* Establishing a P1 planning district enables El Sobrante to find tune development by establishing standards in consultation with El Sobrante MAC and El Sobrante P & Z; zoning district implements the general plan.

* PS planning district: public/semi-public e.g. Boy's Club, Fire station, creek behind Boy's Club need to have development standards through P-1 district

* Block 3 - 4400 - 4500 block Appian Way: proposed neighborhood center, civic buildings or any kind of civic use; not necessarily a government building

* Block 4 - skinny lots; propose multiuse (MU) zoning change and consolidate

* El Sobrante Christian school - no change to zoning; no special district in that block

*Town Hall meeting postponed to include additional traffic analysis (see 4/05 MAC minutes w/ Terrance Cheung's comments that County wanted to do their own study even though WCCTAC had done a study). Mr. Roche said this additional study would be done by Public Works Dept. within the redevelopment area (RA) because of comments from community regarding impacts of proposed changes. The 2003 EIR looked at traffic conditions in 2020 assuming the Downtown El Sobrante/Appian Corridor Redevelopment Plan (DESACRP) had passed and zoning changes to MU and roadways system - bypass couplet S. of San Pablo Dam Rd.: proposal is now to remove couplet which would result in retaining (?) because of citizen comments; traffic calming on 4 block sector between El Portal and Appian Way; impacts on intersections - how long will it take to navigate? how long are traffic queues? Is there much of a [traffic] diversion impact? No change at this point

* At this point "circulation element" keeps Appian Way (?) because current general plan calls for widening Appian Way to 4 lanes.

* Current general plan in force since 1991. * Level of land use impacts - certain Appian Way blocks which will be designated MU (mixed use).

* Staff proposal for block MU designations based on charrette input ( 7-12 units/acre)

* Existing apartment buildings along Appian Way will remain as is

*Blocks 1,2, and 3 next to creek now designated "open space"; means they have legal right to file for single family housing zoning

*Apts. Next to Capri club now designed multi family high density (MFHD) · Mixed Use designation PERMITS land owner to develop a mixed use development but doesn't require

* If General Plan recommendation passes Community Development will recommend a use district designation P-1 which will create a zoning district tailored for that block that enumerates specifically allowed uses

* Mr. Roche to provide copy of P1 zoning regs e.g. Bay Pt. And Rodeo ? development standards by which you can build e.g. lots area, building height, setback under scrutiny of MAC's - P1 districts protect creeks

* Charrette - they heard that El Sobrante wanted single family housing DISCOURAGED along Appian Way