They're Making Up Stuff...
"Khorasan" – the nonexistent "new enemy"
by Justin Raimondo, September 29, 2014
It’s hard to keep the American people engaged with foreign affairs: notoriously "isolationist," we just can’t stay interested in the various overseas "threats" our rulers would have us in a panic over. While Al Qaeda was Washington’s biggest "success" in this regard – the 9/11 attacks really got everyone’s attention and managed to keep Americans focused on the absolute necessity of gutting our Constitution and rampaging over half the earth – that was some thirteen year ago. The assassination of Osama bin Laden, and two drawn-out and absolutely disastrous wars – both ending in what looks dismayingly like defeat – have pretty much exhausted everyone’s patience. The "war on terrorism" launched by George W. Bush with such dramatic fanfare was in danger of petering out, ending not with a bang – or a victory – but without even any acknowledgment on the part of our wise rulers that it was a) over, and b) a horrific failure.
Yet the blowback from our obtusely wrongheaded policies continues to play havoc with the international landscape, destabilizing governments throughout the Middle East and putting Americans and American interests at risk around the globe. The political class is united in the belief that Washington has to Do Something – after all, our National Prestige is at stake!
Having deliberately and viciously destroyed the Iraqi state, we stood looking at our handiwork aghast – why, the whole country was in utter chaos! The Iranians were practically in charge, the Kurds were rebelling, and those bothersome Sunnis were up in arms again. What to do?
The Washington policy wonks and the Big Donors who pour millions into their thinktanks knew exactly what to do: start another war, this time in Syria. That way we could always cross the border into Iraq, as necessary – and kill two birds with one stone, while injuring the biggest bird of them all, Iran. We could knock off Bashar al-Assad – the last secular despot left standing in the region – and tame the Sunnis in preparation for the Big One, i.e. the assault on Tehran.
All was made ready: a propaganda campaign on behalf of the Syrian rebels was deployed. Cries of "He’s killing his own people!" were heard from our "humanitarian" liberals, and the Nicholas Kristoff Brigade, a crack division of America’s famous laptop bombardiers, was off and running. On the right, Bill Kristol’s Legion of Teddy Roosevelt Impersonators went into their all-too-familiar act, but it was the liberals and the "national security Democrats" who gave the campaign real heft. Kristol and his gang were already so discredited that anything they said in favor of bombing Syria would probably have a boomerang effect, and so it was left to the ready-for-Hillary crowd to do the heavy lifting – which, in the end, proved too much for them to handle.
The War Party thought they had it in the bag, but they forgot about one key factor: the American people, famously "isolationist," and sick unto death of endless overseas conflicts.
In spite of years of war propaganda, which portrayed the Syrian rebels as little Islamic angels and Assad as the Devil Himself, the American people weren’t swallowing it. Ignoring the conventional wisdom of the political class, which smugly informs us we don’t care about foreign policy, ordinary citizens overwhelmed congressional switchboards with a veritable tsunami of calls protesting yet another war to be launched in their name.
Another factor the War Party forgot about: the President of these here United States, who plainly didn’t want his final years in office to be dominated by yet another unwinnable war. No, they weren’t going to pass this hot potato off to the only black guy in the room: Obama, after a long walk in the Rose Garden with his chief advisor, suddenly announced he was throwing the steaming potato back – to Congress.
The highlight of this year so far was watching formerly bellicose members of Congress – Democratic hawks and fence-sitters alike, as well as Republican big mouths like Ted Cruz – back down, one by one, as the prospect of voting for another war loomed ever closer.
Oh well, let’s call the whole thing off … but not quite.
The Kristoff Brigade and their Kristolian allies on the right were rebuffed, but not defeated. They simply bided their time. After all, things were looking pretty ugly in Iraq, and it wasn’t long before they got ugly enough to spawn the creature known as ISIS – the Islamic State in al Sham [the Levant]. A few beheadings conveniently tweeted by the media-savvy jihadists, a flurry of panicked news reports predicting the imminent fall of Baghdad, a "humanitarian disaster" that in retrospect proved to be greatly exaggerated, and – voila! – another "crisis" erupted, which the War Party was quick to take advantage of.
Yet still the propaganda campaign failed to achieve the desired result. For while the panic level of the American public had risen considerably, it hadn’t risen enough to persuade them to send US troops back to the graveyard of George W. Bush’s dreams, the now largely nonexistent nation of Iraq. Nor did they want to see US troops in Syria – or anywhere else, for that matter. All those old poll numbers showing Americans want Washington to mind its own business internationally, which were supposedly non-operational, came roaring back, full-throated, saying "No boots on the ground!"
The problem, it seems, is that ISIS wasn’t scary enough. Oh sure, those beheadings were pretty awful, but they took place in Syria, after all, and you know how the average American is – if it isn’t occurring here, then it isn’t really happening at all, or, if it is, it hardly matters. Yes, those people in Flyover Country really are that provincial, my dear, but what can one do?
Well, one can scare them sufficiently so that they believe in the Imminent Threat – that is, an immediate threat to them personally.
And so it was back to the drawing board, and quickly – because timing is everything in these matters. You can’t get a good war hysteria going and then just let it run out of steam. Oh no. You have to keep beating those war drums harder and harder, no matter how many drumsticks you break in the process, until you get the desired result – the consent of the citizenry, however passive and ultimately fickle it may turn out to be.
They had to come up with something fast, and so – like their predecessors – they simply started to make up stuff. This was the modus operandi of the Bush crowd, and it worked for them, at least temporarily – how many people still believe Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks? And, yes, there are still conservative cargo-cultists who think Saddam’s "weapons of mass destruction" are somewhere out there, waiting to be found. I’m sure Laurie Mylroie still has her fan club, which used to include top Bush administration officials.
In short: lying works, and so administration officials simply invented a new enemy, one more fearsome – and, simultaneously, more familiar – to Americans than ISIS. They dubbed it "Khorasan," which, as far as anyone knows, is a former province of Iran, now divided into three separate provinces also named Khorasan. We are told their ostensible leader – whom we have just now supposedly killed in air strikes – was once head of "Al Qaeda in Iran," a shadowy group that has never pulled off a single action or engaged in any propagandistic activities, and for all we know never really existed at all. Those evil Iranian mullahs, the "experts" aver, have been sheltering a radical Sunni terrorist group – one that considers them heretics deserving of death – for their own malign purposes. No convincing evidence of this unlikely alliance is ever offered, however, and it seems about as credible as the Al Qaeda-Saddam Hussein connection Bush and his crew broadcast far and wide.
What’s so fearsome about "Khorasan"? Well, they couldn’t care less about establishing a Caliphate, because, you know, that’s so 632, and as for overthrowing Assad, the Khorasanians won’t stoop to conquer. No, nothing less than an attack on America, preferably using an airliner as a weapon of choice, will do. What they lack in originality they more than make up for when it comes to the all-important Imminence Factor. We are told the Khorasan Group – sounds like an investment bank, doesn’t it? – is planning an attack on an unnamed Western target and that they have assembled a cadre of Western fighters who could just hop on a plane and ignite themselves in midair.
And, oh yes, they have special clothing that ignites spontaneously and other tricks of the terrorism trade which no one has ever seen or heard of before.
No one had ever heard of a group named "Khorasan" before: it simply appeared spontaneously, like Minerva from the head of Zeus – or from the head of some war propagandist somewhere in the bowels of the Pentagon. We are told the very name of this mysterious group was "classified," at least according to the dubious Rep. Peter King (R-IRA), but as Glenn Greenwald points out here a great number of anonymous government officials were glad to drop this hot stuff into the eager hands of those court stenographers otherwise known as "mainstream journalists," who dutifully "reported" it as the gospel truth.
Greenwald goes on to write: "Even more remarkable, it turns out the very existence of an actual ‘Khorasan Group’ was to some degree an invention of the American government." My question is: to what degree isn’t "Khorasan" an invention of the American government? There is absolutely zero evidence that such a group has ever existed: no documents, no testimony, no public "intelligence" of any kind. Such descriptions of its history and character as we do have – the hurried and often contradictory explanations of anonymous US officials – all point to "Khorasan" as being a simple re-branding of an old enemy: Al Qaeda.
"Khorasan" is a marketing ploy, and the target is the American people. We’re used to hearing that the Al Qaeda bogeyman is under the bed, which is why we supposedly have to give the government carte blanche to spy on us and, while they’re at it, the whole world. This is the great problem Washington faces: it just isn’t having the same effect anymore. So a new brand name for terror had to be conjured, with new imagery – beheadings instead of falling buildings – to overwhelm our reason and let us forget the history of the past decade or so.
It took them a while, but the Obama administration has now taken on all the worst characteristics of the neocons during the Bush years. This "Khorasan" ploy is far less believable than even the most extravagant effusions of the Weekly Standard crowd during the neocons’ heyday: remember that Prague meeting between Mohammed Atta and Iraqi intelligence that never took place? Do you recall the Niger uranium forgeries – a series of obviously invented-out-of-whole-cloth "documents" that were cited by George W. Bush in a major wartime speech? And then there were those Iraqi drones, also cited by Bush, that were primed to rain hellfire down on America’s cities.
All lies – and all far more credible, at least at the time of their initial utterance, than this phony baloney "Khorasan" concoction.
As Halloween approaches – my Sunday paper had an advertising insert for the local hardware store featuring scary plastic witches and goblins for the yard – our war propagandists are running wild, stretching their imaginative abilities to the limit in order to frighten Americans into submission. My guess is they’re wasting their energy, because the American people are by this time so inured to this kind of thing that they view the whole spectacle as something of a circus, with the ringmasters in Washington running out of ways to bring in the paying crowds.
You can check out my Twitter feed by going here. But please note that my tweets are sometimes deliberately provocative, often made in jest, and largely consist of me thinking out loud.
I’ve written a couple of books, which you might want to peruse. Here is the link for buying the second edition of my 1993 book, Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, with an Introduction by Prof. George W. Carey, a Foreword by Patrick J. Buchanan, and critical essays by Scott Richert and David Gordon (ISI Books, 2008).
You can buy An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000), my biography of the great libertarian thinker, here.
Read more by Justin Raimondo
- China Is a Paper Tiger – September 30th, 2014
- How John McCain Wound Up Canoodling With Terrorists – September 25th, 2014
- A Murderous ‘Modernity’ – September 23rd, 2014
- Apocalypse Now – Or Apocalypse Later – September 21st, 2014
- Anarchy in Washington: Is Anybody in Charge? – September 18th, 2014
Johnny in Wi.
September 28th, 2014 at 9:28 pm
They are massive liars and war criminals. A lot of blood ahs been shed because of those lies. Will these people ever be held accountable?
Justin Rules
September 28th, 2014 at 9:32 pm
Another fabulous article from the incredible Raimondo. "Laptop bombardiers" – genius, pure genius.
September 28th, 2014 at 9:51 pm
Once again, khorasan is a province in Iran, close to Afghanistan, no Americans would have guessed it. They are in business to lie as professional liers do to fool more of the people. Beside what is created by USG as jihadists, ISIS barbarians there is no other that terrorists groups which even would like to compete with what USG created.
However, MeK, the Iranian terrorist orgonization do have bases in khorasan province holly city Mashhad, it could be a coded signal to MeK to start something, by provincd being close to Afghanistan and US army/cia still being operative there, there is a possibility that the name is a army/military/cia cod.
September 28th, 2014 at 10:02 pm
What else is the government going to do? It's not like it's in the business of solving America's problems, enforcing justice, creating opportunities. It's all about enriching the war mafia and toppling governments for the greater israel.
With the help of the zombie media the government can turn any lie into reality at least for as long as it takes the living media to catch them in their lies. How to make war happen in Syria against the expressed wishes of the American people? Lies and more lies. What else? At least they are sparing us the false flag operation in the US, for now. But what when it's time for the war against Iran and Russia?
September 28th, 2014 at 10:23 pm
It's almost October, so maybe the CIA will roll out a Michael Myers sighting for good measure.
Divad the Sagacious
September 28th, 2014 at 11:18 pm
The U.S., in saner moments, knows it can't beat Russia and China unless one of its psychos nukes both of them in a surprise attack.
Of course, an American attack will never be a surprise to the Russians and the Chinese and,while the Yanks are launching, the nukes will start flying and the U.S. will be 'a parking lot' to quote Joni Mitchell.
What a shame we allowed the Yanks to become so powerful. Their power has deranged them!
September 28th, 2014 at 11:35 pm
Another aspect: What do people of the world learn they need for official power? Lies, terror, manufactured realities, corruption! I hope somone with artistic abilities might construct a relevant tombstone for Obama et. al… Or "The Last supper" not with Christ, but with those devil types.
September 29th, 2014 at 12:04 am
In view of Obama's firestarting across the muslim sphere, how on earth can people follow it and not be completely disgusted by the pure evil of the whole enterprise?
Millions of refugees, 100s of thousands dead, childhoods and adulthoods lost to the terror and brutalities of war.. and yet we have literally thousands in washington that are planning every day for any ways to keep it going, and to destroy whatever remaining semblance of order exists in these countries.
There must be some collective mental disorder taking place in DC
Generalissimo X
September 29th, 2014 at 12:25 am
of course they've been making it all up…at least since the lusitania. and why pretend that you even care? what damn good has it done? the american morons have literally tons of bullsh*t piled on top of them and they just sit there and ask for more by doing nothing. it's not that they lie, but that the people let them get away with. words like cowardly, slavish, weak willed, and spineless come to mine when describing the typical american rube.
September 29th, 2014 at 1:06 am
why would Russia or China attack the US?
I do agree with your sentiments – though the problem is the US war machine and its intertwining with the media, culture and banks which is the real problem – I hope the American people can somehow pull the plug
September 29th, 2014 at 1:09 am
i tend to agree – I dont know many people who trusts govts BUT what can the ordinary person do about it? the only hopes imho are
1 – withdraw as much tax as you can from the system – on a personal level its possible
2 – vote for candidates that are anti-war
September 29th, 2014 at 4:14 am
With all do respect Justin, and I most certainly do respect you, in the first paragraph you mention the killing of Osama bin Laden. Seymour Hersch referred to the raid on OBL's compound as "one big lie, not one word of it is true". Also in the first paragraph you state " the 9/11 attacks really got everyone’s attention and managed to keep Americans focused on the absolute necessity of gutting our Constitution and rampaging over half the earth". However, the official story of 9/11 is so deeply problematic from every and any direction you wish to look at it. The official investigations such as the 9/11 Commission and the NIST report exhibited all the tell tale signs of a cover-up. The Anthrax attacks that immediately followed 9/11 are even more screaming obvious with the Powers That Be admitting that the germs came from the Military Industrial Complex, because that's who the dead patsy Bruce Ivan's, who can no longer defend himself because he's dead, …that's who he worked for, the MIC. The recent video tapes of these beheadings as so screaming obvious that they are phony with the victims NOT begging! pleading! screaming! kicking and generally freaking out! instead reading prepared speeches. They're as calm as a cucumber moments before they're heads are about to be sawed off, and then the executioner has a British accent. I mean really now? How obvious does it have to be?
Justin, if you wish to cure the disease, you must first diagnose the symptoms correctly.
September 29th, 2014 at 4:33 am
Fine article…Not really much left to say after the last decade or so…there are people who didn't just fall off the turnip truck and there are those who worship '' and accept the Washington Regime's war on reality either actively or passively…
This is one reason for Constitutional limits on the power of a central government and on the powers of the Executive…those smarting from their fall from the aforementioned truck have been used to ruin the Republic by its eternal enemies–the City, its Empire and the machinations of the Court Jews.
We need a Third Party. One that will keep it simple–Peace! Full Employment! End the FED and Usury! Parties are always shooting themselves in the foot..the Constitutional Party…the Libertarians… Perot's Reform…Just 'Keep It Simple' and Attack! Attack! Attack!
September 29th, 2014 at 4:44 am
If Justin did the obvious reporting– He'd be looking for a new profession–short order cook.
the chump
September 29th, 2014 at 4:46 am
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance.
September 29th, 2014 at 5:54 am
But don't you know that "Flyover Country" has been dealt with Justin? The beheading at an Oklahoma food plant by a disgruntled fired employee/ Jihadist should convince us that going postal can mean getting your head chopped off these days, not the usual workplace shooting we know so well. A beheading is so much worse than a bullet to the same head, isn't it? It means we should sign up to defend our Homeland.
I understand now why some in the media are so dismissive when "truthers" insist on armchair forensics and put out that something was a lame hoax. They are trying to mess with propaganda and talking points using a species of scientific rationality. As we know, rhetoric predates science by centuries and was the main form of authority in the Dark Ages. It's apples and oranges. And certain types of people are so much more comfortable with control through "abracadabra." Khorasan: from the looms of storybooks is not just a carpet anymore, it's a magic flying one.
September 29th, 2014 at 7:18 am
Ron Paul proved that it is much more productive to bum rush 1 of the pro-government parties rather than work through a 3rd party. We just need a presidential candidate of Ron Paul's caliber to revive the Love-o-lution.
September 29th, 2014 at 7:55 am
It's the structure of the system. Millions of us voted in 2008 for the candidate we thought was antiwar, the one that was marketed to us as such. The system lies, and what are our means of advance fact-checking? We have none. All we can do is either be in a permanent state of response, or reject the system in its totality.
September 29th, 2014 at 7:56 am
Voting anti-war worked out great with Obama.
Generalissimo X
September 29th, 2014 at 7:59 am
myself i've expatriated myself for reason #1. uncle sam can suck it. #2 is moot just because there are no antiwar candidates, and if there was the dolts of the world wouldn't vote for them.
and really, not directed at your person here, but when do people take to the streets and not leave? when do they storm the bastille and roll a few heads? why would anyone in gov't even consider telling the truth when they get literally get away with murder and mass death?? there is no incentive to do anything but what they've been doing. like any criminal who succeeds, they only become more emboldened. it will NEVER end until people rise up en masse and say "no more".
Generalissimo X
September 29th, 2014 at 8:01 am
see this is the other problem…people, well intended or not, giving credance to the lies rather than calling it for what it is. BULLSH*T and nothing but.
September 29th, 2014 at 8:02 am
The name – Khorasan – far from terrifying me, recalls low-rent TV hucksters peddling carpet. "That's right, folks. Gulistan broadloom at 11-ninety-five a square yard, and Khorasan at nine-ninety-five!
September 29th, 2014 at 8:05 am
The more I look and read about history, the more I see this lying has been going on for MUCH longer than I thought. The lies and propaganda that started WW I are just as egregious as the current lies and propaganda. The communications media today are much more sophisticated, so more people are getting wise to the deceits, which is a good sign.
September 29th, 2014 at 8:17 am
It is much, much worse than just "Khorasan".
The "enemy" has been revealingly redefined beyond even "terrorism".
David Cameron explicitly says the "enemy" now includes organizations and individuals that spread "hate", "lies", and "extremist" ideology — regardless even whether they advocate violence or not.
Obama says the "enemy" includes any who threaten the "interests" of the US or the interests of US "partners" (like Saudi Arabia, Kiev, Bahrain, or Israel).
The Pentagon says the "enemy" (adversaries) are any who threaten or potentially could threaten US global full-spectrum military dominance
So, it's a war against "extremism" to protect US and allied "interests" against "threats" and achieve "full-spectrum global dominance". Every word conveniently self-defined by the US.
Unfortunately, neither he nor Obama consider their own self-serving exceptionalist interpretations about criminal actions, invasion of other nations, support for despots, global militarism, bombing, droning, and assassinations, self-defined "threats" and global "interests"
as being extremist, hateful, or based on any lies.
Unfortunate in that they will not see the "enemy" in the mirror.…
September 29th, 2014 at 8:17 am
The Media would never allow anyone like Ron Paul to get elected. He would be trashed just like Patrick Buchanan was. It's the power of the mass media that must be overcome. We must sow distrust of MSN, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX, PBS, BBC–virtually all mainstream media outlets. We must write in and expose their lies in any and every forum we can.
September 29th, 2014 at 8:39 am
bozhidar balkas
September 29th, 2014 at 8:57 am
bears repeating: in order to be able to manufacture wars; set wages/work hour, write/interpret laws the governing class must first of all manufacture false knowledge and/or false/wrong politics.
false, bad wrong politics do not exist under god or nature.
but even for governing class to arise, a well organized, but very small group of people, must first off, render most of the people ignorant, fearful, insecure, angry, hateful, etc.
so, that's how the first ever ruling class had arisen in ancient egypt and sumer.
US ruling class learned it from UK; UK, from france; franc from rome; rome from greece; greece from persia; russia from it…
and ever since hell descended upon us! [save among indigenes]
September 29th, 2014 at 9:26 am
one of the ways to have been able to hold iraq and syria together and in much better conditions than they are in now was the baathist way or assad's and saddam's way [oppression, jailings, torture, killings].
syria and iraq are now held together by warfare. this could last decades longer.
obviously, arab 'nobility' fears and abhors secular governments; thus did support and would keep on supporting islamic violence in lands which are not ruled by emirs, kings, princes, and princesses.
US/EU and israel are happy to help them destroy secular governments!
hey, it is islamic to behead people. it is christo-mosheic to shred, cut to pieces, decapitate, bury dead/alive under concrete people– and even children.
nor reports of IS killing children? or women?
September 29th, 2014 at 9:44 am
More wise people on the margins perhaps, but fewer close to the reins of power. And the unwashed masses? Well, some things never change: as Justin (and Machiavelli) said, lying works.
September 29th, 2014 at 10:07 am
Yes, how many times can a country lose the same war?
September 29th, 2014 at 10:33 am
I think Divad was implying that after the First Strike by a psycho government in the US, the response would be inevitable, from those who would never have attacked us. That's been the fear ever since atomic weapons, and it hasn't been that long that many countries have acquired them (almost always by stealth, but one certainly by connivance but continuing to evade admitting it has them). The "Nuclear Club" has grown apace, and it's only been, what about 70 years? The human race has a long hard road ahead, and the contamination by nuclear power plants alone is bad enough. The sword isn't bending into a nice neat ploughshare any time soon.
Obama Invented Fake ‘Threat’ to Launch War on Syria | gold is money
September 29th, 2014 at 1:30 pm
[…] abundantly clear, thanks especially to excellent reporting and analysis by Glenn Greenwald and Justin Raimondo, that the “Khorasan Group” threat used as the pretext for the US bombing of Syria was […]
September 29th, 2014 at 1:59 pm
The psychopaths in the US that rule over us serfs are a reflection of the people that vote and keep voting to keep them in power.
September 29th, 2014 at 3:06 pm
Your MeK remarks are quite intriguing.
September 29th, 2014 at 4:05 pm
Here in the U.S., the "memory hole" is self imposed. The average American infotainment consumer would make the proles in Airstrip I look virtually Socratic by comparison.
It is well known that Bin Laden died on or around December 13, 2001, in the general vicinity of Tora Bora, and most likely due to Marfan's Syndrome and or kidney failure. Reports of his death were even broadcast by major media outlets such as CBS and Fox News, and widely reported in the Pakistani press.
Unfortunately, we are largely a nation of lobotomized couch potatoes whose event horizon and historical memory would appear to extend no further than to the last Super Bowl, Dancing With The Stars Finale, or MTV awards show.
Obama Invented Fake ‘Threat’ to Launch War on Syria | Eco Explained
September 29th, 2014 at 4:15 pm
[…] abundantly clear, thanks especially to excellent reporting and analysis by Glenn Greenwald and Justin Raimondo, that the “Khorasan Group” threat used as the pretext for the US bombing of Syria was […]
September 29th, 2014 at 4:16 pm
"…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corruptible in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily had, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they are readily fall victims to the big lie than to the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters, but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehood. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."
Hitler, Adolf (2014-01-27). Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (Kindle Locations 5187-5192). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.
What is lesser know is that, in referring to the "Big Lie" strategy, Hitler was not proposing it as a strategy for his own movement, but pointing to it as a way that the masses are duped by the malignant powers that be.
And in the case of the U.S.A. of 2014, the "Big Lie" works better than ever!
September 29th, 2014 at 4:55 pm
Like Adolf H., Bush was appointed. Once his crew got their hands on the levers the game was up….. They are out to conquer the world…… and do it on our time and our dime too. A lot is riding on a successful outcum….. If honest persons ever got control (again?) and looked into these post nine 11 years there would be an elite takedown….. So do what you can to survive the madness….. Do what you can to sabotage the source of all the lies, especially ……. the funny paper that buys all the deceit, fraud and manufactured strife…. It's only a matter of time before their whole game implodes into a feckless chaos….. After a time it just doesn't sell……
September 29th, 2014 at 7:08 pm
I don't know about that. They're probably a reflection of the 1% but not the rest.
Minnesota Mary
September 29th, 2014 at 7:52 pm
Yep, it's just like in the movie, "Wag the Dog."
Today’s Picks: Sept 29 | Reformed Libertarian
September 29th, 2014 at 7:58 pm
[…] Greenwald, Justin Raimondo, and Daniel McAdams all talk about the invasion of Syria, which apparently is the deeper reason […]
“Reporter” Who Broke Propaganda Piece “Justifying” Bombing Syria Clears His Stories with CIA Before Publishing | State of Globe
September 30th, 2014 at 1:49 am
[…] Greenwald, Murtaza Hussain and Justin Raimondo have written must-read stories proving that we were […]
They’re Making Up Stuff | Freddy On The Firing Line
September 30th, 2014 at 5:55 am
[…] See more at […]
“Reporter” Who Broke Propaganda Piece “Justifying” Bombing Syria Clears His Stories with CIA Before Publishing | Freddy On The Firing Line
September 30th, 2014 at 6:23 am
[…] Greenwald, Murtaza Hussain and Justin Raimondo have written must-read stories proving that we were […]
“Reporter” Who Broke Propaganda Piece “Justifying” Bombing Syria Clears His Stories with CIA Before Publishing
September 30th, 2014 at 6:25 am
[…] Greenwald, Murtaza Hussain and Justin Raimondo have written must-read stories proving that we were […]
September 30th, 2014 at 8:07 am
What has Ron really achieved…in the last eight years? The FED remains unaudited. The Republicans are still electing the FED's helots and he screwed over any serious candidates outside the two dominant hod carriers for the Oligarchy by running as a Republican and then returning to his safe Texas sinecure. I can go to for the news as well as other places…I don't need Ron telling me that the sun comes up in the morning.
Ron is just the pet ape of the National Republican Party…they let him play around because he is, in fact, harmless. And, when he does seem to catch fire…they quickly douse the flames with fraud, lies and abuse…which he meekly carries around–and promotes by putting forward creatures like Jesse Benton. And, his son?–now there is a real piss ant.
“Reporter” Who Broke Propaganda Piece “Justifying” Bombing Syria Clears His Stories with CIA Before Publishing Washington’s Blog « The Progressive Mind
September 30th, 2014 at 9:10 am
[…] Greenwald, Murtaza Hussain and Justin Raimondo have written must-read stories proving that we were […]
“Reporter” Who Broke Propaganda Piece “Justifying” Bombing Syria Clears His Stories with CIA Before Publishing | Question It All
September 30th, 2014 at 11:58 am
[…] Greenwald, Murtaza Hussain and Justin Raimondo have written must-read stories proving that we were […]
They’re Making Up Stuff by Justin Raimondo — | In Saner Thought
September 30th, 2014 at 12:06 pm
[…] They’re Making Up Stuff by Justin Raimondo — […]
September 30th, 2014 at 2:04 pm
Does anyone else read Khorasan and think Coruscant?
They are engaging in war profiteering, trying to control the fire, and possibly setting the stage for the Harlot to ride in on the beast and go to war against Iran in 2017.
“Reporter” Who Broke Propaganda Piece “Justifying” Bombing Syria Clears His Stories with CIA Before Publishing | gold is money
September 30th, 2014 at 4:31 pm
[…] Greenwald, Murtaza Hussain and Justin Raimondo have written must-read stories proving that we were […]
September 30th, 2014 at 7:40 pm
CNN's chief medical correspondent. Dr Sanjay Gupta said in January 2002 the following:
GUPTA: You can look [at pictures from a December 2001 video] and notice that he has what some doctors refer to as sort of a frosting over of his features — his sort of grayness of beard, his paleness of skin, very gaunt sort of features. A lot of times people associate this with chronic illness. Doctors can certainly look at that and determine some clinical features.
But even more than that, it's sometimes possible to differentiate the specific type of disease or illness that he may be suffering from. The sort of frosting of the appearance is something that people a lot of times associate with chronic kidney failure, renal failure, certainly someone who is requiring dialysis would have that.
He's also not moving his arms. I looked at this tape all the way through its entire length. He never moved his left arm at all. The reason that might be important is because people who have had a stroke — and certainly people are at increased risk of stroke if they also have kidney failure — he may have had a stroke and therefore is not moving his left side. And in the rest of the videotape, he does move his right side a little bit more than he does his left. So those are some of the things that are sort of "of note" here in this more recent videotape.
The problem is Gupta is referring to only one of several videotapes released around the same period (December 2001)….the well know tape where he is sipping tea talking about how he expected the "iron" of the building to melt but not for the whole building to collapse, yadda yadda……….in that tape he looks entirely a different person than the other tape that Gupta is referring to.
Using a Fake Threat To Justify Aggression | Michigan Standard
October 1st, 2014 at 12:01 am
[…] clear, thanks especially to excellent reporting and analysis by Glenn Greenwald and Justin Raimondo, that the “Khorasan Group” threat used as the pretext for the US bombing of Syria was […]
“Reporter” Who Broke Propaganda Piece “Justifying” Bombing Syria Clears His Stories with CIA Before Publishing - Geoff Moyle News
October 1st, 2014 at 3:06 am
[…] Greenwald, Murtaza Hussain and Justin Raimondo have written must-read stories proving that we were […]
Obama Invented Fake ‘Threat’ to Launch War on Syria | Uprootedpalestinians's Blog
October 1st, 2014 at 7:23 pm
[…] abundantly clear, thanks especially to excellent reporting and analysis by Glenn Greenwald and Justin Raimondo, that the “Khorasan Group” threat used as the pretext for the US bombing of Syria was totally […]