesday Dec. 14, at 7 PM, at the Elks Lodge on Dam Rd. - presentation on the "P-1" (planned unit development) rezoning of Dam Rd. and Appian Way to "mixed use" AKA "smart growth" - County Notice for Meeting - NOTE: You will be invited to "participate" i.e. agree with the County's plans, no public comment or opposition - this is essentially the implementation of the failed Redevelopment Plan using a Federal Grant to pay for the "smart growth" government business/housing units

See County's website for information on "P-1 Citizen's Advisory Committee" meetings and "Citizen" members of "P-1" meetings

See " Proposed Mixed Use land use designations for El Sobrante" M-11 Appian Way General - Block #'s 1,2,3,4,5,9,10 & 11 M-12 Triangle Area - Block #'s 6,7 & 8 M-13 San Pablo Dam Road - Block #'s 13,14 & 15 here

County Proposes ANOTHER NEW TAX of $70/yr for fire protection



El Sobrante MAC Nov. 9 Meeting at 7PM in Meeting Room Behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA Packet


Upcoming "Smart Growth" AKAP Planning committee for El Sobrante AKA P - 1 Planning Committee to be held Oct. 26, 4 - 5:30PM, El Sobrante Library meeting room - INFO


Hollywood Businessman says "NO" to Redevelopment Money


The Public Health Risks of Densification (Smart Growth)



Berkeley Daily Planet Laments More of Those"Robot" AKA "smart growth" Apartments

Solyndra Revisited: George Miller & Son on the Take for Phoney "Green" Business Richmond's SunPower

Contact George Miller HERE - ask for your tax $$$$$$$$$ back....



Wednesday October 12 El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Meeting - AGENDA PACKET - NOTE pgs


Save Orinda posts proof that "transit villages" "mixed use" developments take citizen's money and spend it on doomed projects


Orinda citizens fight County's smart growth rezoning at their city - info - saveorinda.com




YOUR GOVERNMENT AT WORK - EPA to property owner: 'Your land is our land' $40 million in fines pending over plan to build new home

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council meeting - September 14, 2011 AGENDA PACKET

PARENTS! Don't fall for the hype about Gardisil - protect your teenaged girl!!

Bankrupt Contra Costa County Urged to Pony Up $2.5M to Continue to Operate County Redevelopment Agency Landgrab Operation

Board of Supervisors Aug. 16, 2011 Agenda packet - Items SD.4 and SD.5 provide background information on fate of County Redevelopment Agency - Note also item C.32 to watch AB214

Power Pt. presentation on Dam Rd. Realignment by Mary Halle of County to ESMAC on Aug. 11, 2011 - County will pursue grant funding for the "minimalist option" (THIS IS GOOD!!)


El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council (ESMAC) Meeting, Wednesday Aug. 10, 2011 - AGENDA PACKET - NOTE: Item P5 - realignment of Dam Rd., Item P6, County Presentation on "P1 Zoning Program"

Related to Dam Rd. 'realignment' - Contra Costa Times' story on Feds' insane 'complete streets' agenda

The White ("Progressive, Expensive") City


The Cost of 'Smart Growth' Revisited - 40 Years Later....

Cancer is Curable NOW!! Watch this eyeopening video


Public Outcry!! CPUC Public Hearing July 28, 2011 on Smart Meters - VIDEO



The Grinding Down of Amerika - a fait accompli

Smart Meters...a little too smart?????

The Great Global Depression

Is redevelopment dead?

Board of Supervisors rubber stamp the El Sobrante General Plan Update (rezoning) at June 7, 2011 meeting

AGENDA packet with pdf file attachments containing details of what they're planning for El Sobrante (HINT: it's a high density stack and pack 'sustainable community')

Agenda 21 Comes to the Bay Area! See report, video of "One Bay Area" Contra Costa County Forum held Sat. 5/7/11 in Concord


Revisiting Hawaii: Geoengineering Update - Short story: chemtrail spraying has increased, crop yields down

OBL's 2nd Death

Democrats Against Agenda 21 ("mixed use" zoning comes from Agenda 21)

Are 'WE' the problem? Or is out of control big government? San Ramon citizen gives his best to Dist. 1 Supervisor John Gioia


Local Activist John Galt seeks eminent domain of Jim Kennedy's BART Transit Village Properties that fail to meet their 'economic potential'

Japan Disaster Recommended Updates

El Sobrante General Plan -County Planning Commission - Meeting Continued (3rd time!) to March 22 at 7PM in Board of Supervisor's Chambers -

El Sobrante General Plan Update approved and sent to Board of Supervisors for final approval including approval of study to widen Appian Way to 4 lanes

"The People of Libya Now Have a Clear Enemy"

  EMF Safety Network

County Planning Commission Delays Decision on Rezoning El Sobrante AKA General Plan Update at 2/22/11 meeting - VIDEO (select El Sobrante hearing)

 Mideast Chaos


Your Hometown, the UN, Agenda 21 (and the CA Air Resources Board Shakedowns)

Highlights of Gov. Brown's Budget Proposal on Redevelopment - HINT: IT'S WORSE THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW>>>>

Deer in the headlights: CA Redevelopment Assn. Prez. Linda Barton at Sacramento Press Club Debate

Egypt Update: US disposable puppet Mubarak unleashes thugs wielding clubs and machetes on demonstrators

Gov. Brown's 'let the people of CA speak' June Special Election to raise your taxes to the roof likely will be a MAIL BALLOT!! (TO SAVE $$ AND INSURE IT PASSES?!?)

Feb. 9 El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council agenda packet - includes additional General Plan (rezoning) proposals to widen Appian Way to 4 lanes plus proposal to set up new ESMAC 'Design Review Board' to look at any new building within the ESMAC purview area

See video of Jan. 11 County Planning Commission meeting on El Sobrante Rezoning - click on agenda item #4 - plus meeting agenda

Member of Business Community Responds to Contra Costa Fire District Proposed Parcel Tax

Fire District parcel tax survey to assess if they can pass yet another tax....

Contra Costa County Planning Commission to meet Feb. 22 at 7PM, 651 Pine St., Martinez in the Board of Supervisors chambers on the 1st floor to continue hearings on the El Sobrante General Plan (Rezoning of Dam Rd. and Appian Way to high density/mixed housing) - County now want to widen Appian Way to 4 LANES from the triangle area to the Pinole City Limits (near Lucky shopping center) so this meeting will address this new plan - please plan to attend - more info as it come in....

Feds Reportedly in Bankruptcy Talks with States

The Failure of Redevelopment in California

Redevelopment Agencies Face State Scrutiny

Times' Borenstein Agrees with Governor's Plan to Shut Down (EVIL) Redevelopment Agencies

Meanwhile, CA Cities Threaten to Sue Governor (Due to their bonded indebtedness)

And finally, our own Dist. 1 Supervisor Gioia has vague Editorial supporting Brown' 'realignment of State government' in West County Times 1/22/11 (wonder if he'll rise above his own 'self interests'????)

Massive West Berkeley Rezoning under way - high density, highrises are planned...

ESMAC Agenda packet - Jan. 12, 2011 meeting - see pg. 15 for letter asking for widening of Appian Way to 4 lanes...

County Planning Commission Hearing on El Sobrante General Plan Change continued to Feb. meeting - El Sobrante MAC, County want to include the widening of Appian Way to FOUR LANES from triangle area to Pinole city limits near Fitzgerald Dr.!!

Legal Notice for Jan. 11, 2011 County Planning Commission Hearing on El Sobrante General Plan Change


Governor Moonbeam's Plans for California

2010 Review

Electronic Credit Card Theft - VIDEO

BP Oil Slick Found!!

Another government assault on private property!! Foreclosures on people who never missed a payment!

El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council meeting, Wed. Dec. 8, 7PM, behind El Sobrante Library - AGENDA

As County officials move to establish 'mixed use' AKA 'smart growth' zoning in El Sobrante via the updated 'General Plan', the city of Hercules faces a funding disaster for an unneeded 'mixed use' development which is draining the city dry....story here

Planning Commission Hearing on El Sobrante General Plan Rescheduled to Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011!! - info

General Plan Update Information Page

Social Engineering Bill in Senate - SB1619 (now passed) will transform America into an Urban society!!

What the TSA is NOT Telling You About Airport Scanners

There's plenty of water for Central Valley Farmers - Water for All group VIDEO indicts Boxer and Costa

County Zoning Administrator Hearing on El Sobrante Rezoning - Nov. 1 Agenda - Results

County Docs on "Downtown El Sobrante General Plan Amendment

UPDATE - El Sobrante General Plan (Rezoning of redevelopment area) upcoming meetings

The Dark Side of ICLEI - how our freedoms are slowly but surely being removed via "sustainable" policy - AUDI

As West County School District Prepares for yet another parcel tax, this group wants WCCUSD to GIVE them the El Sobrante Elementary land and buildings!!

El Sobrante Community Center? who paid for this????


We're under aerial attack - What in the World Are they Spraying? - VIDEO - AUDIO

"Livable Communities" Bill Will Force All US Cities, Communities to Conform to Federal "Sustainable Development" Guidelines


Anti-Globalist Activists Fend Off Police Provacateurs at G20 Meeting in Canada

Houston County, MN Fights Property Abuses in Local "Land Use Plan"

Gulf Oil Spill: "Could Go on for Years & Years", Govt. Controlled "Eco" groups, Sick Agenda....

Republican Lawfirm behind Sleazy Hit Piece on Dist. 1 Supervisor Candidate Mister Phillips

KPFA Interview - Prof. Michel Chussodovsky on the Coming New World Order AKA Repressive Global Government

Sustainable Development or Sustainable Freedom (you can't have both)

As the Obamanation gives $535M of your $$ to a solar energy company see how the Feds INTENTIONALLY created a controlled economic implosion

El Sobrante: EBMUD Moldy Water Problem

Central Valley Water Crisis: Judge Rules People Part of Ecosystem, too!!

"Think Global, Act Local" - What does this mean? download flyer on globalist takeover of local government & how to recognize it

Register "Nonpartisan" - under new CA election rules you can vote either party in a primary!

Fast Fax - CA Redevelopment Debt Overview

<<See How your Haiti Donations are being spent!!



Upcomimg Obama CIA Trial

San Pablo City Council Responds to Citizens - 4 Yr. Moratorium on ED!!

California's Manmade Drought

Now that "global warming" & "climate change" have been discredited, the guvmint is,

once again, pushing the "peak oil" theory...is oil a 'fossil fuel'??? VIDEO


Video, Photos of San Pablo Residents at Demonstration, City Council Meeting to Reinstate Eminent Domain

San Pablo Eminent Domain Battle to Resume Monday 4/19 @7PM - City Council Chambers ---- SUPPORT SAN PABLO'S FIGHT AGAINST ED!!

Feds, State Creating Central Valley Dust Bowl, Making Us More Dependent on Foreign Food!!

West County Unified School District - $1.7 BILLION in bonded indebtedness!!!!!!!


"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe" - Thomas Jefferson

Richmond City Councilman, Tom Butt, actually said this... another reason NOT to be annexed by Richmond.

Arguments AGAINST the Police Services Area Zone 3111- Measure E - Parcel Tax to be voted on in June 8 Primary Election

What in the World are They Spraying?

Inept West Contra Costa County School District to expand financial chaos - asks for yet ANOTHER BOND to fund their financial indiscretions - see bond measure resolution submitted to Elections Dept HINT VOTE NO....


Board of Stupes Reinstitute ED (Eminent domain, not erectile dysfunction) in San Pablo

Green Technology, Smart Growth, Smart Bombs, Smart Grid -Technocracy, the Ultimate "smart" Control Grid



Tuesday, March 2, Hearing at Board of Supervisors' Meeting on PROPOSED Parcel Tax for El Sobrante Deputy - Agenda & related documents

Video of Martinez' Citizens Impassioned Pleas to City Council to Stop High Density Smart Growth Redevelopment in historic single family neighborhood


Did you know that the County already has a Countywide P6 Police Services Area you're paying for? Info here

Contra Costa Budget Woes - Tears, not Rain

County to trade Services for Pension Payments - County Administrator David Twa's Presentation on County Budget Woes

Civil Disobedience and the 2010 Census

Halfway to Concord political blog coverage of Gioia/Phillips Dist. 1 Supervisor Race

Info on "P" (Police Service Area) Parcel Tax to be voted on June 8 - map of coverage area - Gioia memo - Board Resolution#2010/97

The GREEN POLICE - is Super Bowl Ad a picture of things to come???? (Fire Inspectors patrol the neighborhood on 'Spare the Air' Days, now)

El Cerrito Solicits their own version of "the green police"

Depopulation Update: Haiti Still Starving, 23 Days Later (Katrina #2??)

See Mister Phillips' website - have federally subsidized Sheriff patrols made any difference there???? More sheriff's will NOT stop crime and will add to your tax bill

The Population Control Agenda

What's Going on In Haiti?? The Bush-Clinton Scam Lives again...

Webster Tarpley Breaks Down "Bankstergate" - Jan. 11 Interview on Alex Jones' Show

The US' Role in Haiti's Desperate Plight...

Mister Phillips, Democratic Candidate for Dist. 1 Supervisor, Introduces Himself

Martinez Fights Redevelopment, High Density Housing


Imperialism Update: US/NATO to expand Afghan War into Horn of Africa, Indian Ocean

Never mind the facts.....let's have a war!!

Another Drought Year in California? Is Weather Control in play...? A Primer on Weather Control (under construction)


Al-CIA-Duh? BBC Now Admits al-Qaeda Never existed

Obama???? His Secret Plans for your Future (recorded before 2008 election)

One Day Before Christmas Day - another unConstitutional "SPARE THE AIR DAY"


Obama, the warmonger, declares war on Pakistan

The Algore Mental Health Page


KFPA 'Guns & Butter' Interview with Webster Tarpley on Obama's Declaration of War against Pakistan, drone attacks, et al

How a better Middle East Would Look (according to US Globaloney)


Public comment on El Sobrante General Plan Update will be taken at County Zoning Administrator meeting - 1:30PM, Monday 12/14, McBrien Administration Bldg. Pine & Escobar Sts., Rm. 107, Martinez - AGENDA

Link to Downtown El Sobrante General Plan Amendment (ESGPA) - public comment period closes 12/18/09

AlGore on Climate Gate: Refuses to Debate Skeptics, Has Goons Rough up Dissenters

KTVU Ch. 2 Story on 12/2/09 El Sobrante Special Meeting on Car Arsons

Democratic Gubernatorial Frontrunner Jerry Brown Receives $$ from Casinos - Gambling Interests His Office Regulates!!




CLIMATE GATE: Retired Climate Scientist Comments on Leaked Emails

US/Anglo/EU Plans to Fragment Russia

Hackers Expose "Global Warming" Fraud

Dist. 1 Supervisor Candidate Cites Sup. Gioia's Conflict of Interest in Pt. Molate Casino Affair

Ft. Hood Massacre: Hasan - patsy in terror drill gone live???

Dutch Town Rejects "Carbon Storage" Under their Neighborhood

Beware PG&E's new (not so) "SMART METERS"

El Sobrante Unsettled by Spate of Arson Fires

Phony 'global warming' carbon credit derivative trading could cause another financial meltdown

911 Tape of Richmond HS Gang Rape

Draft EIR of Proposed El Sobrante General Plan Update & other related El Sobrante documents

PowerPoint program on Downtown El Sobrante/Appian Way Redevelopment Plan (same area as proposed "General Plan Update" AKA rezoning of El Sobrante)

Firestorm Danger in El Sobrante Valley


The End of US Sovereignity as we know it.....say it ain't so....

US Misinformation Campaign - H1N1 Update by Dr. Mercola - RESIST THE VACCINE!!


Has your community's authority been handed over to ICLEI??

How the US Government Deliberately Tanked our Economy

Why is the US Chamber of Commerce Defending the Big Banks?? (NOTE: the El Sobrante Chamber of Commerce sponsored the redevelopment plan)

CA Redevelopment Assn. Sues State for on behalf of local guvmints for ill gotten gains...

Homelessness Hits California HARD

2010 Census: Warnings





Swine Flu: Made in the USA

Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany

Contra Costa Sheriff Rupf in Hot Water for Neglecting to Pickup Kidnapper/Rapist

CDC Pulling Out All the Stops to Enforce Dangerous 'Swine Flu' Vaccination!!

Makers of H1N1 Vaccination Refuse to Take Vaccination!!

Your Homeowner's Assn. Could Repossess your home under CA HOA Law - see this horrifying story

Contra Costa Community Development Dept. websites with documents pertaining to the Downtown El Sobrante/Appian Corridor Redevelopment Plan, Final Transporation Analysis


Role of El Sobrante Chamber of Commerce in "smart growth" redevelopment

Whose Country is it Anyway???


The Cap & Trade Swindle - Bringing the World to It's Knees via Massive Wealth Redistribution

A/H1N1: Just Another Manufactured Virus


Banks Can Steal Your Home, Even if you Own It!!

Hasta La Vista Ahnold!!

"Begging for Billionaires" - movie showing how rich developers pay off local politicians to take your private property

"The [CA Coastal] Commission is the single most powerful land use authority in the United States" - Jonathon Zasloff, UCLA Law Professor

City of Richmond "Shot Spotter" goes livet

Physicians' Association Calls for Moratorium on GMO Food

Whose Land Is It??

Obama Changes into Dick Cheney

Weimar Inflation - Could It Happen Again???

Mind Control - Articles, Video

What is the "Fed" - the nonFederal, nonReserve?? Secrets of the Fed

Congressman Ron Paul, MD on the Swine Flu Scare

SB787 - The Great Water Heist - Feds Move to Control ALL US Water!!

Where's Taxo???????

Hidden Costs of W. County School District parcel taxes

SwineAsianHuman Flu Update

Obama Steps Closer to World Guvmint, Queen Hitlery with latest State Dept. Appointments

Government Thugs Tase, Beat Up, Arrest Baptist Pastor for.....nothing!!

Preconditioning for Change


Tax Day Tea Parties - Americans Fed up with Socialists in guvmint

The End of the US as we know it? Can you say "Fascism"?

G20 - A New Financial World Order - end of the US as we know it!

Genetically Modified Food Bills Flood Congress

Redevelopment Programs Shortchange Schools

The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phones

Senate Rubberstamps National Service Bill

Wacky Gavin Newsom blames Prop. 13 for Budget Shortfall

March 17 County Budget Presentation 2009 by County Administrator David Twa

Gioia pushes for countywide public utility users tax at 3/17/09 BOS meeting!!

CA: Enough "Cowboy" Greenhouse Enforcement

Federal Bill would consolidate all US food production, criminalize home gardens, ban organic food production!!!!!!

Dump 'Smart Growth' (what County rezoning will look like)

Guvmint at all levels is pushing us to get out of our cars and use mass transit...are we buying it???

Obama: A Fraud You Can Believe In

NOTICE: Update on El Sobrante rezoning at Feb. 11 ESMAC meeting

**Patrick Roche of County Community Development stated redevelopment will NOT be used to implement the

General Plan (rezoning) of Dam Rd./Appian Way at above meeting

Video: History of America's Debt

San Pablo Dam Upgrade Updates

CA Congressman Pete Stark Goes Nuts, threatens reporter!!



Financial Times of London: The End of the California Dream

The Rise of Global Government - 5 pt. video to watch online

The Al Bore Page

Downtown El Sobrante/Appian Way Redevelopment Plan - Dec. 2008 Update

CA Redevelopment Debt tops $82.4 BILLION , Contra Costa Co. Redev. Agcy. $412+M!!


California faces $14.6 BILLION deficit - projected to reach $41.6 BILLION at end of '09

Arnold's plan to raid redevelopment funds


Ed Data's 2007-2008 Teacher Salary info!!

Another reason to avoid mass transit - you might get murdered!!

Understanding Israel & Gaza


Iran Election: Another Soros' style color revolution???????

Open Letter to President Elect Obama


Dist. 1 Supervisor Gioia interview with Ross Magowan on County Budget Cuts

Election 2008


Why the US Economy is Doomed to Failure

Ahnold signs ominous 'anti-sprawl', 'anti-greenhouse gas' SB375 - now planners have all the power!! NO on Prop 1A, Another Wealth Redis. Plan

Elk Grove Fire Chief Foster's PowerPt. program: How Redevelopment Agencies Divert Millions from Public Safety

Ahnold proposes raiding redevelopment tax revenue for...? LATEST & GREATEST

'Brilliantly' Smart Growth - higher and higher densities!

Greatest Movie Line Ever...


"Smart Growth" to be mandated in CA if SB375 becomes law!! Coming soon to a town near you...guvmint will tell you where to live, work and how to get around!!

Gold & Precious Metals Updates

Why Does California Struggle w/Budget Every Year????


911 & The "American Inquisition"

Earth Day or Earth Worship????????

Like to see El Sobrante stay unincorporated? or become a separate city?

"There's gangsters. There's drug dealing," he said. "I can't even walk outside . . . because somebody is going to come up to you and ask for change." - see LA Times story of 'mixed use' redevelopment of downtown Fullerton, CA



"Private property and freedom are inseparable" - George Washington

FAST FACT: Less than 1% of developable land in the US is developed!!

Taking Liberty: How Private Property is being Abolished in America

Light Brown Apple Month (LBAM) spraying...it's worse than you thought...Listen to this interview

The guvmint's plan for us....

Think Globally - Act Locally - What is SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT??

Experts see Collapse of US Economy - but our corrupt guvmint keeps seizing private homes and

building 'affordable housing' AKA 'smart growth'!

Redevelopment: The Unknown Government download pdf


Another member wants to annex El Sobrante to Richmond!!

El Sobrante MAC Proposed "Policies for El Sobrante Area"

Anti-eminent domain sign stirs up St. Louis!

The Best-Laid Plans of Govt. Planners Usually Screw Up Your Life

El Sobrante Redevelopment End Run - Rezoning via Genl. Plan change

The Anti-communitarian League fights the deceptive takeover of our communities!!

West County property owners wake up, reject Measure G!!!


Freedom21 Santa Cruz interview with Tom DeWeese of American Policy Center on the "World Environment Conference in San Francisco and Tony Blair's Sustainable Housing Plan - How the elite want us to live in the future!!

The Joys of Living in Unincorporated Areas - W. County Times - 11/28/06

Redevelopment horror stories: Manteca - San Diego


Parade Magazine article on Eminent Domain - Aug. 6, 2006

Listen to El Sobrante MAC meetings!! Minutes and agenda of El Sobrante MAC meetings!!

Official El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council Website


Special El Sobrante MAC meeting on General Plan (rezoning of Dam Rd. and Appian Way) AUDIO and it's impact on the community, Aug. 29, 7PM - download flyer - tell a friend!! See County map of parcels to be rezoned!! Download agenda of Aug. 29, 2006 special ESMAC meeting here NOTE: the country wants to recommend the placement of a "P1 Planned Unit District" within the rezoning area: what is a P1 district? see severe land use restrictions within such a district

Did you know that El Sobrante is within Richmond's "sphere of influence" ????

El Sobrante MAC/County wants building moratorium in Genl. Plan rezoning area to facilitate County rezoning!!

City of Brea devalues private land to 'save open space'

Smart Growth Not That Smart - Times' 8/18/06

Another way (beside Eminent Domain) that your property can be taken

Another way to make you a property tax payer with little or no rights on your own property!!

Slideshow: How gov't. mandated land use planning drives up home prices

Washington, DC: Redevelopment Hurts Poor


WARNING!!! A Massive Redevelopment Plan and General Plan (zoning) change is in the works for El Sobrante!

Board Ordinance: Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) members- only by appointment!!

Contra Costa Board of Supervisor's meetings - agenda and audio

Bayview-Hunter's Pt. residents pass petition to stop redevelopment in Nov. election!! Evil SF gov't. rejects valid citizen's petition!!

Richmond Fire Department confusion and ensuing death of children: Tom Butt eforum


Chammie the horse sez':

Save El Sobrante!! Redevelopment?? Neigh!

What happened in the 1970s to make Bay Area housing so unaffordable? In a nutshell: land-use planning!!

Seminar on 'Urban Planning'

Special Report: The High Price of Land Use Planning

Sunday Times' 4/30/06 articles on ED initiatives

Sunday Times' 4/30/06 - 'Private Property v. Public Use

Sustainable Development Benefits the Elite!!

Pot Club opens in El Sob!!

Measuring the Success of Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

How private property is being abolished in America

Freedom 21 Santa Cruz

How Smart Growth Makes Housing Unaffordable REPORT

The Great Global Warming Scam

Earth Day or Earth Worship??????????

Upcoming Eminent Domain Ballot Initiatives for California

FAST FACT: Less than 1% of developable land in the US is developed!!

El Sobrante/Richmond crime crisis!!!

Oregon's Supreme Court upholds Prop. 37 protection for private property

County Budget Mess

Good news....

Fire protection in El Sobrante? Think again...Tom Butt Eforum: They Fiddle While El Sobrante Burns

Richmond Fire Department confusion and ensuing death of children: Tom Butt eforum

POLICE PROTECTION...what happened to El Sobrante's resident deputy? Before any new development can be approved in unincorporated Contra Costa Co. the developer must vote YES to approve a parcel tax for P6 police services special district - yet these same areas usually have no resident deputy protection unless another parcel tax is passed - see PROPOSED mail ballot on Board of Supervisors Jan. 17 AGENDA - item SD.2 - the Rodeo MAC will also consider "future funding" for the resident deputy program - Audio of proceedings - Times article on Rodeo Police Protection - Letter to the Times' from Rodeo resident regarding resident deputy

Community Policing - What's the real story??

El Sobrante General Plan (zoning) to be changed along San Pablo Dam Rd. "business corridor" and Appian Way to make way for redevelopment and "smart growth" high density "affordable" housing; (hastily written) NOTES from 3/16/05 meeting with Patrick Roche of Contra Costa Community Development Dept. on General Plan change

Did you know that redevelopment plans can be incorporated into General Plans? This may happen when the updated El Sobrante General Plan is submitted - see County document given out at May 20, 2003 Project Area Committe (PAC) meeting

Sprawl GOOD - dense urban development BAD!! ChicagoSunTimes Dec. 27,05 article

Latest info on El Sobrante redevelopment meetings and $150+K money outlay for "facilitators" See NOTICE on this tightly controlled process called a "CHARETTE" - WARNING: "facilitator" and "experts" will be part of this!!!!!

"Smart growth"/redevelopment around the State

Interview with Susette Kelo of the infamous Supreme Court KELO eminent domain decision

Bush's view of the US Constitution!

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste - USE IT!!!!!!!!!

New Report Confirms Smart Growth Raises Housing Prices!!

America: A Land of Renters?? See latest article by Henry Lamb


Article on disintegration of Richmond in 12/4/03 W. Co. Times

Links to Shaping Our Future - Contra Costa County's land grab and regional government attempt

AHNOLD is a big 'smart growth' advocate!! See article from 11/16 Sunday Times


Senator Tom Torlakson COMMENTS on redevelopment at 8/18/03 El Cerrito City Council meeting

Del Norte Place AKA "pink palace" FOR SALE - commentary from local citizen

LETTER from former El Sobrante resident recently graduated in URBAN PLANNING!!

PAC member protests anti-redevelopment viewpoint in ES Chamber news bulletin

Project Area Meetings are cancelled indefinitely!!

Upcoming meetings will be "facilitated" community meetings - time, place UNKNOWN -SEPT. UPDATE: we have reports that small neighborhood meetings are being held - let us know if you have attended one or have any info!! LATEST INFO

Contra Costa Community Development Dept. websites with documents pertaining to the Downtown El Sobrante/Appian Corridor Redevelopment Plan

California Redevelopment Law - section on Project Area Committees

Reports from past Project Area Committee ("PAC") meetings and other public redevelopment meetings on the so-called Downtown/Appian Way El Sobrante Redevelopment Plan


See Grand Jury investigation of County Redevelopment Agency!! See report

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