Teacher Salary Reports for 2007-08
You can now find information
on 2007-08 teacher
salaries and benefit packages for most of the districts in the state on
the Ed-Data
website. Click on District Reports and select your district. You'll find data
on the low and high points for that district's salary schedule, district contributions
to teacher benefit plans, percent change in salary over the prior year, and
information on teacher credentials and experience.
Using Ed-Data's Compare
Districts tool, you can see which districts have the highest--or the lowest-salaries
in the state.
Please note that salary and benefit information comes from a report (J-90) that
districts are not required to file with the state. About 15% (covering about
2% of the state's ADA) do not file and therefore will have no data in the Teacher
Salary, Teacher Benefit, or Supplemental Salary tables.
Coming soon
The next addition to Ed-Data will be bond and parcel tax election results from
the November 2008 election. This spring, the California Department of Education
will release 2007-08 district financial reports, which will be posted on Ed-Data
as soon as possible.
The Ed-Data Partnership
The Education Data Partnership has created the Ed-Data website to offer educators,
policymakers, the Legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely
and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California. The Ed-Data Partnership
is a unique collaboration of the Alameda County Office of Education, the California
Department of Education, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance
Please send comments, questions, or suggestions to ed-data@cde.ca.gov.