The developers who are behind the Orinda Downtown Plan say there needs to be a transit village with hundreds of new condos to give Orinda a nice downtown.

Look at what has happened in other Bay Area places that have tried to put in transit villages. Usually condos on top of "retail space" -- which ends up being mostly vacant storefronts for lease, with perhaps a nail salon or day spa. No locally-owned shops like hardware stores or other places intended to serve the residents, the kind of retail that truly makes a small town's downtown.

These places are virtually deserted and have no community feel. It is unlikely you will go there and run into your friends and neighbors like you do in downtown Orinda. Meanwhile, the developers have made their money and are long gone, off to their next place to convince townsfolk their downtown needs to be bulldozed and replaced with yet another housing-over-retail "revitalization."

"The Mercer", Walnut Creek, two blocks from BART. Note the "downtown vibrancy" of the nail spa and two "for lease" storefronts.


Where's the "vibrancy"???? Condos over retail in the middle of downtown Napa. Note again the vacant, "for lease" storefronts and the absence of people.


Deserted Hercules Transit Village - another "mixed use" disaster


The following towns have no smart growth and 'vibrant' shopping areas:

Mill Valley



Mill Valley!

and even...
