Meeting called to order at 7PM; present were Ruby Molinari, Hope Scott, Wendy
Goslinger, Erica Peng, Tom Mason, Marilynne Mellander and alt. Charles Marino
Pledge recitation followed. December meeting minutes passed as written, MSA.
Treasurer's Report: Hope Scott reported no expenditures this month - balance remains at $451.95. Marilynne Mellander called for annual audit as specified in Bylaws sec. 4.3. Chairman Molinari replied that this would be prepared for February meeting.
Consent calendar: Items 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, and 10.1 and 10.6 pulled.
Terrance Cheung: No report this month.
Public Comment: Rick Gulledge gave letter dated 2/9/05 to Chairman Molinari asking that it be in next month's agenda. Marilynne Mellander suggested El Sobrante residents stay informed on the El Sobrante redevelopment plan and pointed out upcoming proposed change to El Sobrante general plan. Eleanor Loynd asked for LTE in support of George Schmidt's appointment to LAFCO. Chairman Molinari suggested we have a speaker on the proposed casino expansion at a subsequent meeting. Gene Harvey suggested we write letters regarding gas sales tax to be used for transportation only. Mike Martell, local business owner requested MAC take a critical look at the "land use plan".
Lt. Gordon, CC Sheriff's Dept.: He didn't have this month's crime report. He reported recent shooting may be gang related; crime level is about the same with a slight increase in property crimes. He fielded questions from MAC members and the public. He and Mark Dobbs then presented Power Point 2004 overview program. Mark Dobbs then answered questions from MAC members and the public regarding the neighborhood watch program and local crime problems, and also offered to act as a go between for illegal dumping.
Standing committee reports to be heard after consent calendar items.
Consent Calendar
9.1, 9.2 - Reva Clark reported large vehicles blocking driveways on Appian
way and gave out letter on this problem. Lt. Gordon said this was an enforceable
ordinance but not high priority.
Forest Green Developer: Larry Jennings stated this was not about the Forest Green (FG) project(?) and that Eleanor Loynd called Mr. Santura (?) and suggested County solutions to gain access and create new road to Forest Green and BHAD studies being done at present to ascertain if unincorporated areas could be incorporated into FG project. He proposed to donate a house on property for a "community center" plus $200K. Ownership, R-9, and community center questions followed. A member of public asked about creek re-channeling. Molinari and Loynd stated they had been discussing the matter and an EIR was in process. Eleanor Loynd stated she made proposal as a way to take traffic off of Wesley Way and Ruby Molinari stated there had to be another meeting on this issue. Terrance Cheung stated there was no county R-9 fund to maintain a community center and Mr. Jennings said that was the reason he had been asked to come and speak. SPAWNERS rep asked for criteria for taking the building. Marilynne Mellander made motion to reject house donation. Motion rejected. Many members of public at meeting objected to the project. Charles Marino suggested public contact P & Z for more info. Eleanor Loynd said Mr. Jennings would come back again (?).
Standing Committee Reports
8.1 - Terrance Cheung reported that Sup. Gioia will hold community meeting on 3/18 at Tina's Creek Café. He reported Sup. Gioia continues to oppose urban gaming along with Canciamilla and Hancock. He reported on Appian Way pothole and gave out info on illegal dumping.
8.2 - EBMUD - Katy Foulkes reported that illegal dumping in remote watershed areas was being looked at but access was a problem. Gene Harvey asked about SP dam; Ms. Foulkes stated reservoir to be kept 2/3 full until repair problem resolved. Terrance Cheung stated DA Kochly is now being proactive regarding dumping and SPAWNERS rep stated 10 dumpsters/yr for entire unincorporated area.
8.3 - P & Z - Eleanor Loynd distributed diagrams of Oaks and Forest Green project and answered questions from Wendi Goslinger and Erica Peng.
8.4 - Traffic/Transportation - Bruce King gave report on nexus study on fee structure from WCCTAC meeting. STEMP (?) fees could be used for funding Downtown El Sobrante/Appian Way redevelopment project and DESACRP "2nd or 3rd in line".
8.5 - ES Chamber of Commerce - Tom Mason reported on the Chamber dinner and mixer and discussions to move stroll back to Dam Rd; he announced a 3/17 meeting at Bianco's for Earth Day celebration and that the Boy's Club had sold the Amend Rd. property to Tara Hills Alliance Church.
8.6 - Grants - nothing to report from Charles Marino.
8.7 - Sheriff's Dept. - Ruby Molinari talked to Mark Dobbs and he is working on getting annex volunteers.
8.8 - Fire Dist. - Don Delcollo not present. Marilynne Mellander expressed concerns about Don Delcollo being the head of this committee.
8.9 - R-9 - Hope Scott reported they are working on the reading garden. Wendy Goslinger gave an update on this project.
8.10 - WCAPWG - Ruby Molinari gave a report on recent meeting; Liquor Barns have banned selling small liquor bottles to homeless persons.
8.11 - Library - No rep at this time. Erica Peng reported that Friends building will be reopened and Barbara Pendergrass volunteered to be the Library rep. Mr. Corl expressed concerns that no scientific books are available at Friends' library sales.
8.12 - MAC Outreach - Ruby Molinari asked for a volunteer to work on table for I Love El Sobrante Function. Tom Mason and Wendi Goslinger volunteered.
8.13 - ES Cleanup - Tom Owens, Barbara Pendergrass and Ruby Molinari volunteered to work on this.
Old Business
11.1 - Bylaw Meeting - Ruby Molinari asked when the next meeting could be
held and no consensus could be reached. Marilynne Mellander expressed concern
that past meeting minutes were not available for all meetings held; Ruby Molinari
stated she had this information.
11.2 - MAC History - Reva Clark, Hope Scott and Ruby Molinari to work on this.
11.3 - Elect MAC Secretary - Ruby Molinari and Terrance Cheung stated Marilynne Mellander couldn't nominate herself. Tom Mason stated he had nominated Marilynne Mellander so this position now considered filled.
Public Comment
Erica Peng reiterated her email regarding setting priorities for MAC work.
Ruby Molinari suggested we each write our own plan for El Sobrante. Wendy
Goslinger asked for a 10 minute speaker from the school board. Ruby Molinari
will email us regarding next month's program.
Meeting adjourned at 9:33PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynne L. Mellander
Secy., ESMAC